Saturday, May 9, 2009

Tweet Your arXiv Preprints


Two Weeks Ago, I Posted A Query On The Practice Of 'Twitter Science' :

"I Am Greatly Interested In Learning Of Any / All Formal (or Informal) Initiatives That Have Incorporated Twitter (Or Similiar Mobile Features And / Or Functionality) Within Science (And / Or Technology) Projects, Publications And / Or Conferences."

Well ... ... ...

" ... Robert Simpson, a PhD student from Cardiff University in the UK, has created a website that ranks papers appearing on the arXiv preprint server according to their popularity on Twitter.

ArXiv On Twitter

His website searches Twitter for tweets that mention an arXiv url or posts that are tagged “#arxiv” and include the paper’s unique identifier. The website retrieves and lists all the tweets and produces a table of the most popular papers, authors and arXiv categories ranked by how many tweets they have received.

[arXiv on Twitter: [snip] This project aims to collect this information and use it to highlight the most interesting and talked-about papers].

The website has only been active since 16 April, but already there have been 75 tweets quoting arXiv papers.

The paper ranked fourth in the table, however, as far as I could tell was an April fool’s joke, which proclaimed that pi has changed since 1900 BC. So maybe think twice before taking such a ranking seriously."


And Who Says I'm Crazy ... ? [:-)]


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