Saturday, December 15, 2007

ELPUB2008: Open Scholarship: Authority, Community and Sustainability in the Age of Web 2.0

The International Conference on Electronic Publishing is entering its twelfth year and ELPUB2008 marks the first time the conference will be held in North America. The Knowledge Media Design Institute at the University of Toronto is pleased to serve as the host [site] ... [snip].

Call For Papers
Scholarly communications, in particular scholarly publications, are undergoing tremendous changes. Researchers, universities, funding bodies, research libraries, and publishers are responding in different ways, from active experimentation, adaptation, to strong resistance.

The ELPUB 2008 conference will focus on key issues on the future of scholarly communications resulting from the intersection of semantic web technologies, the development of cyberinfrastructure for humanities and the sciences , and new dissemination channels and business models. We welcome a wide variety of papers from members of these communities whose research and experiments are transforming the nature of scholarly communications.

Topics include but are not restricted to:
  • New Publishing models, tools, services and roles
  • New scholarly constructs and discourse method
  • Innovative business models for scholarly publishing
  • Multilingual and multimodal interfaces
  • Services and technology for specific user communities, media, and content
  • Content search, analysis and retrieval
  • Interoperability, scalability and middleware infrastructure to facilitate awareness and discovery
  • Personalisation technologies (e.g. social tagging, folksonomies, RSS, microformats)
  • Metadata creation, usage and interoperability
  • Semantic web issues
  • Data mining, text harvesting, and dynamic formatting
  • User generated content and its relation to publisher's content
  • Usage and citation impact
  • Security, privacy and copyright issues
  • Digital preservation, content authentication
  • Recommendations, guidelines, interoperability standards

Author Guidelines
Contributions are invited for the following categories:

  • Single papers (abstract minimum of 1,000 and maximum of 1500 words)
  • Tutorial (abstract minimum of 500 and maximum of 1500 words)
  • Workshop (abstract max of 1000 words) - Poster (abstract max of 500 words)
  • Demonstration (abstract max of 500 words)

Abstracts must be submitted following the instructions on the conference website (

Key Dates

January 20th 2008: Deadline for submission of abstracts (in all categories)

February 28, 2008: Authors will be notified of the acceptance of submitted papers and workshop proposals.

April 11th, 2008: Final papers must be received.

See Website For Detailed Author Instructions

Posters (A1-format) and demonstration materials should be brought by their authors at the conference time.

Only abstracts of these contributions will be published in the conference proceedings. Information on requirements for Workshops and tutorials proposals will soon be posted on the website.

All submissions are subjected to peer review (double-blind) and accepted by the international ELPUB Programme Committee.

Accepted full papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Printed proceedings are distributed during the conference.

Electronic versions of the contributions will be archived (


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