Sunday, August 31, 2008

NeoNote: User Centered Design Suggestions for a Global Shared Scholarly Annotation System

NeoNote: User Centered Design Suggestions for a Global Shared Scholarly Annotation System (Abstract)

Brad Hemminger, UNC/CH School of Information and Library Science

Information Seeking Support Systems Workshop / An Invitational Workshop Sponsored by the National Science Foundation / June 26-27 2008 / Chapel Hill, NC USA


Significant changes are occurring to scholarly communications due to technological innovations, primarily the advent of computers and the internet. Compared to thirty years ago, scholars use computers both to do their work and write their papers. They publish in journals still, but the articles are available and accessed more in digital format than in print format. Scholars increasing share their work with others by putting their work on their websites, in institutional repositories, or emailing to others. They use collaborative tools for writing papers, or creating shared content on wikis. Scholars are beginning to compile large digital collections of research papers instead of print collections. They are beginning to annotate these papers electronically, and to share these annotations. They save citation information digitally in citation managers and automatically incorporate this information when writing their papers. They start their searches more often with search engines that traditional library catalog resources, andthey spend most of their time searching for and looking for information in web browsers.

There has been a proliferation of tools developed to help support scholars in performing this myriad of activities, but in most all cases, the tools are designed for only a specific task or environment. As a result, scholars are forced to utilize many different incompatible tools to perform their scholarly work and communication. This paper looks at the problem from the scholar’s perspective and proposes a user interface well suited to scholarly work practices. It also proposes a paradigm for how scholarly annotations could be captured, stored, searched and re‐used on both a global scale, and at the level of an individual research laboratory or group. It is our hope that the paradigms proposed in this paper will provoke discussions in the digital library community about shared global designs for digital library content, including annotations.

As part of a user centered design process to develop a global shared annotation system, information from surveys [Hemminger ASIST 2007], our interviews with scientists at UNC, and feedback from users of scholarly annotation tools were analyzed to generate a list of features scholarly researchers required. Currently, there are no systems designed to provide a single comprehensive system to address all user’s needs. There are, however, many individual applications that provide excellent support for one or more features needed by the scholarly researcher. This paper describes the desired features of a single comprehensive system, gives examples of current tools that support these features, and then describes the architecture of our resulting design.



NeoNote: A User Interface for "Memex" (Duration 8:11)



NeoNote: Suggestions for a Global Shared Scholarly Annotation System / Bradley Hemminger, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill / D-Lib Magazine / May/June 2009 / Volume 15 Number 5/6 / doi:10.1045 /may2009-hemminger


Friday, August 29, 2008

Mememoir: The Radical Scientific Wiki Engine

Scientific Wiki Solves The 'Who Wrote What' Problem

Next Generation Wiki [Engine] Links Every Word To Its Author

Reporting in Nature Genetics, scientist Robert Hoffmann develops the first Wiki where authorship really matters. Based on a powerful authorship tracking technology, this next generation wiki links every word to its corresponding author. This way readers can always know their sources and authors receive due credit.

The history of a collaborative wiki article can become extremely complex within a few editing cycles. Someone creates a paragraph; someone else deletes a sentence, inserts a word here and there, and so forth. - "How could the reader of such an article know who wrote what," asks Dr. Robert Hoffmann, Society in Science fellow and visiting scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT.

In first generation wikis, this information could theoretically be found in the archives, but in practice, it is impossible for a reader to reconstruct the authorship of specific texts from hundreds of previous versions. This has been the root cause of a lasting suspicion against wikis in academia and the business world, since the uncertainty as to the source of a single word can decrease the value of a collaborative text in its entirety.

Apart from being an important guidance to the reader, authorship is often key to a successful academic and professional career. Authorship provides an important basis to establish priority of ideas and discoveries and to build a reputation among peers. "It is only fair to duly acknowledge authors, who invest time and knowledge in their contributions," Hoffmann says in his article.

