Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Summer School: Summer University Ramnicu Sarat, Romania, 20-26 August 2012‏

Summer University of Ramnicu Sarat, Romania, 6th edition, 20 – 26 of August 2012

Râmnicu Sărat is a former communist prison, presently administrated by the Institute for the Investigation of Communist Crimes and Memory of the Romanian Exile (IICCMER), well known for its extremely oppressive detainment regime. The former prison is to be turned into a Memorial of the victims of communism.

Considering the history of this place, the Institute took the initiative of organizing each year a summer university. During the summer university IICCMER organizes seminars, discussions, workshops on the history of European communism, with the focus on the repressive methods. Students attending the faculties of history, political science, sociology, journalism, letters and law universities represent the target group of the project (19-27 years old). The project aims to help students acquire a better knowledge of the period 1944-1989, and thus to make them reflect upon the illegitimate and criminal nature of the communist regime in Europe. The connection with the past will be achieved, on one hand, by means of face-to-face dialogue with those who were victims and witnesses of the repressive communist system, and, on the other hand, by the presence of well-known lecturers, namely important public figures of post-communist Romania, foreign and Romanian researchers specialized on communism.

The project accepts 25 persons, selected on the basis of an application submitted to tintariu_adelina@gmail.com and universitatea@iiccr.ro

The deadline for submitting the applications is 15th of July. The results of the evaluation will be given on 21st of July.

Participants will be provided with free room, meals and transportation in Romania. Participants must cover their own travel expenses to Romania.

For more information see: http://www.crimelecomunismului.ro/ or send an email to Tintariu Adelina at tintariu_adelina@gmail.com

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