Friday, September 28, 2012

Conference: Modern Greek Studies Association Symposium, Bloomington, Indiana, 14-16 November 2013‏

MGSA Symposium 2013
23rd biennial conference of the Modern Greek Studies Association
November 14-16, 2013 at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana

For detailed call for papers and information about the conference and
submission process see the
MGSA Symposium 2013 website:
(ALL submissions must be made ELECTRONICALLY by website. Note that this is a new procedure and website).

Hosted by the Modern Greek Program and West European Studies at
Indiana University.

Organized by The Modern Greek Studies Association Executive Board and
the MGSA 2013 Local Arrangements and Program Committees.

Deadline for abstracts for 20-minute papers: January 15, 2013;
Deadline for panel proposal: January 31, 2013;
Deadline for special sessions (roundtables, lunch brainstorming,
workshop, etc.): March 1, 2013

Open topic on Greek, Greeks, Greece, and Cyprus, and ideas of the
Greek in modern times. Approaches are welcome from all disciplines in
the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Arts and from interdisciplinary
fields. Comparative perspectives are encouraged.

Suggested topics of special interest are:

40 years after the Polytechneio
Migration and citizenship
Gender relations and the politics of sexuality
Historical culture and social memory
Pedagogy and curriculum development
Teaching Greek as a foreign language: linguistic and other approaches
Material culture, museums and heritage
Crisis and critique
Cultural circulation, exchange, and change
Spaces of intellectual fertilization in and out of Greece
Transnational communities
Greek literature and arts in national and post-national contexts
Greece, Greeks, Cyprus in the arts or media today
New economies of labor
Cypriot and other identities
Greek studies and the critical vocation

Program Contact Information

Questions may be submitted via the contact form on the website or to:
Prof. Victor Papacosma, MGSA Executive Director,

Please note the importance of respecting those January deadlines, as the majority of the conference content consists of the sessions proposed in those abstracts.

PhD: Fellowship Announcement, American Research Centre in Sofia‏



Deadline: January 15, 2013


Graduate and advanced undergraduate students enrolled at North American academic institutions (or academic institutions accredited in North America) engaged in research on ancient, medieval, or modern Bulgaria or the Balkan peninsula, in any field of the humanities and social sciences.


The fellowships are of 9-month (September-May) or 3-month (September-November or February-April) duration. In addition to independent research, Fellows will participate in ARCS academic program which includes a series of lectures, seminars, and excursions designed to provide a broad thematic vision of Bulgarian and Balkan history and culture from prehistory to present.


Fellows receive a monthly cash stipend ($600/month), housing in Bulgaria, language instruction, travel expenses within the academic program, and up to $1,000 for travel expenses between North America and Bulgaria. Up to 10 fellowships are awarded. Every year there are some applicants who were accepted in the program with only partial fellowship or without fellowship. We strongly encourage you to inquire in timely manner about possibilities for funding from your home institution as well and to indicate this in your application.


An application consists of the application form (available at; a project proposal describing how participation in the ARCS academic program will serve your research interests (not to exceed five double-spaced pages); a current CV; academic transcripts; and two letters of reference from scholars familiar with your work. For full consideration, these materials must be submitted by email to ARCS Fellowship Committee at . ARCS expects to notify applicants of the decision of the Fellowship Committee by March 1, 2013.

Please direct any questions about ARCS academic programs, fellowships, or application procedures to Professor Eric De Sena (, Director of ARCS or Dr. Emil Nankov (, Archaeology Program Officer of ARCS.

The American Research Center in Sofia does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, color, religion, ethnic origin, or disability when considering admission to its programs.

Conference:The Second Euroacademia International Conference: The European Union and the Politicization of Europe, Budapest, 6-8 December 2012‏

The Second Euroacademia International Conference

The European Union and the Politicization of Europe

6-8 December 2012, Budapest, Hungary

Mercure Budapest City Center Hotel

Deadline for Papers: 15 October 2012

Conference Description:

The European Union was described by Jacques Delors as an unidentified political object and by Jose Manuel Barroso as the first non-Imperial empire. The descriptors assigned to the European Union are creative and diverse yet the agreement on what is the actual shape that the EU is taking is by no means an easy one to be achieved. Historical choices shaped and reshaped the size and functioning of the EU while the goal of an emerging ‘ever closer union’ is still in search for the paths of real and not ideal accomplishment. The agreement seems to come when it’s about the growing impact of the decisions taken in Brussels on the daily lives of the European citizens and the increasingly redistributive outcomes of the policy choices inside the EU. These dynamics created the framework for the politicization of Europe and opened a vivid debate about the direction and proportions of such a process.

The politicization of Europe takes various shapes and addresses significant puzzles. While it is clear that the EU doesn’t resemble a state it is less clear if the decisions that shape its policies are configured by Pareto efficient outcomes or by dynamics that are intrinsic to political systems and defined by emerging party politics within the European Parliament. The democratic problem or the democratic deficit issue was and continues to be one of the main challenges facing the European Union in any terms or from any position is understood or described. The problem of accountability for the decision making inside the EU was there from the beginning and it emerged gradually as more emphatic on the agenda of vivid debates as the powers of the EU have grown after the Maastricht Treaty. This was concomitant with a growing disenchantment of citizens from member states with politics in general, with debates over the democratic deficits inside member states, with enlargement and with a visible and worrying decrease in voters’ turnouts at both national and especially European elections. The optimist supporters of EU believe in its power to constantly reinvent and reshape while the pessimists see either a persistence of existing problems or a darker scenario that could lead in front of current problems even to the end of the EU as we know it.