Clear authorship attribution in this next generation wiki makes it also possible that users can rate each other based on their contributions. For the first time, collaborative publishing can therefore be enhanced with the advantages of a reputation system. Hoffmann describes how a self-regulating reputation system can help to settle editing conflicts, which were an important problem in first generation wikis and used to depend on slow and refutable top-down decisions.

The scientific wiki project, introduced in the September issue of Nature Genetics and released online today, is the first of its kind and a milestone in the Mememoir project. "This release is an important proof of principle, but our ambitious aim with the Mememoir project is to revolutionize publishing in all of science," says Dr. Hoffmann, "with a knowledge base that is open access, interdisciplinary and combines the altruistic possibilities of wikis with explicit authorship."

The first scientific wiki system of the Mememoir project has been released online today at WikiGenes.

Source []

Robert Hoffman /A Wiki for the Life Sciences Where Authorship Matters / Nature Genetics / volume 40 / number 9 / 1047 - 1051 /September 2008 / Published online 27 August 2008 / doi:10.1038/ng.f.217

Sample Text



WikiGenes is a collaborative knowledge resource for the life sciences, which is based on the general wiki idea but employs specifically developed technology to serve as a rigorous scientific tool. The rationale behind WikiGenes is to provide a platform for the scientific community to collect, communicate and evaluate knowledge about genes, chemicals, diseases and other biomedical concepts in a bottom-up process.


In WikiGenes, authorship tracking technology is used to link every contribution unambiguously to its author, creating the first hybrid of traditional, scientific and collaborative, dynamic publishing ... . This technical innovation in WikiGenes also supports the other central function of authorship as guidance for the reader. Authorship is essential to appraise origin, authority and reliability of information. This is especially important in the wiki model, with its dynamic content and large number of authors.


How could the reader of such an article know who wrote what? In first generation wikis, this information can theoretically be found in the archives and attempts have been made to establish reliability measures, but in practice, it is impossible for a user to reconstruct the authorship of specific text passages from hundreds of previous versions.

The uncertainty as to the source of specific texts is therefore an important problem in dynamic publications and decreases the value of articles in their entirety. In WikiGenes, on the contrary, new contributions are identified with every editing step and attributed to their authors. Thus readers can always know the corresponding author of any part of a WikiGenes article.


Future prospects

The technological innovation in WikiGenes is central to the attempt to turn the wiki model into a rigorous scientific tool. To this aim it is also important to provide a framework that supports the contribution of novel and original research. Clear authorship attribution facilitates this essentially, but the integrative and harmonizing forces in dynamic publications tend to work against original and novel views. In WikiGenes, authors are therefore provided with the option to create protected articles with a limited number of selected co-authors. These articles cannot be edited by others, but they can still be linked to the encyclopedic core and discussed and rated by everyone. This way, it would be possible in the near future to publish original research and establish priority of discoveries and theories.


[] (Subscriber Access)

[] (Subscriber Access)



WikiGenes Introduction & Tutorial


Sample 'Author' Contribution Page


Sample 'Author' Contribution


See Also


Thanks / Bernie Sloan / Sora Associates / Bloomington, Indiana / For The HeadsUp

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lowering the Interactive Cost Of Tagging Systems: and Click2Tag: and Click2Tags: Lowering the Interactive Cost Of Tagging Systems

Tagging systems such as and Diigo have become important ways for users to organize information gathered from the Web. However, despite their popularity among early adopters, tagging still incurs a relatively high interaction cost for the general users.

To understand the costs of tagging, for each of these systems, we performed a GOMS-like analysis of the interface and identified the overall number of steps involved in tagging. We count these steps to get a gross measure of the tagging costs ... [snip]


We introduce a new tagging system called, which uses an intuitive Click2Tag technique to provide in situ, low cost tagging of web content. In, we bring the tagging capability into the same browser window displaying the web page being read. When a user loads a web page in his browser, we augment the HTML page with AJAX code to make the paragraphs of the web pages as well as the words of the paragraphs live and clickable.

