Thursday, May 28, 2009

Introduction to Webometrics: Quantitative Web Research for the Social Sciences

Introduction to Webometrics: Quantitative Web Research for the Social Sciences / Michael Thelwall‌ / Morgan & Claypool Publishers / 2009 / 116 pp. / doi:10.2200/S00176ED1V01Y200903ICR004 / ISBN-10: 159829993X ; ISBN-13: 978-1598299939


Webometrics is concerned with measuring aspects of the web: web sites, web pages, parts of web pages, words in web pages, hyperlinks, web search engine results. The importance of the web itself as a communication medium and for hosting an increasingly wide array of documents, from journal articles to holiday brochures, needs no introduction. Given this huge and easily accessible source of information, there are limitless possibilities for measuring or counting on a huge scale (e.g., the number of web sites, the number of web pages, the number of blogs) or on a smaller scale (e.g., the number of web sites in Ireland, the number of web pages in the CNN web site, the number of blogs mentioning Barack Obama before the 2008 presidential campaign).

This book argues that it can be useful for social scientists to measure aspects of the web and explains how this can be achieved on both a small and large scale. The book is intended for social scientists with research topics that are wholly or partly online (e.g., social networks, news, political communication) and social scientists with offline research topics with an online reflection, even if this is not a core component (e.g., diaspora communities, consumer culture, linguistic change).

The book is also intended for library and information science students in the belief that the knowledge and techniques described will be useful for them to guide and aid other social scientists in their research. In addition, the techniques and issues are all directly relevant to library and information science research problems.

General Of Table of Contents

Introduction / Web Impact Assessment / Link Analysis / Blog Searching / Automatic Search Engine Searches: LexiURL Searcher / Web Crawling: SocSciBot / Search Engines and Data Reliability / Tracking User Actions Online / Advanced Techniques / Summary and Future Directions

Detailed Table Of Contents

1. Introduction
1.1 New Problems: Web-Based Phenomena
1.2 Old Problems: Offline Phenomena Reflected Online
1.3 History and Definition
1.4 Book Overview

2. Web Impact Assessment
2.1 Web Impact Assessment Via Web Mentions
2.2 Bespoke Web Citation Indexes
2.3 Content Analysis
2.3.1 Category Choices
2.3.2 Sampling Methods
2.3.3 Example
2.3.4 Validity
2.4 URL Analysis of the Spread of Results
2.5 Web Impact Reports
2.6 Web Citation Analysis—An Information Science Application
2.7 Advanced Web Impact Studies
2.8 Summary

3. Link Analysis
3.1 Background: Link Counts as a Type of Information
3.2 Types of Webometric Link Analysis
3.3 Link Impact Assessments
3.3.1 Interpreting the Results
3.3.2 Alternative Link Counting Methods
3.3.3 Case Study: Links to
3.4 Content Analysis of Links
3.6 Colink Relationship Mapping
3.7 Link Impact Reports
3.8 Large-Scale Link Analysis with Multiple Site Groups
3.9 Link Differences Between Sectors—An Information
Science Application
3.10 Summar

4. Blog Searching
4.1 Blog Search Engines
4.2 Date-Specific Searches
4.3 Trend Detection
4.4 Checking Trend Detection Results
4.5 Limitations of Blog Data
4.6 Advanced Blog Analysis Techniques
4.7 Summary

5. Automatic Search Engine Searches: LexiURL Searcher
5.1 Introduction to LexiURL Searcher
5.2 LexiURL Searcher Web Impact Reports
5.2.1 Web Impact Reports—Classic Interface Example
5.3 LexiURL Searcher Link Impact Reports
5.3.1 Link Impact Reports—Classic Interface Example
5.4 LexiURL Searcher for Network Diagrams
5.4.1 Rearranging, Saving, and Printing Network Diagrams
5.4.2 Network Diagram—Classic Interface Example
5.4.3 Colink Network Diagrams
5.5 LexiURL Searcher Additional Features

