Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Power of Post Publication Review: A Case Study

There are many discussions and examples of post-publication review as an alternative to the currently more common peer-review model. While this comes up fairly regularly in my Twitter stream, I don’t think I’ve done more than hint at it within the blogposts here. I’ve also been watching (but neglecting to mention here) the emergence of data journalists and data journalism as a field, or perhaps perhaps I should say co-emergence, since it seems to be tightly coupled with shifts in the field of science communication and communicating risk to the public. Obviously, these all tie in tightly with the ethical constructs of informed consent and shared decisionmaking in healthcare (the phrase from the 1980s) which is now more often called participatory medicine.

That is quite a lot of jargon stuffed into one small paragraph. I could stuff it equally densely with citations to sources on these topics, definitions, and debates. Instead, for today, I’d like to give a brief overview of a case I’ve been privileged to observe unfolding over the weekend. If you want to see it directly, you’ll have to join the email list where this took place.


Source and Full Text Available At 


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