The Euroacademia International Conference ‘The European Union and the Politicization of Europe’ aims to survey some of these current debates and addresses once more the challenges of the EU polity in a context of multiple crises that confronted Europe in recent years. It supports a transformative view that involves balanced weights of optimism and pessimism in a belief that the unfold of current events and the way EU deals with delicate problems will put an increased pressure in the future on matters of accountability and will require some institutional adjustments that address democratic requirements for decision making. However in its present shape and context the EU does not look able to deliver soon appropriate answers to democratic demands. In a neo-functionalist slang we can say as an irony that the actual crisis in the EU legitimacy is a ‘spillover’ effect of institutional choices made some time before. To address the EU’s democratic deficit however is not to be a sceptic and ignore the benefits that came with it but to acknowledge the increasing popular dissatisfaction with ‘occult’ office politics and with the way EU tackles daily problems of public concern while the public is more and more affected by decisions taken at European level.

Is the EU becoming an increasingly politicized entity? Is the on-going politicization of Europe a structured or a messy one? Do political parties within the European Parliament act in a manner that strengthens the view of the EU as an articulate political system? Are there efficient ways for addressing the democratic deficit issue? Can we find usable indicators for detecting an emerging European demos and a European civil society? Does a Europeanization of the masses take place or the EU remains a genuinely elitist project? Did the Lisbon Treaty introduce significant changes regarding the challenges facing the EU? Can we see any robust improvements in the accountability of the EU decision making processes? Are there alternative ways of looking at the politicization processes and redistributive policies inside the EU? Is the on-going crisis changing the European politics dramatically? These are only few of the large number of questions that unfold when researchers or practitioners look at the EU. It is the aim of the Second Euroacademia International Conference ‘The European Union and the Politicization of Europe’ to address in a constructive manner such questions and to offer o platform for dissemination of research results or puzzles that can contribute to a better understanding of the on-going process of politicization within the European Union.

Selected Panels proposed by participants:
1. New Panel: The Eurozone Crisis: Transformative Impact on the European Project and Models(s) of Capitalism
2. New Panel: Toward the Europeanization of Digital Powers: The Role of Digital Technologies in the European Integration
3. New Panel: Elections to the European Parliament
4. New Panel: The Persistence of the Democratic Deficit in the European Union

The conference is organized yet by no means restricted to the following orientative panels:

· The Crisis of Europe and its Political Challenges

· The Crisis of European Solidarity

· Greece and the Questioning of the Factual European Unity

· Is Euro-enthusiasm Still Possible?

· The Politicization of Europe: Desirable or Contestable

· The Neo-medieval EU: Resembling an Enlightened Despotism?

· The EU as a Political System: Features and Curiosities

· Differentiated Integration and Club Based Hypotheses

· Re-distributive Policies Inside the EU Impacting the Medium Voter

· European Elections and Strategies for Politicization

· European Parties and Party Politics in the European Parliament

· Strategies for Bringing European Issues to Public Scrutiny

· Taking ECB Out of the Political Vacuum: Strategies for Accountability

· The Democratic Deficit Issue: A Persistent Anomaly?

· In Search of a European Demos

· Inclusion/Exclusion Nexuses

· Looking for a European Civil Society

· Appropriations and Politicization of Wider European Values and Narratives

· Persisting Intergovernmentalism?

· EU and Traces of Imperial Politics

· EU and Identitarian appropriations

· Scenarios for Change Inside the EU

· The Future of EU Enlargement

· The Europeanization of Balkans

· Taking Euroskepticism Seriously

· Assessing the EU External Action

· Increasing Public Saliency for Supranational Issues

· Lobbying and Policy Making Inside the EU

· Cultural Policies and the Politicization of Europe

· Educational Policies of Europeanization

· Representations of EUrope

· Arts and the Imaginary Shape of the EU

· Mobility and Europeanization

· Europe 2020 - Scenarios for Future

Participant’s Profile

The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and professionals with a particular interest in Europe and the European Union from all parts of the world. As the nature of the conference is intended to be multidisciplinary in nature different academic backgrounds are welcomed. Post-graduate students, doctoral candidates and young researchers are welcome to submit an abstract. Representatives of INGOs, NGOs, Think Tanks and activists willing to present their work with impact on or influenced by specific understandings of the European Union are welcomed as well to submit the abstract of their contribution.

Abstracts will be reviewed and the participants are selected based on the proven quality of the abstract. The submitted paper for the conference proceedings is expected to be in accordance with the lines provided in the submitted abstract.

A specific spot in the conference program will be dedicated to social networking and therefore all the participants interested in setting or developing further cooperation agendas and prospects with other participants will have time to present and/or promote their project and express calls for cooperation. A specific setting for promotional materials connected with the topic of the conference will be reserved for the use of participants. Books authored or edited by the participants can be exhibited and promoted during the whole period of the conference and can also be presented within the conference package based on prior arrangements.


Selected papers will be published by Euroacademia Publishing (Paris) in an electronic volume with ISBN after the confirmation of the authors and a double peer-review process based on an agreed publication schedule. All the papers selected for publication should be original and must have not been priory published elsewhere. All participants to the conference will receive a copy of the volume.

