Tuesday, January 3, 2012

1st International Conference of Greek-Albanian/Albanian-Greek Studies, 24-25 March 2012, Tirana, Albania‏

1st International Conference of Greek-Albanian/Albanian-Greek Studies, 24-25 March 2012, Tirana, Albania

We are pleased to renew our call for papers announcing that the 1st International Conference of Greek-Albanian Studies will be held in Tirana, Albania, in 24-25 March 2012.
There is a vast bibliography on Greek-Albanian/Albanian-Greek Studies, several meetings have been held up to day, yet not a comprehensive event has been organized. This Conference aims to make a recapitulation of the studies made so far, and to trace the main trends in the field research.
Conference Topics. All topics relevant to Greek-Albanian/Albanian-Greek Studies, especially new and innovative areas of research are welcome.
The organizers seek contributions in the form of papers and panels that will continue to examine the interaction between Greek and Albanian culture, folklore, language, and literature. Aspects of Greek-Albanian and Albanian-Greek translation can be presented. Special sections / panels will be dedicated to the literature of the Ethnic Greek Minority in Albania and to the Albanian Immigrants in Greece.
The conference will be organized by the Albanian-Greek Association of Philology in co-operation with the Department of Slavic and Balkan Languages (Sector of Greek Language), School of Foreign Languages, University of Tirana.
Keynote speakers from Europe and USA will address the conference at keynote and plenary sessions. We mention among them Brian D. Joseph, Francesco Altimari, Bardhyl Demiraj, while other distinguished professors are due to confirm their presence.
The call for papers and organized panel proposals is already open up to 30 December 2011 (We cannot accept abstracts after December 30th, 2011).
Announcement about acceptance: before January 31st, 2012.
Submission of full text papers - before February 29th, 2012 (this will impact the sooner publishing of the proceedings).
Abstracts and papers must be sent to the following e-mail addresses:
aristotlespiro@gmail.com, albanian_greek@yahoo.com, kyrdoris@lit.auth.gr
Participation fee: 30 euros (coffees, refreshments, snacks, and proceedings expenses included).
The participants must care for their travel and stay expenses. Anyway, economic hotels and restaurants can be find and anywhere in Tirana. The organizers can make every possible effort to ensure reduced prices for the participants. Feel free to contact us in the above mentioned addresses.
One or two dinners are foreseen for the participants. The detailed program will be announced before February 29th, 2012.
Please forward this message to your colleagues and friends! We look forward to seeing you in Tirana in 24-25 March 2012!
Since its inception in 1997 in Elbasan, Albania, the Albanian-Greek Association of Philology has played an important role in the creation of a global discussion on the Albanian-Greek Studies. Its journal Albanohellenica has become a major international tribune where scholars of the relevant fields publish their research, views and insights.
Looking forward to hearing and seeing you.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kind regards,
The Organizing Committee of the 1st International Conference of the Albanian-Greek / Greek –Albanian Studies

Aristotle Spiro, PhD
Sector of Greek Language
Department of Slavic and Balkan Languages
School of Foreign Languages
University of Tirana

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