Thursday, November 22, 2012

Conference: 3rd Island Dynamics Conference, Famagusta, North Cyprus, 14-18 May 2013‏

3rd Island Dynamics Conference (with Performing Island Identities)

14-18 May 2013, Gazimagusa (Famagusta), North Cyprus

The 3rd Island Dynamics Conference explores maritime and island studies worldwide. The events theme is islands of culture and practice. Although talks are welcome on any island or maritime topic, we particularly encourage presentations on how traditions whether artistic, religious, economic, political, etc.; develop in culturally and geographically insular communities and on what island and mainland communities can tell us about one another.

At the 3rd Island Dynamics Conference, representatives from academia, government, business, and the third sector will explore island issues, past and present, worldwide. Although the conference will include talks on all aspects of maritime and island studies, this year’s conference theme is islands of culture and practice.

Islands are often home to unique artistic, social, economic, and political traditions. They both preserve traditions that have been lost on the mainland and function as meeting places for traditions, the mingling of which result in new traditional forms. We can even speak of archipelagos of culture and practice, where traditions flourish in dispersed geographical areas. How do traditions develop in such circumstances, and what can island and mainland communities tell us about one another?

Alan Jabbour, Owe Ronström, Philip Hayward, and Stephen A. Royle will act as keynote speakers.

The deadline for abstracts is 1 December 2012.

More information available at

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