Sunday, June 8, 2008

WriteColor(sm): MultiColoring for HighLighting/Rating Text


The Time Has Come To Open Our Eyes And Realize That The World Is A Carousel of Color


Here-WithIn-I-Offer-A-Proposal-That-I-Believe-ALL-Will-Recognize-As-The-Next-Logical-Step-In-How-We-Write-Read-Assess-Interpret-Text: The World-Is-No-Longer-Black-Or-White.

I Propose That All Give Serious Consideration To Writing-In-Color(s) , With Each Color Representing A Respective Level of Significance Within A Text.

The Visible Spectrum Would Be The Basis For The Relative Levels Of Significance Of Given Text WHERE

  • Text of Least Importance Would Be Highlighted In RED;
  • Text of Intermediate Importance Highlighted In GREEN;
  • Text of Greatest Importance Highlighted in VIOLET, and
  • Text of In-Between Importance Highlighted in Appropriate Colors: ORANGE, BLUE, INDIGO
Initially, TEXT would be COLORED at the PARAGRAPH LEVEL By The Author(s).

Adjoining OR Disjunct Sections of Text Could Have The SAME COLOR.

Upon Publication, The Reader Would Have The Ability To ReCOLOR The TEXT To
Reflect His/Her View On The Relative Significant Of Text In His/Her Opinion And/Or Relative To A Particular Purpose.

I also envision a feature by which
The Reader would be able to colorlight individual terms and/or phrases.

Readers would also have the ability to assess the value of The Overall TEXT by LABELING THE TEXT with One Color (Color Digg).


The Higher The Color, The More Significant The Text.

Any AND All Reactions To This Proposal Are Strongly Encouraged By Posting A Comment On This Entry.

BTW: Don't Even Think of Patenting This Idea - My Lawyers Are Bigger Than Yours [:-)


WriteColor(sm): Where Color is Primary(sm)

Purple Rules(sm)

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