As users read a paragraph, they can simply click on any words in the paragraph to tag it. also lets users highlight text snippets and automatically collects tagged or highlighted paragraphs into a system-created notebook, which can be later browsed and searched. We're currently conducting an internal PARC beta-testing of this tool, and hope to release it for public use in the near future.


Augmented Social Cognition / Augmented Social Cognition Research Group at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).


Lichan Hong, Ed H. Chi, Raluca Budiu, Peter Pirolli, and Les Nelson. Low Cost Tagging System for Foraging of Web Content. In Proceedings of the Advanced Visual Interface (AVI2008), pp. 65--72. ACM Press, 2008.




PARC Forum Webcast

Enhancing the Social Web Through Augmented Social Cognition Research / Ed Chi /PARC Augmented Social Cognition Group

May 1 2008 / 4:00 p.m. / George E. Pake Auditorium / Palo Alto, CA ,USA


New Age Tagging = SharedTags(sm) | TagFont(sm) | TagSort(sm)


.... Tag Queries for a Thursday Early Afternoon ....

I. Are there implementions/technologies that can display the degree of association / co-occurence of Tags within a corpus (and enable one to navigate in one way or another (e.g., tag cloud and/or other visualization))?

II. Are there implementations/technologies that allow one to designate the relevative importance of a tag for a section and/or corpus of text? Major / Minor Importance Would Be A Good Beginning (e.g. Bold vs. Non-Bold)

BTW: Certainly The Ability To Indicate Relative Importance by Font Size / Style Would Be More Interesting [:-)

[And Lets Not Forget About Color []]

III. Are there implementations/technologies that allow one to sort sub-document tagged text by select criteria? For example: Have the ability (re)sort tagged text sections (e.g. paragraphs) such that the most relevant sorted sections are displayed before those of less relevance (e.g. sections with tags that are more 'associated' or co-occurring)

BTW: Tagging Is Not Limited To 'Text' (Can Also Apply To Photos (Flickr), Videos (YouTube), Other Media .

Please Post Responses / Thoughts As (A) Comment (s) On This Blog Entry



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tagging @ Sub-Document Level(s)?


Are you aware of any current applications/technologies that allows one to Tag a document at the **Paragraph** (or Chapter) level? (and Not Only At The Document Level)?

I am also interested Tag Cloud technologies that allows for the visualization of Tags associated with selected Paragraphs (or Book Chapters or Other Formal Parts Of A Work).



Saturday, August 16, 2008

T-As-In-Team: Management Through Collaboration

Management Through Collaboration: Teaming in a Networked World (Routledge publishers, 2010)

Charles Wankel / Author and Organizer / St. John’s University, New York, USA /

The idea is that this book will be produced using an immense network of coauthors. The chapters will present text, examples, and exercises using networking in a globalized world as a prism through which the key management functions are refracted in telling, useful and important ways. This introductory management textbook is using a new authoring structure to create a high quality, cutting-edge, and well-researched book.

The coauthors of this breakthrough endeavor number almost a thousand management educators and researchers in about ninety nations. The twenty-first century global virtual community creating this work is itself an interesting constellation of management phenomena that provides a wide range of exciting management experiences for its members to use as examples in their teaching and writing. More importantly, being part of such a diverse, constantly self-creating, mob of innovators is immense fun! It is our hope that our contributions from Tonga to Peru, from Iceland to Botswana, from Hawaii to Tunisia, from China to Grenada, will reflect our diversity and yet our communality in this increasingly connected world in ways that will engage and excite learners in all the nations of the world.



1: Managing the New Workplace: Collaborating in the organization
2: Historical Context of Contemporary Management: From Individual Stars to Winning Teams

3: Shaping Corporate Culture
4: Managing in a Global Environment
5: Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
6: Entrepreneurship and E-commerce

7: Organizational Planning and Goal Setting
8: Strategy Formulation and Implementation
9: Managerial Decision Making
10: Global Management

11: Organizing in a Networked World
12: Structures for Coordinating in a High Tech World
13: Change at All Levels and Speeds
14: Human Resource Management
15: Diversity in Multicultural Organizations

16: Attitudes, Perceptions, Learning and Stress
17: Leadership in Organizations
18: Motivation in Organizations
19: Communicating in Organizations
20: Teamwork in Organizations

21: The Importance of Control
22: Information Technology and E-Business
23: Operations and Service Management









Citation Style
Follow The Chicago Manual of Style, newest edition, for citation and other stylistic formats.