6. Web Crawling: SocSciBot
6.1 Web Crawlers
6.2 Overview of SocSciBot
6.3 Network Diagrams of Sets of Web Sites with SocSciBot
6.4 Other Uses for Web Crawls

7. Search Engines and Data Reliability
7.1 Search Engine Architecture
7.1.1 Duplicate and Near-Duplicate Elimination
7.2 Comparing Different Search Engines
7.3 Research Into Search Engine Results
7.4 Modeling the Web’s Link Structure

8. Tracking User Actions Online
8.1 Single-Site Web Analytics and Log File Analysis
8.2 Multiple-Site Web Analytics
8.3 Search Engine Log File Analysis

9. Advanced Techniques
9.1 Query Splitting
9.2 Virtual Memetics
9.3 Web Issue Analysis
9.4 Data Mining Social Network Sites
9.5 Social Network Analysis and Small Worlds
9.6 Folksonomy Tagging
9.7 API Programming and Mashup

10. Summary and Future Directions

Glossary /References / Author / Biography

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis: From the Science Citation Index to Cybermetrics

Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis: From the Science Citation Index to Cybermetrics / Nicola De Bellis / Scarecrow Press / March 2009 / 450 pp. / ISBN: 0-8108-6713-3 ; ISBN-13: 978-0-8108-6713-0 / $ 55 / Paper


Can the methods of science be directed toward science itself? How did it happen that scientists, scientific documents, and their bibliographic links came to be regarded as mathematical variables in abstract models of scientific communication? What is the role of quantitative analyses of scientific and technical documentation in current science policy and management? Bibliometrics and Citation Analysis: From the Science Citation Index to Cybermetrics answers these questions through a comprehensive overview of theories, techniques, concepts, and applications in the interdisciplinary and steadily growing field of bibliometrics.

Since citation indexes came into the limelight during the mid-1960s, citation networks have become increasingly important for many different research fields. The book begins by investigating the empirical, philosophical, and mathematical foundations of bibliometrics, including its beginnings with the Science Citation Index, the theoretical framework behind it, and its mathematical underpinnings. It then examines the application of bibliometrics and citation analysis in the sciences and science studies, especially the sociology of science and science policy. Finally it provides a view of the future of bibliometrics, exploring in detail the ongoing extension of bibliometric methods to the structure and dynamics of the World Wide Web.

This book gives newcomers to the field of bibliometrics an accessible entry point to an entire research tradition otherwise scattered through a vast amount of journal literature. At the same time, it brings to the forefront the cross-disciplinary linkages between the various fields (sociology, philosophy, mathematics, politics) that intersect at the crossroads of citation analysis. Because of its discursive and interdisciplinary approach, the book is useful to those in every area of scholarship involved in the quantitative analysis of information exchanges, but also to science historians and general readers who simply wish to familiarize themselves with an important, albeit increasingly complex area of information science.


Biblio/sciento/infor-metrics : terminological issues and early historical developments -- The empirical foundations of bibliometrics : the Science citation index -- The philosophical foundations of bibliometrics : Bernal, Merton, Price, Garfield, and Small -- The mathematical foundations of bibliometrics -- Maps and paradigms : bibliographic citations at the service of the history and sociology of science -- Impact factor and the evaluation of scientists : bibliographic citations at the service of science policy and management -- On the shoulders of dwarfs : citation as rhetorical device and the criticisms to the normative model -- Measuring scientific communication in the twentieth century : from bibliometrics to cybermetrics.


Nicola De Bellis is a medical librarian at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia [Italy]


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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Web 2.0 and Scholarly Communication

Web 2.0 and Scholarly Communication

Mark Ware

We examine the ways in which Web 2.0 tools and services – including blogs, wikis, social bookmarking and tagging, social networking and data interoperability and re-use – are affecting scholarly communication, with examples and usage data where available.
We find that many of the tools have yet to live up to their early promise and the expectations that rode on them, and discuss the possible reasons for this.
  • What is Web 2.0?

