Monday, April 21, 2008

Review | Open | Peer | Review


I have been invited to write a review of Open Peer Review initiatives[]

While I have written about various novel publication initiatives over the past several years, e.g.,

*E is for Everything: The Extra-Ordinary, Evolutionary [E-]Journal,* The Serials Librarian 41, nos. 3-4 (2002):293-321. Self-archived at

[] (accessed 21 April 2008).


and created blogs and prepared presentations devoted to Alternative Peer Review and "Scholarship 2.0" with profiles of a variety of efforts and publications that have focused on "traditional" Open Peer Review and other forms of "Disruptive Scholarship"




[] [Large File]

I wish to take a wider view of Open Review by Peers that includes current efforts, notably initiatives in which 'peers' assess the value and/or importance of an article/manuscript before and/or after 'formal' 'publication.'

I am particularly interested in projects such as

Economics: A Public Peer Reviewed e-Journal

Nature Network

PoLS One

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