Important Dates

15 October 2012 - 300 words abstracts and details of affiliation

The 300 word abstracts and the affiliation details should be submitted in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats, following this order:

1) author(s), 2) affiliation, 3) email address, 4) title of abstract, 5) body of abstract 6) preferred panel or proposed panel

The abstract and details can be sent to with the name of the conference specified in the subject line or through the on-line application form available at

We will acknowledge the receipt of your proposal and answer to all paper proposals submitted.

If your paper was accepted a notification of acceptance will be sent to you. Your confirmation of attendance will be expected until 25th of October 2012 and until the 30th of October the payment of the participation fee through bank transfer is requested. Early registrations prior to 10th of October benefit of a 10% discounted rate in the participation fee. No paper will be introduced in the program without confirmation and payment of the participant fee. By 20th of November 2012 the full paper is to be sent according with the style standards provided to the accepted participants by organizers. All papers will be uploaded on the website as drafts available for consultation for other participants and the public. The conference will be held in English and will focus on the discussion of 5,000–6,000-word, pre-circulated papers.

Euroacademia is a non-profit organization, based in Paris and Vienna, aiming to foster academic cooperation, networking and a platform for dissemination and valorisation of academic research results, trends, and emerging themes within the area of concern for European studies, political science, critical studies, cultural studies, history, anthropology, social psychology, semiotics, philosophy, sociology and wider and inclusive interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary approaches that contribute to a better understanding of the ‘self-organizing vertigo’ (Edgar Morin) of the European realm. Euroacademia’s goal is to become a hub for academic interaction on and about Europe.

For more information visit

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Conference: Orthodoxy, Music , Politics and Art in Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe, Goldsmiths, University of London, 16-17 March 2013‏

Centre for Russian Music, Goldsmiths, University of London

Orthodoxy, Music , Politics and Art in Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe

16-17 March 2013

Organized by the Centre for Russian Music and the Department of History, Goldsmiths, University of London

"Orthodoxy, Music, Politics and Art in Contemporary Russia and Eastern Europe" is a two-day conference organized by the Centre for Russian Music and the Department of History at Goldsmiths, University of London, dedicated to the interaction between music, politics, the plastic arts and Orthodox Christianity from the beginning of the 20th century to the present.

Particular areas of interest include, but are not limited to: the expression and suppression of religious faith in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries; the role of faith in artistic expression since the fall of institutionalized communism; the spiritual/the sacred in music; chant as an element of musical vocabulary; the revival of sacred choral music, and politics and faith.

Papers should be no longer than 20 minutes in length, allowing for 10 minutes' discussion afterwards. Please send a 250-word abstract to by 10 December 2012, including name, affiliation (if any) and contact mail. Please also send any enquiries to this address. The language of the Conference is English. The possibility of the publication of some or all the papers presented will be considered.

The Conference will include concerts by the English Chamber Choir and the Goldsmiths Chamber Choir.

The convenors of the Conference are Professor Alexander Ivashkin (Centre for Russian Music, Goldsmiths, University of London) and Rev. Dr Ivan Moody (CESEM - Universidade Nova, Lisbon).

The Keynote speaker is Rev. Dr Ivan Moody.

PhD: Pre-Doctoral Fellowship - Cold War/Post-1945 International History, Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University, Washingtone DC‏

The George Washington University’s Institute for European, Russian and
Eurasian Studies (IERES) is pleased to announce a call for applications for
the Mellon Pre-doctoral Fellowship in Cold War/Post-1945 International
History for 2013-2014. Applicants need to have completed archival research
for their dissertation in two or more countries and be at the final writing
stage of their dissertation at an American university. The Fellow must be
in residence at IERES from September 2013 through June 2014 and will be
provided with an office and computer. The Fellow will also help the IERES
Director administer several workshops that train Ph.D. candidates to
conduct archival research. The award will offer support in the amount of
$25,000 per year, plus benefits.

Interested applicants should submit an 8-10 page proposal, curriculum
vitae, and a letter of recommendation from a member of your dissertation
committee. Please also submit a cover letter that clearly addresses your
experience with archival research and any previous administrative
responsibilities. All applications are reviewed by a GWU faculty panel that
rewards clarity of argument and method as well as the originality of the
research and the argument.

Deadline for all fellowship applications is January 15, 2013.
Applications should be sent to by 15 January, 2013 with the
subject line reading “Pre-doctoral Application.” Recommendation letters may
be e-mailed or sent to:

Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
ATTN: Pre-doctoral Application

1957 E Street NW, Suite 412
Washington, DC 20052
Tel: 202-994-6340
Fax: 202-994-5436

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Master: European Master's Programme, Global Studies - A Euroepan Perspective‏

European Master’s Programme


Topic: “Global Studies – A European Perspective” is an interdisciplinary, research-based Master’s course offered by a Consortium of five European universities, that are namely: University of Leipzig (Germany), London School of Economics and Political Science (UK), University of Roskilde (Denmark), University of Vienna (Austria) and University of Wroclaw (Poland) and seven Non-European universities: Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Dalhousie University (Canada), Fudan University (China), Jawaharlal Nehru University (India), Macquarie University (Australia), University of California at Santa Barbara (USA), University of Stellenbosch (South Africa).