Microsoft Word

Textual material for the book should be submitted in Microsoft Word (Windows PC version).


When will I be assigned to a chapter team?

Currently we are registering authors into chapter wikis. As new colleagues join the project, they will be registered within a week's time after completing the authors' survey.

What is the general project timeline?

The draft of the main paper-form textbook is due on December 1st, 2008. However, the digital form and ancillaries can be worked on after that. The book comes out in January 2010.

See Also

"Management Professor Uses 'Crowdsourcing' to Write Textbook"


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Use And Misuse Of Bibliometric Indices In Evaluating Scholarly Performance

Ethics In Science And Enviromental Politics / THEME SECTION / The Use And Misuse Of Bibliometric Indices In Evaluating Scholarly Performance

Editors: Howard I. Browman, Konstantinos I. Stergiou

Quantifying the relative performance of individual scholars, groups of scholars, departments, institutions, provinces/states/regions and countries has become an integral part of decision-making over research policy, funding allocations, awarding of grants, faculty hirings, and claims for promotion and tenure. Bibliometric indices (based mainly upon citation counts), such as the h-index and the journal impact factor, are heavily relied upon in such assessments. There is a growing consensus, and a deep concern, that these indices — more-and-more often used as a replacement for the informed judgement of peers — are misunderstood and are, therefore, often misinterpreted and misused. The articles in this ESEP Theme Section present a range of perspectives on these issues. Alternative approaches, tools and metrics that will hopefully lead to a more balanced role for these instruments are presented.

TITLE PAGE [Preface] ;
Full text in pdf format

Browman HI, Stergiou KI / INTRODUCTION: Factors and indices are one thing, deciding who is scholarly, why they are scholarly, and the relative value of their scholarship is something else entirely
ESEP 8:1-3 ; Full text in pdf format

Campbell P / Escape from the impact factor
ESEP 8:5-7 ; Full text in pdf format

Lawrence PA / Lost in publication: how measurement harms science
ESEP 8:9-11 ; Full text in pdf format

Todd PA, Ladle RJ / Hidden dangers of a ‘citation culture’
ESEP 8:13-16 ; Full text in pdf format

Taylor M, Perakakis P, Trachana V / The siege of science
ESEP 8:17-40 ; Full text in pdf format

Cheung WWL/ The economics of post-doc publishing
ESEP 8:41-44 ; Full text in pdf format

Tsikliras AC/ Chasing after the high impact
ESEP 8:45-47 ; Full text in pdf format

Zitt M, Bassecoulard E/ Challenges for scientometric indicators: data demining, knowledge flows measurements and diversity issues
ESEP 8:49-60 ; Full text in pdf format

Harzing AWK, van der Wal R / Google Scholar as a new source for citation analysis
ESEP 8:61-73 ; Full text in pdf format

Pauly D, Stergiou KI / Re-interpretation of ‘influence weight’ as a citation-based Index of New Knowledge (INK)
ESEP 8:75-78 ; Full text in pdf format

Giske J / Benefitting from bibliometry
ESEP 8:79-81 ; Full text in pdf format

Butler L/ Using a balanced approach to bibliometrics: quantitative performance measures in the Australian Research Quality Framework
ESEP 8:83-92 ; Full text in pdf format Erratum

Bornmann L, Mutz R, Neuhaus C, Daniel HD / Citation counts for research evaluation: standards of good practice for analyzing bibliometric data and presenting and interpreting results
ESEP 8:93-102 ; Full text in pdf format

Harnad S / Validating research performance metrics against peer rankings
ESEP 8:103-107 ; Full text in pdf format

Table of Contents


Friday, August 8, 2008

Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy

This fall [Lawrence Lessig is] coming out with his latest book,

Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy

which argues that the legal system is making criminals out of young people who produce entertaining or informative videos, music, and other art works through piecing together parts of others’ works. He advocates a new type of economy that allows both market competition and people to freely share their art.




