Sunday, June 17, 2012

Master: MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy

MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy: The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) in Cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

The degree is offered and awarded by the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI University) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD).

Where: Germany: Berlin; Portorož – Piran, Slovenia

When: Year Round

Overview: Offered by the EMUNI in partnership with the ICD, the program will combine the traditional academic components of International Relations with a concentration on Euro-Mediterranean Studies and a focus on the role of soft power and cultural diplomacy in contemporary global affairs.

The Key Objectives of the program are:
• To provide students with an in depth understanding of the theory and practice of international relations within the contemporary interdependent world placing a particular emphasis on cultural diplomacy within this framework
• To educate students about cultural diplomacy within the context of the political, economic and cultural pillars upon which sustainable international relations are based.
• To analyze soft power and hard power strategies within the international relations discourse in the recognition that each element is mutually important and compatible in what Prof. Joseph Nye has characterized as “smart power.”
• Since the Euro-Mediterranean is one of the most vibrant when it comes to both the need for cultural diplomacy and the application of cultural diplomacy, by focusing on this region, students will gain a valuable education that is transferable to any international context their future careers might take them. A comprehensive understanding of the theory, history and practice of Euro-Mediterranean Studies within the international relations field will lead to proper understanding and application of cultural diplomacy in both the Euro-Mediterranean context as well as in the global arena.

The MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy is a 4-semester program (12-15 months) consisting of two semesters in Berlin, one at The Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI) in Portorož – Piran, Slovenia and a thesis to be completed either in Berlin or Slovenia, or at a location of the student’s choice.

This unique combination of study and work at two different institutions provides the important support and experience that an MA student in Cultural Diplomacy and International Relations needs in order to flourish in today’s globalized world.

The structure and geographical division of the courses provides students with access to different cultures that will enhance cultural awareness and understanding of different political and economic norms, as well as providing a useful platform on which to broaden the areas of study offered within the program.

Setting and Course Description: The MA program follows the conventional university structure of a 4-semester course. Students are offered an array of optional courses to accompany mandatory courses, professional training opportunities and the final thesis. The first and second semester will be undertaken in Berlin, and the third in Slovenia. The students will then produce a final thesis on a related topic of choice.

Courses have been designed to provide a balance between historical, current and future perspectives. Topics range from nation-branding and unilateral cultural diplomacy to contemporary German foreign policy, international organizations, Contemporary European Politics and so forth, with a focus on Euro-Mediterranean issues. Many of these courses will focus on the practical applications of Cultural Diplomacy and political economic thought and theory, as well as current transnational and theories and practices in the Euro-Med region.

Program Value:
•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international politics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in a complex global order.
• Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy, which is currently a rare yet, rapidly increasing and important field within the public sector, private sector and civil society.
•Students of this program will be significantly advantaged in the political arena against students who simply obtain an MA in international relations.
•The Program offers students a special focus on Euro-Mediterranean issues, which will prepare the student for a vast array of career opportunities in this region and across the world.
•During the “Professional Training” semester of the MA students will be able to create and implement their own programs of cultural diplomacy.
•Graduates will discover that the curriculum and faculty prepare them for evolving careers in academia and all public and private international sectors.
•Career Service - The ICD and EMUNI see it as an integral part of the MA to support and assist our students in acquiring the careers that they seek. Therefore during semester 3 of the program, together with the support of our faculty advisors and our career services department, we will create a strategy with the student of how to proceed immediately from the MA to the career of their choice, should that be the desire of the student.
•The program will allow students to study with distinguished and renowned faculty and meet with guest speakers from Slovenia, Germany, Europe, and across the world, and will enable contact with and access to experts and organizations associated with international relations and the Euro- Mediterranean region, as well as current and former politicians and other stakeholders.

Program Cost: Tuition for the MA in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy is €3,000 per semester (and total of €12,000).

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