The Master’s course combines approaches from Global History and International Studies. Cultural Studies, Area Studies, Social Sciences and other disciplines contribute to a wide ranging academic programme.

Mobility track: The course is modularised and integrated: It can be studied for one year at one of the European partner institutions, and for the second year at a different European university. Additionally there is the opportunity to spend one semester at one of our Non-European partner universities.

Application requirements: The Master’s Course ‘Global Studies’ aims at excellent students with a first degree in social sciences and humanities with an interest in issues of globalisation. The minimum application requirements are a BA degree or a recognised equivalent from an accredited institution, sufficient undergraduate training to do graduate work in the chosen field, excellent written and oral command of English.

Application files: A filled in application form (to be found on, two academic references, proof of an excellent BA in the social sciences or humanities, a statement of purpose, curriculum vita and language certificates.

Grants: The European Master ‘Global Studies – A European Perspective” is part of the EU’s co-operation and mobility programme in the field of higher education ERASMUS MUNDUS. Therefore the EU offers each year scholarships for highly qualified applicants of this Master’s course. These grants include besides the coverage for the complete tuition fees also a monthly living allowance.

Application deadline: The application deadline is December 1st of each year for applicants who want to qualify for the Erasmus Mundus scholarship and for the next cycle of the course, which starts in fall of the following year. Meeting the application deadline will be established by the date of arrival of the paper application.


This Master’s Course is part of the EU programme for academic exchange ERASMUS MUNDUS.

It is co-ordinated by the University of Leipzig. E-Mail:

Conference: The external implications on EU Internal Security Strategy, Panel at 20th International Conference of Europeanists Amsterdam, 25-17 June 2013‏

20th International Conference of Europeanists

Crisis and Contingency: States of (In)stability

Amsterdam, The Netherlands • June 25-27, 2013

The external implications on EU Internal Security Strategy

Daniela Irrera

University of Catania

Since its foundation and through its various adaptation process, the EU has always been concerned with the strengthening of security. The need to secure its internal borders and to assure adequate protection to its own citizens has been combined, over the years, with the urgent necessity to face external threats, to be part of strategic alliances, to build stable regional partnerships, to satisfactorily follow and to adapt to the constant changes occurring to global security.

From the Solana document, issued in 2004, to the last Security Strategy, the EU has envisaged its list of priorities and has focused on terrorism, organised crime failed states, and more recently, cybercrime and natural disasters.

The last documents illustrates that debates about security are still necessary either for practical and theoretical reasons. This panel is based on the abovementioned assumption and aims at discussing current and future implications of the EU Internal Security Strategy. It addresses to papers based on theoretical analysis as well as to those presenting case studies and/or empirical studies of the present threats. If you are interested, please send a short abstract (no more than 250 word) together with your full affiliation to by October 3rd.

Conference: 9th Kosovar and Regional Student Conference about Social Issues, Pristina, 7-8 December 2012‏

9th Kosovar and Regional Student Conference about Social Issues

This letter is an invitation for high school students to participate in the 9th Kosovar and Regional Student Conference about Social Issues. This conference—a continuation of the eight (8) other highly successful Student Conferences on Social issues—gathers youth from around Kosova and the region to discuss important social issues. Ultimately, The Kosovar and Regional Student Conference about Social issues aims to bring students from different ethnicities and regions together in the effort to:

• provide an opportunity for youth to present scientific studies in a professional manner.
• create an environment in which the professional exchange of student ideas can occur.
• create an environment in which youth can engage in discussions and debate about issues important to Kosova and the region.
• generate new ideas and offer potential solutions to social issues.
• encourage youth to be active participants in society.
• build ‘cooperative bridges’ among young people from different municipalities, regions and ethnic groups.
• inform public opinion about issues facing youth and the need to solve these problems.

ASK cordially invites students from high schools all over Kosova, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia to participate in this conference. It is our hope that students from different schools throughout region, regardless of their ethnic, religious, or cultural background, will gather together and create an environment in which participants of the conference can exchange views about issues facing society in the spirit of respect and cooperation.

Yes, I Wish to Participate. What does the Conference look like?
Students will research any social issue they believe is both relevant and pertinent to society. After choosing a topic of research, each student/group of students must then write an original, well-researched and well-argued research paper examining their chosen issue. The final reports will then be submitted and reviewed by a panel of experts. The panel of experts will select the best reports, which will then be presented at the Conference. The selected students will present their in the format of a 15 minute presentation. Following each presentation 15 minutes will be allotted for questions, answers and debate. Throughout each presentation there will be simultaneous translation in all of the languages participating in the conference. At the end of the conference, students who participated in the conference will receive a “Certificate of Excellence”. Those who submitted reports but were not asked to present will receive a “Certificate of Appreciation”.

The Conference will be held in Prishtina at the American School of Kosova. Participants from municipalities other than Prishtina will be accommodated in the ASK dormitories free of charge. ASK will pay both transportation (by bus) and accommodation expenses necessary for the participants.

What I Need to Know

For those interested in participating in this conference, here is a list of the most important information:

-The final date of submission is November 9, 2012. Reports should be original and authentic. Each report must be submitted by email. Please use the following address
-A maximum of three people in each group.
-Those selected for presentation at the conference will be notified on November 30, 2012
-The Conference will be a two day event, held on December 7 and 8, 2012, at ASK Amphitheater in Prishtina, Kosova.
-Transportation costs (by bus) and accommodation expenses for those outside Prishtina will be covered by the Conference.
-Studies can be submitted in your native language; however, the official language of the conference is English. We will provide simultaneous translation from the local language into English and vice versa.

