Saturday, September 8, 2012

Conference: The frontier worker: New perspectives on the labour market in border regions, Oradea, Romania, 18-10 October 2012 [DL extended to 10th September]‏

The frontier worker: New perspectives on the labour market in border regions, Oradea, Romania, 18-10 October 2012

The European labor law, as well as labor regulations and social security of the Council of

Europe, are among the most dynamic branches of European law, and the free movement of persons is

one of the four fundamental freedoms of Community law. Although it is regulated both in the

constituent treaties and the modifying ones, as well as in the secondary legislation, there is some

legal issues incident to this freedom that raise a number of issues such as: who falls into the workers

category? The coverage of the intermediate categories and their rights? What kind of legal

restrictions that states may impose on the rights of workers and their families or the latter? The

border worker issue begins to become interesting also in the countries that entered in the last two

waves of extension in the context of the multiplication of the European groups of cross-border

cooperation. The conference allows debates, pondering and knowledge in the field of the European

social law, the border right, cross-border cooperation, especially since it has never held such a

conference in the border region of SE European Union.

The issues discussed during this conference want to find concrete solutions to the problem,

very important for the development of the border regions. The debates that will involve professors,

researchers and students will be supported by those who work in public or private institutions who

need clarification on the issues discussed in the three workshops:

1. Border region as a space of innovation

2. The frontier worker - between the European legislation and the national procedures

3. Free movement of labor force in the border regions

Important Deadlines

June 2, 2012: Start of paper proposals submission;

August 31, 2012: Deadline for paper proposals submission;

September 14, 2012: Notification of paper acceptance;

September 30, 2012: Final confirmation of participants; the deadline of fee payment;


The abstracts (max. 500 words followed by 3-5 keywords) will be submitted for review in

electronic MS Word format. Please provide the full names, affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone

and e-mail addresses of all authors, indicating the contact author. There will be accepted only one

paper for each participant as a first author. Abstracts will be submitted online to the following e-mail


The official language of the conference is English.

The authors will receive confirmation via email.

Selected papers will be published, after the conference, in the conference volume. To this

end, full papers will be re-submitted to peer-review process.

Conference fee

Conference fee is 100 euro/participant.

For PhD and MA candidates the conference fee is 75 euro/participant.

The conference fee includes:

- Participants` accommodation and meals during the conference;

- The costs to print and publish all the materials of the conference including the conference


The Preliminary Programme:

Thursday, October 18

1600 - 2000 - participants` arrival and registration

2000 - Welcome reception

Friday, October 19

1000 - 1200 - The Official Opening

1300 - 1500 - Lunches

1500 - 1630 - Workshop

1630 - 1700 - Coffee break

1700 - 1900 - Workshop

2000 - Dinner

Saturday, October 20

1000 - 1130 - Final conclusions

1130 - 1200 - Coffee break

1200 - 1300 - The national meeting of the Jean Monnet professors from Romania

The national gathering of the Romanian Association of International Relations and

European Studies

1300 - 1500 - Lunches

1500 - Participants` departure

Information and contacts

Further information and updates regarding the conference venue, registration, conference

programme, and accommodation details will be available in due time on the conference website:

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