The author of Free Culture shows how we harm our children—and almost anyone who creates, enjoys, or sells any art form—with a restrictive copyright system driven by corporate interests. Lessig reveals the solutions to this impasse offered by a collaborative yet profitable “hybrid economy”.

Lawrence Lessig, the reigning authority on intellectual property in the Internet age, spotlights the newest and possibly the most harmful culture war—a war waged against our kids and others who create and consume art. America’s copyright laws have ceased to perform their original, beneficial role: protecting artists’ creations while allowing them to build on previous creative works. In fact, our system now criminalizes those very actions.For many, new technologies have made it irresistible to flout these unreasonable and ultimately untenable laws.

Some of today’s most talented artists are felons, and so are our kids, who see no reason why they shouldn’t do what their computers and the Web let them do, from burning a copyrighted CD for a friend to “biting” riffs from films, videos, songs, etc and making new art from them.Criminalizing our children and others is exactly what our society should not do, and Lessig shows how we can and must end this conflict—a war as ill conceived and unwinnable as the war on drugs. By embracing “read-write culture,” which allows its users to create art as readily as they consume it, we can ensure that creators get the support—artistic, commercial, and ethical—that they deserve and need. Indeed, we can already see glimmers of a new hybrid economy that combines the profit motives of traditional business with the “sharing economy” evident in such Web sites as Wikipedia and YouTube.

The hybrid economy will become ever more prominent in every creative realm—from news to music—and Lessig shows how we can and should use it to benefit those who make and consume culture.Remix is an urgent, eloquent plea to end a war that harms our children and other intrepid creative users of new technologies. It also offers an inspiring vision of the post-war world where enormous opportunities await those who view art as a resource to be shared openly rather than a commodity to be hoarded.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination | ICTP Workshop, Trieste, Italy, 7-16 July 2008

Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination / ICTP Workshop, Trieste, Italy / 7-16 July 2008

Directors: E. Canessa, C. Fonda and M. Zennaro (ICTP-SDU, Italy) / International Advisory Commitee: Manjit DOSANJH, John ELLIS, Jens VIGEN (CERN) ; Katepalli R. SREENIVASAN (ICTP) ; Julie WALKER (INASP) ; Philip E. BOURNE (PLoS Computational Biology)


A better understanding on what Open Access is, and examples of what it offers to individual scientists and to scientific institutions in Developing Countries, will be presented. The aim of the workshop is not only to introduce the newest technologies in Open Access but also to give participants an extensive hands-on experience on selected techniques.


Participants will be exposed to the tremendous resources and possibilities available to the scientific community including:

  • Potential of Open Access in science
  • Open Source software for Open Access
  • Open Access policy, advocacy and editorial roles
  • Open Access publishing and repository design for science
  • Open Access repositories and eJournals - case studies
  • Web 2.0 for Open AccesS


Scientists and students from all countries which are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA may attend the Workshop. As it will be conducted in English, participants should have an adequate working knowledge of this language. Although the main purpose of the Centre is to help researchers from Developing Countries, through a programme of training activities within a framework of international cooperation, students and post-doctoral scientists from advanced countries are also welcome to attend.