Should you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by using the emails shown below.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Master: EPP/CoR Study Visit for Masters Students, Brussels, 28-30 November 2012‏

The European People's Party Group in the Committee of the Regions is holding the fifth edition of its very successful study visit for students enrolled in Masters degrees in the field of European Studies, Political Science and International Relations. The 3-day visit will take place in Brussels from 28-30 November 2012, alongside the CoR Plenary Session, and will include debates with representatives from the EU Committee of the Regions, European Parliament and European Commission. We would be very grateful if our initiative could be welcomed.

We are convinced that students have to be actively involved in the debate on Europe – especially in the run-up to the European elections in 2014 when many of these students will be eligible to vote for the first time.

The working language for the visit will be English all costs for travel and accommodation will be met by the Committee of the Regions.

Further information, the terms and conditions and the application form can be found on our website

Master: MA in Gender Studies, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences‏

Call for Applications: Master’s Program in Cultural Theory and Gender Studies

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences

Deadline: 27 September 2012

Module: Gender Studies

Director of the Program: Prof. Dasa Duhacek

Master’s Program in Gender Studies offers:

- Critical inquiry into contemporary political concepts from gender perspectives

- Alternative history and points of departure for contemporary feminist theories

- Introducing mechanisms for gender equality (gender policy issues)

- Exploring concepts of language, body, and sexuality

All courses (compulsory and elective) are taught in BCS languages.

For all information and application procedure, please visit official web page of Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade:

All inquiries regarding Master’s Program in Gender Studies should be sent to

Master: European Online Academy/Master in EU Studies Online

We are glad to inform you about our postgraduate E-learning programmes and would appreciate if you could forward the information below to your network and beyond who might be interested in.

With the European Online Academy, the Centre international de formation européenne (President: Jean-Claude Juncker) in cooperation with the Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Cologne organises the Certificate (one-year) and Master in EU Studies Online (two-year). This programme is supported by the European Union.

Through a combination of e-learning and concentrated face-to-face-learning phases (at weekends mainly in Berlin, Barcelona, Brussels and Budapest) the European Online Academy allows the participants to deepen and to supplement their knowledge of the EU integration process. The programmes are an outstanding opportunity for young professionals to continue their studies while pursuing their career at the same time.

Both programmes offer an accurate blend of theoretical and practical knowledge. In the first year participants gain an enhanced knowledge of recent developments in the European integration process. After having successfully completed the first year, the participants obtain the Certificate in EU Studies Online (30 ECTS). In order to specialise in one of the core subjects (Political Science, Economics and EU Law), the participants may join the second year of the Master programme – whereby the general approach to the issues and tasks is an interdisciplinary one. After having submitted and defended a Master thesis they are awarded the Master in EU Studies Online (60 ECTS).

Deadline for the online application is 25 September 2012. A limited number of scholarship are awarded to particularly qualified candidates to cover part of the fee.For further information and application please consult our website or contact Aline Palige (

International Winter School on Federalism and Governance 2013 - Federalism and Fundamental Rights, Innsbruck - Bolzano/Bozen, 4-15 February 2012‏

The Institute for Studies on Federalism and Regionalism at the European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC), the Faculty of Law and the School of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Innsbruck announce their fourth annual


The Winter School is a cross-border postgraduate programme located in the heart of the Alps
under the auspices of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
This year will be focusing on “FEDERALISM AND FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS”.

Dates and venues:
4-8 February (week 1)
Faculty of Law and School of Political Science and Sociology, Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Austria
11-15 February (week 2)
Institute for Studies on Federalism and Regionalism, European Academy Bolzano/Bozen (EURAC), Italy

Deadline for applications (only online): 26 October 2012 (8 am CET)

The Winter School is designed for participants from all nationalities who wish to develop their knowledge on federalism and fundamental rights via an interdisciplinary and comparative approach. We welcome applications from doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate students, academics, officials, politicians, journalists, employees of international organizations or NGOs, as well as interested citizens.

How can territorial settings improve the protection of fundamental rights? What are the main theoretical and practical problems and how can they be resolved? The Winter School provides answers to these issues by combining high-level expertise and problem-oriented approaches. The Winter School offers a broad range of courses on federalism and governance providing in-depth analyses and practical knowledge regarding the problems, solutions and instruments that are and can be used in creating territorial solutions for fundamental rights protection.
During the 10-day-full time programme several case-studies from all continents will be presented by international academics and key actors who manage these issues on a daily basis. In order to expand on this year’s theme, the programme includes a public lecture on federalism and fundamental rights in the USA.

Successful participants will be awarded 10 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer System) and the best working papers will be considered for publication. Please note that this is not an introductory course but builds on assumed prior knowledge in the area of “Federalism and Fundamental Rights”.

Please see the attached flyer for the list of lecturers and the timetable<> of the Winter School.

