Monday, September 24, 2012

Conference: Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), Columbia Universtiy, New York, 18-20 April 2013‏

18th Annual World Convention of the

Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)

International Affairs Building,

Columbia University, NY

Sponsored by the Harriman Institute

18-20 April 2013

***Proposal deadline: 17 October 2012***

[Please note that the deadline is earlier than in previous years]

Contact information:

proposals must be submitted to: and

Over 140 PANELS on the Balkans, Central Europe and the Baltics, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia and Eurasia, the Caucasus, Turkey, China,

and Nationalism Studies


History, Politics, and Memory

Ethnicity and Violence

Migration and Globalization

THEMATIC Panels on

Islam and Politics, Genocide and Mass Killing, Language Politics, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Autonomy, Gender and Identity, EU Integration, Migration, Borders and Diasporas, War Crimes and International Tribunals, Political Economy, Nation-Building, and many more…

SCREENING of New Documentaries


AWARDS for Best Doctoral Student Papers,

the ASN Harriman Joseph Rothschild Book Prize

the ASN Audience Award for Best Documentary

The Nationalities Papers Opening Reception

The ASN Convention, the most attended international and inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, welcomes proposals on a wide range of topics related to nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic conflict and national identity in Central Europe, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union, and Central Eurasia (including Central Asia, the Caucasus, Turkey, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq).

Prospective applicants can get a sense of the large thematic scope of ASN Convention papers by looking at the 2012 Final Program, which can be accessed at

The Convention also invites proposals devoted to comparative perspectives on nationalism-related issues in other regions of the world, as well as theoretical approaches that need not be grounded in any particular geographic region. Disciplines represented include political science, history, anthropology, sociology, international studies, security studies, geopolitics, area studies, economics, geography, sociolinguistics, literature, psychology, and related fields.

The Convention is also inviting paper, panel, roundtable, or special presentation proposals related to three special themes:

•“History, Politics and Memory,” on the construction and contestation of the memory of historical events in particular sites, political discourse and historical research;

•“Ethnicity and Violence,”on the conditions, mechanism, construction, implications and global perspective of violence perpetrated against “ethnic” or culturally-defined groups;

•“Migration and Globalization”, on the social and political challenges related to the causes of migration, border dynamics, and the integration of immigrant communities in modern societies.

Papers presented at the Convention will be made available for $10 on a CD to Convention attendees, but will neither be posted on the ASN website, nor be sold to Convention non-attendees.

Nationalities Papers, the ASN flagship journal, will hold a Nationalities Debate, a high profile discussion on the state of the art, as well as the consistently popular roundtable “How To Get Your Article Published”, which features the editors of some of the leading journals in the field. Nationalities Papers will also sponsor the opening reception.

For several years, the ASN Convention has acknowledged excellence in graduate studies research by offering Awards for Best Doctoral Student Papers. The ASN 2012 Eighth Annual ASN Doctoral Student Awards were given to Yuval Feinstein (Sociology, UCLA, US – Nationalism Section), Evgeny Finkel (U of Wisconsin, US – Ukraine/Russia/Caucasus Section), Maj Grasten (Political Science, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark – Balkans Section), Christopher Molnar (History, Indiana University, US – Central Europe Section), and Alp Eren Topal (History, Bilkent University, Turkey –Eurasia/Turkey Section). Doctoral student applicants whose proposals are accepted for the 2013 Convention, who will not have defended their dissertation by 1 November 2012, and whose papers are delivered by the deadline, will automatically be considered for the awards. Each award comes with a certificate and a $500 cash prize.

The ASN Convention inaugurated in 2010 an annual ASN Harriman Book Prize—the Joseph Rothschild Prize in Nationalism and Ethnic Studies. In 2012, the Third Annual Harriman ASN Book Prize went to Roger Petersen for Western Intervention in the Balkans: The Strategic Use of Emotion in Conflict (Cambridge University Press, 2011). An honorable mention was given to Theodora Dragostinova for Better Two Motherlands: Nationality and Emigration among the Greeks of Bulgaria, 1900-1949 (Cornell University Press, 2011). The award comes with a certificate and a $500 cash prize. For information on how to have a book considered for the 2012 Book Prize, please contact Dmitry Gorenburg at, or go to

The 2013 Convention is also inviting submissions for documentaries made within the past few years and available in DVD format (either NTSC or PAL). The documentaries selected for the Convention will be screened during regular panel slots and, in several cases, will be followed by a discussion moderated by an expert on the topic area. Films on the 2011 Program included My Perestroika (US, 2010), Putin’s Kiss (Denmark, 2011), Khodorkovsky (Germany, 2011), Who Killed Natasha? (France, 2011) and Brother Numer One (New Zealand, 2011). The full 2012 film lineup can be accessed at In 2012, the Convention inaugurated an ASN Documentary Audience Award. The award went to the French film Qui a tué Natacha? (Who Killed Natasha?), from director Mylène Sauloy, a wrenching investigation on the murder of human rights activist Natasha Estemirova in Chechnya. A runner-up, also the most attended film of the Convention, was My Perestroika, from US director Robin Hessman. The award comes with a certificate and a $500 cash prize.

The 2013 Award Guidelines can be accessed at

The full composition of the Program Committee, responsible for the selection of proposals and films, the construction of the program, and the awards selection for doctoral papers and books, will be announced shortly on the ASN website,

Proposal Information

The 2013 Convention invites proposals for individual papers or panels. A panel includes a chair, three or four presentations based on written papers, and a discussant. The Convention is also welcoming offers to serve as discussant on a panel to be created by the Program Committee from individual paper proposals. The application to be considered as discussant can be self-standing, or accompanied by an individual paper proposal.