  • Web 1.0 and scholarly communication

  • Web 2.0 and Open Access

  • Blogs

  • Social bookmarking

  • Social networking Podcasts

  • Wikis

  • Data

  • Peer review

  • Reasons for lack of uptake to date

Source and Fulltext


See Also


Monday, May 11, 2009

CfP: Communication Pedagogy in the Age of Social Media


Electronic Journal of Communication (EJC)

Special Issue

Communication Pedagogy in the Age of Social Media

Over the course of the last few years, social media technologies such as blogs, microblogs, digital videos, podcasts, wikis, and social networks, have seen a dramatic increase in adoption rates.

To date, Internet users have uploaded roughly 80 million videos to YouTube and launched approximately 133 million blogs worldwide. Because of their ability to connect people and to facilitate the exchange of information and web content, social media technologies not only provide a powerful new way to interact with one another, but they also present exciting new pedagogical opportunities.

Earlier this year, the New Media Consortium and the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative released the 2008 Horizon Report, which seeks to identify new technologies capable of affecting the way we teach and learn. Among the critical challenges outlined by this year’s report is the need for universities to equip students with new media literacy skills and to develop curricula that “address not only traditional capabilities like developing an argument over the course of a long paper”, but also “how to create meaningful content with today’s tools.” (The New Media Consortium, 2008, p. 6).

Considering that these tools center around the ideas of collaboration, participation, and conversation, they should hold special interest to communication researchers and educators alike. As a result, this special issue seeks to examine the pedagogical applications of social media technologies, especially with regard to the communication classroom.

Examples of best practices in social media adoption in all areas of communication education are welcome, as are case studies or empirical research analyzing the effectiveness and/or effects of incorporating social media technologies into the communication classroom.

Research examining the role these technologies play in the social construction of a collective knowledge pool would also fit within the scope of this special issue.

The special issue is scheduled for publication in the first half of 2010. Deadline for completed manuscripts is June 15, 2009.

Submissions should be electronic (.doc or .rtf format) and must conform to the specifications of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th ed. Place author’s contact information in an email to the editor only, not on the title page of the submission.

Issue Editors:Corinne Weisgerber, Ph.D. and Shannan H. Butler, Ph.D. / St. Edward’s University

Send inquiries and submissions to:



Sunday, May 10, 2009

The Paradigms They Are A-Changin' > Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile


The Paradigms They Are A-Changin' > The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile

There are four major themes that are a
nd will become the context and framework of research and scholarship in the 21st Century: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile:

Open >

Open Access / Open Data / Open Peer Review / Open Research

Semantic >

Audio / Interactivity / Supplemental Content / Video

Social >

Science Blogging / Social Bookmarking / Social Networking / Social Software

Mobile >

Mobile Access / Mobile Content / Mobile Data / Mobile Research

In scheduled presentation(s), we will briefly profile select developments related to these major themes and speculate on their potential evolution and impact on research and scholarship in the coming decade(s).

In June I Will Give Four (4) Invited Presentations On The Topic(s) In Ireland At

The National Library Of Ireland, Dublin (June 4 / 1:00 PM)

Lecture : The Paradigms They Are A-Changin': The Future of Research and Scholarship / Thursday / 4 June 2009 / 1.00 PM / Seminar Room / Admission Free / Booking Is Not Required

PPT Now Available At

[] [06-22-09] [161]

The National University of Ireland - Galway (June 5 / 1:00 PM)

Library Seminar: The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile /Friday / 5 June / 1300 / Library Meeting Room, Basement Level, James Hardiman Library

Note: Sandwiches will be provided, so please contact Aoife Harrington ( or ext. 2593) in advance for catering purposes.

PowerPoint Now Available At

[] [06-22-09] [93 Slides]

The University College Cork, Cork (June 8 / 10:00 AM)

Boole Lecture Theatre 2 / Co-Sponsored by Ionad Bairre

PowerPoint Now Available At

[] [06-22-09] [122 Slides]

Audio/Video (1:24:04) Available At

[] (750.2 MB)

[QuickTime / iTunes]

>> Introduced By Crónán Ó Doibhlin / Sub-Librarian / Special Collections, Archives & Repository Services / George Boole Library / University College Cork

>> Thanks To Stephen Yearl / Library Digital Projects Officer ; Michael Tobin / Information Technology Analyst / Library Information Technology Services Services // Boole Library / College Cork For Providing (07-09/09)

The University of Limerick, Limerick (June 9 / 2:30 PM).