To apply and for further information, please visit

Conference: Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), Columbia Universtiy, New York, 18-20 April 2013‏

18th Annual World Convention of the

Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN)

International Affairs Building,

Columbia University, NY

Sponsored by the Harriman Institute

18-20 April 2013

***Proposal deadline: 17 October 2012***

[Please note that the deadline is earlier than in previous years]

Contact information:

proposals must be submitted to: and

Over 140 PANELS on the Balkans, Central Europe and the Baltics, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Central Asia and Eurasia, the Caucasus, Turkey, China,

and Nationalism Studies


History, Politics, and Memory

Ethnicity and Violence

Migration and Globalization

THEMATIC Panels on

Islam and Politics, Genocide and Mass Killing, Language Politics, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Autonomy, Gender and Identity, EU Integration, Migration, Borders and Diasporas, War Crimes and International Tribunals, Political Economy, Nation-Building, and many more…

SCREENING of New Documentaries


AWARDS for Best Doctoral Student Papers,

the ASN Harriman Joseph Rothschild Book Prize

the ASN Audience Award for Best Documentary

The Nationalities Papers Opening Reception

The ASN Convention, the most attended international and inter-disciplinary scholarly gathering of its kind, welcomes proposals on a wide range of topics related to nationalism, ethnicity, ethnic conflict and national identity in Central Europe, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union, and Central Eurasia (including Central Asia, the Caucasus, Turkey, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, and Iraq).

Prospective applicants can get a sense of the large thematic scope of ASN Convention papers by looking at the 2012 Final Program, which can be accessed at

The Convention also invites proposals devoted to comparative perspectives on nationalism-related issues in other regions of the world, as well as theoretical approaches that need not be grounded in any particular geographic region. Disciplines represented include political science, history, anthropology, sociology, international studies, security studies, geopolitics, area studies, economics, geography, sociolinguistics, literature, psychology, and related fields.

The Convention is also inviting paper, panel, roundtable, or special presentation proposals related to three special themes:

•“History, Politics and Memory,” on the construction and contestation of the memory of historical events in particular sites, political discourse and historical research;

•“Ethnicity and Violence,”on the conditions, mechanism, construction, implications and global perspective of violence perpetrated against “ethnic” or culturally-defined groups;

•“Migration and Globalization”, on the social and political challenges related to the causes of migration, border dynamics, and the integration of immigrant communities in modern societies.

Papers presented at the Convention will be made available for $10 on a CD to Convention attendees, but will neither be posted on the ASN website, nor be sold to Convention non-attendees.

Nationalities Papers, the ASN flagship journal, will hold a Nationalities Debate, a high profile discussion on the state of the art, as well as the consistently popular roundtable “How To Get Your Article Published”, which features the editors of some of the leading journals in the field. Nationalities Papers will also sponsor the opening reception.

For several years, the ASN Convention has acknowledged excellence in graduate studies research by offering Awards for Best Doctoral Student Papers. The ASN 2012 Eighth Annual ASN Doctoral Student Awards were given to Yuval Feinstein (Sociology, UCLA, US – Nationalism Section), Evgeny Finkel (U of Wisconsin, US – Ukraine/Russia/Caucasus Section), Maj Grasten (Political Science, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark – Balkans Section), Christopher Molnar (History, Indiana University, US – Central Europe Section), and Alp Eren Topal (History, Bilkent University, Turkey –Eurasia/Turkey Section). Doctoral student applicants whose proposals are accepted for the 2013 Convention, who will not have defended their dissertation by 1 November 2012, and whose papers are delivered by the deadline, will automatically be considered for the awards. Each award comes with a certificate and a $500 cash prize.

The ASN Convention inaugurated in 2010 an annual ASN Harriman Book Prize—the Joseph Rothschild Prize in Nationalism and Ethnic Studies. In 2012, the Third Annual Harriman ASN Book Prize went to Roger Petersen for Western Intervention in the Balkans: The Strategic Use of Emotion in Conflict (Cambridge University Press, 2011). An honorable mention was given to Theodora Dragostinova for Better Two Motherlands: Nationality and Emigration among the Greeks of Bulgaria, 1900-1949 (Cornell University Press, 2011). The award comes with a certificate and a $500 cash prize. For information on how to have a book considered for the 2012 Book Prize, please contact Dmitry Gorenburg at, or go to

The 2013 Convention is also inviting submissions for documentaries made within the past few years and available in DVD format (either NTSC or PAL). The documentaries selected for the Convention will be screened during regular panel slots and, in several cases, will be followed by a discussion moderated by an expert on the topic area. Films on the 2011 Program included My Perestroika (US, 2010), Putin’s Kiss (Denmark, 2011), Khodorkovsky (Germany, 2011), Who Killed Natasha? (France, 2011) and Brother Numer One (New Zealand, 2011). The full 2012 film lineup can be accessed at In 2012, the Convention inaugurated an ASN Documentary Audience Award. The award went to the French film Qui a tué Natacha? (Who Killed Natasha?), from director Mylène Sauloy, a wrenching investigation on the murder of human rights activist Natasha Estemirova in Chechnya. A runner-up, also the most attended film of the Convention, was My Perestroika, from US director Robin Hessman. The award comes with a certificate and a $500 cash prize.

The 2013 Award Guidelines can be accessed at

The full composition of the Program Committee, responsible for the selection of proposals and films, the construction of the program, and the awards selection for doctoral papers and books, will be announced shortly on the ASN website,

Proposal Information

The 2013 Convention invites proposals for individual papers or panels. A panel includes a chair, three or four presentations based on written papers, and a discussant. The Convention is also welcoming offers to serve as discussant on a panel to be created by the Program Committee from individual paper proposals. The application to be considered as discussant can be self-standing, or accompanied by an individual paper proposal.