In order to send proposals to the Convention, the three mandatory items indicated below (contact information, abstract, biographical statement) must be included in a single Word document (PDF documents will not be accepted) attached to an email message.

Each applicant – single or multiple authors in individual proposals, all members of a panel proposal – must also fill out a Fact Sheet online that can be accessed at

IMPORTANT: Applicants can only send one paper proposal -- whether as an individual proposal, or as a paper part of a panel proposal. At the Convention, each panelist can only appear on a maximum of TWO panels, only one of which can be in the capacity of a paper presenter. For example, a panelist can chair a panel and present a paper on another, or chair a panel and be discussant or another, and so forth. This rule applies to co-authored papers, thus a co-authored paper presentation counts as one appearance.

Individual paper proposals must include four items:

*Contact information: the name, email, postal address and academic affiliation of the applicant.

*A 300- to 500-word abstract (shorter abstracts will not be considered) that includes the title of the paper.

*A 100-word biographical statement, in narrative form (a text with the length of one paragraph). Statements in standard CV format will be rejected.

Individual proposals featuring more than one author (joint proposal) must include the contact information and biographical statement of all authors and specify whether all co-authors intend to attend the Convention. Only joint presenters attending the Convention will have their names in the official program.

*A Fact Sheet, to be filled out online (see above). In the case of co-authors, only those intending to attend the Convention must send a Fact Sheet. The Word document proposal must indicate that the Fact Sheet has been filled out online.

Panel proposals must include four items:

*Contact information (see above) of all proposed panelists.

*The title of the panel and a 200- to 300-word abstract of each paper.

*A 100-word biographical statement (see above) for each proposed panelist. Statements in standard CV format will be rejected. The rules on joint proposals are the same as with individual proposals (see above).

*A Fact Sheet, to be filled out online (see above), for each panelist attached to the proposal. The Word document proposal must indicate that all panelists have filled out their Fact Sheet online.

Proposals can also be sent for roundtables and book panels. Roundtables include a chair, four presenters, but no discussant, since the presentations, unlike regular panels, are not based on written papers. Roundtable proposals include the same four items as a panel proposal, except that the 200- to 300-word abstracts are presentation abstracts, rather than paper abstracts.

The Convention is also inviting proposals for Book Panels, based on books published between January 2012 and February 2013. The proposal must include the Chair, three discussants, as well as the author. A Book Panel proposal must include the same four items as a panel proposal, except that the abstract is limited to a 200- to 300-word abstract of the book. The discussants need not submit an abstract.

Proposals for documentaries must include four items:

*Contact information (see above)

*A 300- to 500-word abstract of the documentary

*A 100-word biographical statement (see above). CVs will be rejected.

*A Fact Sheet filled out online (see above).

Two copies of the documentary on DVD (in NTSC or PAL format) will also need to be sent to the Convention. More information will be provided upon receipt of the film proposal.

Proposals for a roundtable following the screening of a film are most welcome. In these cases, the requirements of a panel proposal apply, in addition to the 300- to 500-word abstract of the film.

Proposals to serve as a discussant must include four items:

*Contact information (see above)

*A 100-word statement about your areas of expertise

*A 100-word biographical statement (see above). CVs will be rejected.

*A Fact Sheet filled out online (see above)

Proposals for applicants already included in an individual paper or panel proposal need only include the 100-word statement on areas of expertise.

IMPORTANT: All proposals must be sent in a single email message, with an attached proposal in a Word document (PDFs will not be accepted) containing contact information, an abstract, a biographical statement, as well as a confirmation that the Fact Sheet has been filled out online (or multiple Fact Sheets, in the case of co-authors and/or panel proposals). Proposals including contact information, the abstract and the bio statement in separate attachments, or over several email messages will not be considered. The proposals must be sent to AND

The receipt of all proposals will be promptly acknowledged electronically, with some delay during deadline week, due to the high volume of proposals.

IMPORTANT: Participants are responsible for covering all travel and accommodation costs. Unfortunately, ASN has no funding available for panelists.

An international Program Committee will be entrusted with the selection of proposals. Applicants will be notified by January 2013. Information regarding registration costs and other logistical questions will be communicated afterwards.

The full list of panels from last year’s convention can be accessed at

The programs from past conventions, going back to 2001, are also online at

Several dozen publishers and companies have had exhibits and/or advertised in the Convention Program in past years. Due to considerations of space, advertisers and exhibitors are encouraged to place their order early. For information, please contact Convention Executive Director Lydia C. Hamilton (

The ASN Facebook page will post regular updates on the ASN 2013 Convention. To become a follower of ASN on Facebook, go to and click on the “Like” option.

We very much look forward to hearing from you and receiving your proposal!

The Convention Organizing Committee:

Dominique Arel, ASN President

Lydia C. Hamilton, Executive Director

Sherrill Stroschein, Program Chair

Florian Bieber, Zsuzsa Csergo, Julie George, Dmitry Gorenburg, Lisa Koriouchkina, and Harris Mylonas, ASN Executive Committee

Deadline for proposals: 17 October 2012 (to be sent to both AND

The ASN Convention’s headquarters are located at the:

Harriman Institute

Columbia University

1211 IAB

420 W. 118th St.

New York, NY 10027

212 854 6239 tel

212 666 3481 fax

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