EyA Recordings / Mon 7 July 2008

08:00 – 11:00 / Registration and Administrative Matters

11:00 – 11:30 / Open Ceremony – Jens Vigen (Cern) and ICTP/SDU Team

11:30 – 12:30 / Open Access in Developing Countries – Leslie Chan (Univ Toronto, Canada)


13:30 – 14:15 / ”Openness” – Ignasi Labastida (Spain)

14:15 – 15:15 / Institutional vs. Disciplinary Open Archives – Leslie Chan (Univ Toronto, Canada)

15:15 – 15:30 Overview of ICTP Computer Facilities – Johannes Grassberger (ICTP)

15:30 – 16:30 HAL Open Archive System I – Laurent Guillope (Univ. Nantes)
Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:30 HAL Open Archive System II – Laurent Guillope (Univ. Nantes)

EyA Recordings / Tue 8 July 2008

09:00 – 10:00 Open Access vs. Traditional Publishing and Hibrid Models – Ignasi Labastida (Spain)

Coffee Break

10:00 – 11:00 Licensing Models to OA Journals – Ignasi Labastida (Spain)

11:00 – 12:00 SCOAP3: CERN Consortia for Open Access – Jens Vigen (Cern)


14:00 – 15:00 Case Studies of OA from Developing Countries – Leslie Chan (Univ Toronto, Canada)

15:00 – 16:30 Open Source Journal Management and Publishing System: OJS - I – Kevin Stranack (SFU, Canada)

Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:30 Open Source Journal Management and Publishing System: OJS - II – Kevin Stranack (SFU, Canada)

EyA Recordings / Wed 9 July 2008

9:00 – 10:00 Interconnecting Open Repositories: Overview – Ignasi Labastida (Spain)

Coffee Break

10:00 – 11:00 Open Access Scholarly Information Sourcebook (OASIS) and the Needs of Developing Countries – Leslie Chan (Univ Toronto, Canada)

11:00 – 12:00 Open Source Journal Management and Publishing System: OJS - III – Ke1vin Stranack (SFU, Canada)


14:00 – 14:10 Brief Introduction to SciVee – Lynn Fink (UC San Diego)

14:10 – 15:30 Open Source Journal Management and Publishing System: OJS - IV – Kevin Stranack (SFU, Canada)

Coffee Break

15:30 – 18:30 Using ePrints Repository – Leslie Carr (UK) \

9:30 Get Together Reception

EyA Recordings / Thu 10 July 2008

09:00 – 10:00 Open Access Publishing and Repository Design for Science – “Iryna Kuchma (”

Coffee Break and Group Photo

10:00 – 11:00 Electronic Information for Libraries ( – Iryna Kuchma

11:00 – 12:00 Case Studies by Participants I

  • Open Young Scientist Forum (YSF) under the UN-GAID e-SDDC– Raed M. Sharif - Syracuse University, New York
  • Implementing Open Access Repository at Ahmadu Bello University– Ezra Shiluba Gbaje
  • Some Aspects of Open Access in Brazil– Waldir Roque


14:00 – 16:00 CDS Invenio I – Samuele Kaplun (Cern)

Coffee Break

16:00 – 18:30 Editor and Administrative Processes in ePrints I – Leslie Carr (UK)

EyA Recordings / Fri 11 July 2008

09:00 – 10:00 Open Access Repositories: Case Studies Iryna Kuchma (

Coffee Break

10:00 – 11:00 How Does E-LIS Work? – Imma Subirats (FAO)

11:00 – 12:00 Maintaining and Populating E-LIS – Imma Subirats (FAO)


14:00 – 16:00 CDS Invenio II – Samuele Kaplun (Cern)

Coffee Break

16:00 – 18:00 Editor and Administrative Processes in ePrints II – Leslie Carr (UK)

EyA Recordings / Sat 12 July 2008

09:00 – 10:00 Localising and Configuring ePrints Repository – Leslie Carr (UK)

Coffee Break

10:00 – 11:30 Potential and Advantages of Open Access in Science – Iryna Kuchma (

EyA Recordings / Mon 14 July 2008

09:00 – 10:00 Open Access Journals: Case Studies – Iryna Kuchma (

Coffee Break

10:00 – 12:00 Case Studies by Participants II

  • The Central African Pole of Open Access Interconnection– Antoine B. Bagula - Republic of Congo Overview of the UH Computer System and the Virtual Resource Center– Luis Zarrabeitia - University of Havana (UH), Cuba
  • Networking Computing and e-Services at Al-Isra Private University– Roger Sakhel - Amman, Jordan
  • e-Learning for Higher Education Access– Graciela Molina - Tucuman, Argentina
  • Universidad de los Andes Institutional Repository– Rodrigo Torrens, Venezuela
  • e-Learning Portal– Carina P. Marozzini - Bariloche, Argentina