In order to send proposals to the Convention, the three mandatory items indicated below (contact information, abstract, biographical statement) must be included in a single Word document (PDF documents will not be accepted) attached to an email message.

Each applicant – single or multiple authors in individual proposals, all members of a panel proposal – must also fill out a Fact Sheet online that can be accessed at

IMPORTANT: Applicants can only send one paper proposal -- whether as an individual proposal, or as a paper part of a panel proposal. At the Convention, each panelist can only appear on a maximum of TWO panels, only one of which can be in the capacity of a paper presenter. For example, a panelist can chair a panel and present a paper on another, or chair a panel and be discussant or another, and so forth. This rule applies to co-authored papers, thus a co-authored paper presentation counts as one appearance.

Individual paper proposals must include four items:

*Contact information: the name, email, postal address and academic affiliation of the applicant.

*A 300- to 500-word abstract (shorter abstracts will not be considered) that includes the title of the paper.

*A 100-word biographical statement, in narrative form (a text with the length of one paragraph). Statements in standard CV format will be rejected.

Individual proposals featuring more than one author (joint proposal) must include the contact information and biographical statement of all authors and specify whether all co-authors intend to attend the Convention. Only joint presenters attending the Convention will have their names in the official program.

*A Fact Sheet, to be filled out online (see above). In the case of co-authors, only those intending to attend the Convention must send a Fact Sheet. The Word document proposal must indicate that the Fact Sheet has been filled out online.

Panel proposals must include four items:

*Contact information (see above) of all proposed panelists.

*The title of the panel and a 200- to 300-word abstract of each paper.

*A 100-word biographical statement (see above) for each proposed panelist. Statements in standard CV format will be rejected. The rules on joint proposals are the same as with individual proposals (see above).

*A Fact Sheet, to be filled out online (see above), for each panelist attached to the proposal. The Word document proposal must indicate that all panelists have filled out their Fact Sheet online.

Proposals can also be sent for roundtables and book panels. Roundtables include a chair, four presenters, but no discussant, since the presentations, unlike regular panels, are not based on written papers. Roundtable proposals include the same four items as a panel proposal, except that the 200- to 300-word abstracts are presentation abstracts, rather than paper abstracts.

The Convention is also inviting proposals for Book Panels, based on books published between January 2012 and February 2013. The proposal must include the Chair, three discussants, as well as the author. A Book Panel proposal must include the same four items as a panel proposal, except that the abstract is limited to a 200- to 300-word abstract of the book. The discussants need not submit an abstract.

Proposals for documentaries must include four items:

*Contact information (see above)

*A 300- to 500-word abstract of the documentary

*A 100-word biographical statement (see above). CVs will be rejected.

*A Fact Sheet filled out online (see above).

Two copies of the documentary on DVD (in NTSC or PAL format) will also need to be sent to the Convention. More information will be provided upon receipt of the film proposal.

Proposals for a roundtable following the screening of a film are most welcome. In these cases, the requirements of a panel proposal apply, in addition to the 300- to 500-word abstract of the film.

Proposals to serve as a discussant must include four items:

*Contact information (see above)

*A 100-word statement about your areas of expertise

*A 100-word biographical statement (see above). CVs will be rejected.

*A Fact Sheet filled out online (see above)

Proposals for applicants already included in an individual paper or panel proposal need only include the 100-word statement on areas of expertise.

IMPORTANT: All proposals must be sent in a single email message, with an attached proposal in a Word document (PDFs will not be accepted) containing contact information, an abstract, a biographical statement, as well as a confirmation that the Fact Sheet has been filled out online (or multiple Fact Sheets, in the case of co-authors and/or panel proposals). Proposals including contact information, the abstract and the bio statement in separate attachments, or over several email messages will not be considered. The proposals must be sent to AND

The receipt of all proposals will be promptly acknowledged electronically, with some delay during deadline week, due to the high volume of proposals.

IMPORTANT: Participants are responsible for covering all travel and accommodation costs. Unfortunately, ASN has no funding available for panelists.

An international Program Committee will be entrusted with the selection of proposals. Applicants will be notified by January 2013. Information regarding registration costs and other logistical questions will be communicated afterwards.

The full list of panels from last year’s convention can be accessed at

The programs from past conventions, going back to 2001, are also online at

Several dozen publishers and companies have had exhibits and/or advertised in the Convention Program in past years. Due to considerations of space, advertisers and exhibitors are encouraged to place their order early. For information, please contact Convention Executive Director Lydia C. Hamilton (

The ASN Facebook page will post regular updates on the ASN 2013 Convention. To become a follower of ASN on Facebook, go to and click on the “Like” option.

We very much look forward to hearing from you and receiving your proposal!

The Convention Organizing Committee:

Dominique Arel, ASN President

Lydia C. Hamilton, Executive Director

Sherrill Stroschein, Program Chair

Florian Bieber, Zsuzsa Csergo, Julie George, Dmitry Gorenburg, Lisa Koriouchkina, and Harris Mylonas, ASN Executive Committee

Deadline for proposals: 17 October 2012 (to be sent to both AND

The ASN Convention’s headquarters are located at the:

Harriman Institute

Columbia University

1211 IAB

420 W. 118th St.

New York, NY 10027

212 854 6239 tel

212 666 3481 fax

Master: Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies, FPN, University of Belgrade‏

Call for Applications: Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies – University of Belgrade

Deadline 20 September 2012

Academic coordinator: Prof. Jovan Teokarevic

The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences (FPS) is pleased to announce the 2nd call for applications for the remaining 7 places at the Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies.