Symposium: Social Networking Services at Third-Level: Trends and Developments: "The Paradigms They Are A-Changin': The Future of Research and Scholarship (Open / Semantic / Social / Mobile)" / Tuesday / June 9th 2009 / 2.30 pm / Charles Parsons Lecture Theatre / All welcome

Contact Dr. Tríona Hourigan for further information.Tel: 00 353 (0) 61 234675

PowerPoint Now Available At

[] [06-22-09] [103 slides]

Combined / Master PowerPoint Presentation Available At

[] [06-22-09] [270 Slides]

Thank You > Thank You > Thank You > Thank You >

I would like to thank the following individuals/organizations for their support, generosity, and hospitality during our Magical Visit To Ireland

National Library Of Ireland, Dublin

Joanna Finegan / Assistant Keeper / Education & Outreach / National Library of Ireland, Dublin

Sarah Shiel / Executive Education Assistant / Education & Outreach / National Library of Ireland, Dublin

National University of Ireland, Galway

John Cox / Acting Librarian / James Hardiman Library /National University of Ireland, Galway

Niall McSweeney / Head of Information / James Hardiman Library / National University of Ireland, Galway

University College Cork, Cork

Crónán Ó Doibhlin / Sub-Librarian / Special Collections, Archives & Repository Services / George Boole Library / University College Cork

Stephen Yearl / Library Digital Projects Officer / George Boole Library / University College Cork

Ionad Bairre / University College Cork

University of Limerick, Limerick

Mícheál Ó hAodha / Librarian, Science & Engineering (CSIS, ECE, MAE, MOE) / Lewis L. Glucksman Library / University of Limerick

Brian Fitzgerald / Vice-President Research / Frederick A Krehbiel II Chair in Innovation in Global Business & Technology/ University of Limerick

Institute for the Study of Knowledge in Society / University of Limerick

Iowa State University Library / Travel and Research Funds Committee

If you are interested in information about any / all of these presentations, please contact me at


In order to ascertain the particular interests of potential attendees to my presentation titled "The Paradigms Are A-Changin' > The Future Of Research And Scholarship: Open > Semantic > Social > Mobile" , I would most appreciate your responses to a questionnaire requesting attendee preferences for a particular presentation

Please Note That All Responses Are Confidential And Will Only Be Used To Focus The Topics Of My Presentation.
I created a survey for potential attendees for each of the venues noted above and ask that potential attendees only complete the survey for the individual presentation they expect to attend:

National Library of Ireland, Dublin []

National University of Irealnd, Galway []

University College Cork []

University of Limerick []

I will customize a prepared general presentation to reflect the specific preferences of probable attendees at a particular venue.

By July 1 2009 I will post the customized presentations as well as a Director's Cut that combines each with additional content.

NOTE: I have also created a survey for probable non-attendees:


Thanks for your assistance and cooperation.



1) Open 2) Semantic 3) Social 4) Mobile


New Book: The State of Scholarly Publishing

The State of Scholarly Publishing: Challenges and Opportunities / Albert N. Greco, Editor / $34.95 / ISBN: 978-1-4128-1058-6 / Pages: 292 / Publication Date: 06/30/09 / Binding: Paper / Transaction Publishers.

For decades, university presses and other scholarly and professional publishers in the United States played a pivotal role in the transmission of scholarly knowledge. Their books and journals became the “gold standard” in many academic fi elds for tenure, promotion, and merit pay.

Their basic business model was successful, since this diverse collection of presses had a unique value proposition. They dominated the scholarly publishing field with preeminent sales in three major markets or channels of distribution: libraries and institutions; college and graduate school adoptions; and general readers (i.e., sales to general retailers).