14:00 – 15:30 Case Studies by Participants III

  • Successess and Challenges in e-Journal Utilisation in Malawi– Noel Jambo - Bunda College, University of Malawi

  • The Colombian Digital Library Project– Liliana Melgar - Colombia
    Digital Libraries for Tomorrow: An Overview on the Library of Alexandria– Mandy Taha

  • Open Access Repositories with Subversion (SVN)– Ebenezer Olajuyigbe, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria

  • Information Resource Management Activities of the Manila Observatory– Carina Smaniego and Donna Lyne Sanidad

  • Togo in the Open Access World– Glakpe Komlan

15:30 – 16:30 Open PloS and Topaz Technologies I – Lynn Fink (UC San Diego)

Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:00 Open PloS and Topaz Technologies II – Lynn Fink (UC San Diego)

EyA Recordings / Tue 15 July 2008

9:00 – 10:00 The African Physical Review eJournal: Overview – T. Shah (ICTP)
Coffee Break

10:00 – 11:00 Open Access Policy and Advocacy – Iryna Kuchma (

11:00 – 12:00 Open Content License (Creative Commons) for Open Repositories – Iryna Kuchma (


14:00 – 16:00 DSpace: Technical Issues I – Richard Jones (HP)

Coffee Break

16:30 – 18:00 DSpace: Technical Issues II – Richard Jones (HP)

EyA Recordings / Wed 16 July 2008

9:00 – 10:30 – Sebastjan Mislej (Jozef Stefan Inst., Slovenia)

Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:00 Open Academic Webcasting with ICTP EyA System – ICTP/SDU Team


13:30 – 14:30 e-Learning at CERN – Knut Bjorkli (Cern)

14:30 – 15:00 Final Discussion and Certificates to Participants




Automatic video recording of the workshop (with synchronized slides) using the ICTP EyA System.

All talks are automatically recorded hourly and published after 20 minutes. Apple QuickTime plugin should be installed for viewing.






CONFERENCE BOOK: Science Dissemination using Open Access

Full Text Plus


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Science Dissemination Using Open Access: Table of Contents

Science Dissemination Using Open Access: A Compendium Of Selected Literature On Open Access / Editors E. Canessa and M. Zennaro (ICTP-SDU, Italy).
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Science Dissemination Unit (SDU) / July 2008 / 207 pp. / ISBN 92-95003-40-3.


Part I: Selected Literature - 1


What is Open Access? ..... 5
Who benefits from Open Access? ..... 6
Why is Open Access important? ..... 7
Open Access: “Strong” and “Weak” ..... 7
Six things that researchers need to know about Open Access ..... 9


Budapest Open Access Initiative ..... 14
Berlin declaration on Open Access to knowledge in the sciences and humanities ..... 14
Open letter signed by 25 Nobel Prize winners ..... 16
Open Access to science in Developing Countries ..... 21
Starting a new scholarly Open Access journal in Africa ...... 25
The African Physical Review: An example ...... 28

General journals ..... 32
Specialized journals ..... 34
Regional journals ..... 34
Institutional journals ..... 34
Annual reviews ..... 35
Deciding on a publication type ..... 35


Challenges for new journals ..... 38
Measuring your impact ...... 39
Journal standards and identifiers ...... 40
Building reliable and ongoing content ...... 42
Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe (LOCKSS) ..... 42


The public domain ..... 44
Open content ..... 44
Intellectual property conservancies ..... 44
Creative Commons (CC) licenses ..... 45
Creative Commons licenses: An example ...... 46
About Science Commons ..... 57
Copyleft ..... 58


