Sunday, June 17, 2012

PhD: PhD Degree in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy

PhD Degree in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy: Babes-Bolyai University in Cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy

The degree is offered and awarded by the Babes-Bolyai University (BBU) in cooperation with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD).

Where: Germany: Berlin; Romania: Cluj-Napoca

When: Year Round

Overview: The Doctoral studies represent the third cycle of studies offered by Babeş-Bolyai University (BBU) in partnership with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, with the purpose of expanding knowledge through original scientific research. They allow the acquisition of a level 8 qualification according to The European Qualifications Framework and to The National Qualifications Framework.

The Key Objectives of the program are:

• To provide students with an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of global business.

• To educate students about how cultural diplomacy can be harnessed to improve relations with other corporate entities, governments, individuals and international institutions.

• To analyze the strategic and ethical foundations of corporate social responsibility programs and corporate philanthropy.

Setting Description: The degree is awarded by the Babes-Bolyai University in partnership with the ICD, with instruction entirely in English.

The doctoral studies of a doctoral student are planned for a period of 3 academic years (each composed of 2 academic semesters) and comprise:

A. a training program based on advanced academic studies, carried out in the BBU doctoral school; in Cluj, Romania.

B. an individual program of scientific research/artistic creation, carried out in the ICD- Berlin.

C. The doctoral studies end with the public defense of an original paper, called doctoral thesis, which is the result of the research activity or artistic creation carried out by the doctoral student during his/her doctoral studies. The title of doctor is granted or not granted on the basis of the doctoral thesis and its public defense. The doctoral thesis phase could be conducted anywhere.

Program Value:

•The program offers students a core curriculum in international business education, preparing the future leaders of tomorrow for the leadership, marketing and strategic skills they will need to build careers in economics or business.

•Students will have access to an expert faculty with experience in international economics and diplomacy, and will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in a complex global order.

•Students will obtain an expertise in cultural diplomacy, currently an underutilized but increasingly significant business tool.

•Students will be uniquely situated to create and implement their own programs of corporate cultural diplomacy.

•The curriculum and faculty prepare graduates for careers in academia, economic governance, advocacy and all branches of the international private sector.

•Career Service - Both the ICD and Babes-Bolyai University believe that supporting and assisting our students in acquiring the careers that they seek is an integral part of the PhD program. During the third semester of the program, with the support of our faculty, advisors, and our career services department, we will devise a strategy for how the student may best proceed from the PhD to the career of his or her choice.

•Finally, the program will allow students to study with distinguished and renowned faculties from Romania, Germany, the United States and throughout Europe, enabling contacts with experts in and organizations affiliated with international business and economics.

Program Cost: Tuition for the PhD program in Cultural Diplomacy and the Global Economy is €3,000 per semester (and total of €18,000).

Subjects: International Relations, Economy, Cultural Diplomacy

To apply: The Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies

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