Yet this insulated world changed abruptly in the late 1990s. What happened? This book contains a superb series of articles originally published in The Journal of Scholarly Publishing, by some of the best experts on scholarly communication in the western hemisphere, Europe, Asia, and Africa. Th ese authors analyze in depth the diverse and exciting challenges and opportunities scholars, universities, and publishers face in what is a period of unusual turbulence in scholarly publishing.

The topics given attention include: copyrights, the transformation of scholarly publishing from a print format to a digital one, open access, scholarly publishing in emerging nations, problems confronting journals, and information on how certain academic disciplines are coping with the transformation of scholarly publishing.

This book is a must read for anyone interested in the scholarly publishing industry’s past, its current focus, or future plans and developments.

Albert N. Greco is professor of marketing at the Graduate School of Business Administration, Fordham University. He is the editor of The Changing World of Publishing and The Media and Entertainment Industries.



Table Of Contents

Scribble, scribble, toil and trouble : forced productivity in the modern university / William W. Savage, Jr -- Scholarly journal publication : conflicting agendas for scholars, publishers, and institutions / Cass T. Miller and Julianna C. Harris -- Scholarship and silence / Lindsay Waters -- The futures of scholarly publishing / Cathy N. Davidson -- The changing market for university press books in the U.S., 1997-2002 / Albert N. Greco, Robert M. Wharton, and Hooman Estelami -- A university press publishing consortium for Africa : lessons from academic libraries / Kwasi Darko-Ampem -- The publishing experiences of historians / Margaret Stieg Dalton -- Electronic publishing in archaeology / Jingfeng Xia -- The value of knowledge created by individual scientists and research groups / Chen-Chi Chang -- Open access, intellectual property, and sustainability issues -- Exploring the willingness of scholars to accept open access : a grounded theory approach / Ji-Hong Park and Jian Qin -- Fair use in theory and practice : reflections on its history and the Google case / Sanford G. Thatcher -- A cooperative publishing model for sustainable scholarship / Robert Schroeder and Gretta E. Siegel.



Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tweet Your arXiv Preprints


Two Weeks Ago, I Posted A Query On The Practice Of 'Twitter Science' :

"I Am Greatly Interested In Learning Of Any / All Formal (or Informal) Initiatives That Have Incorporated Twitter (Or Similiar Mobile Features And / Or Functionality) Within Science (And / Or Technology) Projects, Publications And / Or Conferences."

Well ... ... ...

" ... Robert Simpson, a PhD student from Cardiff University in the UK, has created a website that ranks papers appearing on the arXiv preprint server according to their popularity on Twitter.

ArXiv On Twitter

His website searches Twitter for tweets that mention an arXiv url or posts that are tagged “#arxiv” and include the paper’s unique identifier. The website retrieves and lists all the tweets and produces a table of the most popular papers, authors and arXiv categories ranked by how many tweets they have received.

[arXiv on Twitter: [snip] This project aims to collect this information and use it to highlight the most interesting and talked-about papers].

The website has only been active since 16 April, but already there have been 75 tweets quoting arXiv papers.

The paper ranked fourth in the table, however, as far as I could tell was an April fool’s joke, which proclaimed that pi has changed since 1900 BC. So maybe think twice before taking such a ranking seriously."


And Who Says I'm Crazy ... ? [:-)]


Friday, May 8, 2009 An Eclectic/Semantic/Innovative Journal

On the [New England Journal Of Medicine] beta site, we pursue new ideas in publishing and showcase innovative ways to present information for use in medical education, research, and clinical practice.


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1. What is the NEJM beta Web site? is the place to see the ideas for new features that are brewing at the New England Journal of Medicine Online. On the beta site we will be experimenting with presentations of articles, images, audio, and video.

2. Why did NEJM start the beta site?
We are always coming up with new features to try that might not be ready for prime time at NEJM Online. Putting our new ideas onto will let us see which ones meet a need and which don’t.

3. What can I do on beta?
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4. What will happen to these experiments over time?

We read and evaluate all comments received and try to use them to further improve our beta projects. Eventually, some of the new features will be judged ready to debut on [snip]


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