Need for the policy ..... 61
Scope of the policy ..... 63
Potential for public misunderstanding of research findings: NIH prospective ..... 64
Version control and quality of manuscripts ..... 65
Potential for acceleration of medical cures ..... 66
Potential economic impact on journal publishers ..... 66
Potential impact on journal peer review ..... 68
Potential impact on scientists ..... 69
Open Access publication and the NIH Public Access Policy ..... 70


Subscription-based journals ..... 72
Open Access journals ..... 73
Limited Open Access journals ...... 75


Financial sustainability via advertising: A proposal ..... 78
Target specific advertisement ...... 78
Ads by Google ..... 79
Google AdSense ads for Open Access journals ..... 80
A free fully-hosted Open Journal systems platform ..... 81
SCOAP3 ...... 82
Benefits of SCOAP3 ..... 83


Getting found: Building the visibility of your journal ..... 86
What are commercial indexes? ...... 86
What are open databases? ..... 87
Open indexes ...... 88
Directories ...... 89
Search engines ..... 90
Open Archive metadata harvesters ..... 92
Libraries ..... 93
The media ..... 95
How to distribute a press release ..... 96


The personal research portal (PRP) ..... 98
Social software, Web 2.0 and DIY web technologies ..... 101
‘How to’ hints: a PRP prototype ..... 103
PRP and the knowledge divide ..... 105
Remarks ..... 111


Bandwidth consuming technologies ...... 114
Connectivity trends in Developing Countries ..... 115
Enhance your audience (EyA) ..... 116
Digitization of open course content ...... 117
Evaluation andassessment ...... 119
Remarks ..... 120
MIT OpenCourseWare ...... 121
Video communications with SciVee ..... 122

PART II: Software - 125

EPrints live CD .....128
Using the live CD ..... 129
Storing your archive on a memory stick ..... 130
Restoring your archive from memory stick ..... 132

DSPACE - 133

DSpace FAQ ..... 134


What is self-archiving?..... 144


ArXiv e-Print archive ..... 150
Open Access services at ICTP: Scientific publications ..... 151
HAL: Hyper Article en ligne ..... 153
Spir@l: Imperial College digital repository ..... 154
PubMed Central ..... 155


Overview ..... 161
The E-LIS organizational model ..... 163
Strategic issues ...... 165
E-LIS policies ...... 167
Submission policy ...... 167
Copyright policies ..... 169
Editorial section ..... 171


Step 1: The Journal Manager ...... 177
Step 2: The Author ..... 179
Step 3: The Editor ..... 180
Step 4: The Section Editor ..... 182
Step 5: The Reviewer ..... 183
Step 6: The Copyeditor ..... 184
Step 7: The Layout Editor ..... 185
Step 8: The Proofreader ..... 186
Step 9: The Reader ..... 187


What is TOPAZ? ..... 190
Case study: PLoS ONE journal ..... 191

CDS Invenio ..... 194
Key features ..... 195

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Science Dissemination Using Open Access

Science Dissemination Using Open Access: A Compendium Of Selected Literature On Open Access / Editors E. Canessa and M. Zennaro (ICTP-SDU, Italy).

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics. Science Dissemination Unit (SDU) / July 2008 / 207 pp. / ISBN 92-95003-40-3.

Open Access means aims to remove restrictions that exist on the access to articles and knowledge to the world-wide scholarly community, in particular to those in developing countries. Scientists in these countries still have difficulty in publishing their work due to the lack of access to the network, to their institutional economic difficulties or to the lack of awareness of available Open Access solutions.

The visibility, usage and impact of researchers' own findings can increase with Open Access, as does their power to find, access and use the work of others.

This book aims to guide the scientific community on the requirements of Open Access, and the plethora of low-cost solutions available. A compendium of selected literature on Open Access is presented to increase the awareness of the potential of open publishing in general.

The book also aims to encourage decision makers in academia and research centers to adopt institutional and regional Open Access Journals and Archives to make their own scientific results public and fully searchable on the Internet.

Table of Contents

Using Open Access Models for Science Dissemination ICTP Workshop, Trieste, Italy, 7-16 July 2008


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