This two year MA programme is conducted as a joint degree between four partner universities (Graz, Belgrade, Skopje and Zagreb) and commences in Belgrade in October 2012. Students enroll in and spend the first year at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences. In the second year, students spend at least one semester on mobility at a partner university. Partner universities include Graz, Skopje, Zagreb, Bologna, Ljubljana, Novi Sad, Poitiers, Sarajevo and Tetovo.

Why Southeast European Studies in Belgrade?
You will be studying South Eastern Europe in its very centre, where you'll gain unique insights in your chosen field of interest and learn one or more languages of the region. You will also learn from an outstanding group of FPS and foreign professors, with excellent academic records and long-time expertise in South-Eastern Europe. Last, but not least, as part of an academic community with a strong international character, you’ll enjoy the exciting social life in Belgrade, too.

Content of the Programme
The Interdisciplinary Joint Master in South-Eastern European Studies is an international and interdisciplinary programme in social sciences and humanities of the highest quality which enables participants to effectively understand the interrelationship between law, politics, economics and culture with an emphasis on South-Eastern Europe. The programme prepares students for doctoral studies and professional life in a variety of other fields including work in international, local governmental and non-governmental organisations, journalism, business, scientific research, and consultancy.
In the first year, students take core courses which include an introduction to multidisciplinary approaches in the study of South-East Europe, public law, political science, history, economics and cultural studies. In the summer after the first year a joint summer school is held for all students from the participating universities to complete the compulsory core modules. In the second year, students attend one of the partner universities and specialize in their desired field. There are also optional provisions in place to offer students professional training and internship positions. In the final semester students write a master thesis reflecting their ability to work on a scientific subject independently.
All compulsory subjects are conducted in English though students are able to take classes in other languages. Language acquisition is an important aspect of the joint degree and students are expected to learn a regional language and/or the predominant language of their mobility institution.

Teaching staff
We pride ourselves for being able to gather an international team of teachers from leading universities and research institutes in Serbia, Austria, Great Britain and the US. You will be able to further expand your studies by spending the third - mobility – semester at one of nine partner universities in eight European countries, where you will specialize in one of many fields. Further details on lecturers and the compulsory courses they will teach during the first two semesters are available here<>.

Academic Degree
Students completing the Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies earn the degree “Master of Arts”, abbreviated MA. The joint degree is awarded by all four partners (pending accreditation at one partner).

The Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies welcomes applicants who hold an academic degree of at least 180 ECTS credits (bachelor’s degree or equivalent), who can demonstrate their basic knowledge of social sciences or humanities -- law, politics, social, cultural or economic sciences -- and who have some general insight into and interest in South-Eastern Europe.
The full application should consist of:

· completed application form (PDF<>, Word<>)
· at least one letter of recommendation (preferably from a university professor or employer)
· certificate/diploma obtained at the undergraduate level (certified translation into Serbian shall be required at a later date)
· transcript of records obtained at the undergraduate level (certified translation into Serbian shall be required at a later date)
· cover letter
· proof of proficiency in English language: IELTS (required minimum score: 6.0), a TOEFL (required minimum score: 210 on the computerised test, 547 on the paper based test, 78 on the internet based test), a Cambridge Exam (required level: FCE) or an equivalent certificate. Students who have completed their BA in English are not required to provide this proof of proficiency but may be interviewed.

Please send the application form with all supporting documents to the University of Belgrade by registered mail (see address below) and send a scan of the entire application as a single pdf email attachment to<>
Postal applications should be directed to:

Gordana Ristic
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences
Jove Ilica 165
11000 Belgrade

For enquiries about the admission procedure and tuition fees at the University of Belgrade please contact

Tuition fee
2,950 EUR in Serbian dinars, including all costs of a four-semester studying and the two week compulsory Summer School (full board and transportation) – payable in eight installments – for citizens of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.
4,200 EUR in Serbian dinars, including all costs of a four-semester studying and the two week compulsory Summer School – payable in eight installments – for citizens of all other countries.
Please note that the University of Belgrade is not in a position to provide financial support

The deadline for applications is 20 September 2012 (date of receipt of email/postmark).
For more information, see:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Conference: AIIC (Annul International Interdisciplinary Conference).

Distinguished Colleagues,
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the AIIC (Annul International
Interdisciplinary Conference).
The first international interdisciplinary conference is a summit academic
event, with a primary purpose of assembling explorers and scientists of
various scientific disciplines, who by submission of their scientific
papers will contribute to the development of the interdisciplinary
By expressing their opinions and attitudes, the participants of the
conference will have the opportunity to discuss social, cultural,
economic, educational, scientific, etc. problems and contribute to
potential solutions.
AIIC is organized by: European Scientific Institute, University of The
Azores and Center of law and economic studies.
Supporting the concept of interdisciplinarity we welcome submissions in
all academic areas.
All accepted papers will be published as a specific
publication with an ISBN number. The author will be sent a printed copy of
the publication after the conference finishes.
The paper, however, that
will be assessed of a highest quality will be published in a special
edition of one of the most influential international scientific journals
in South Europe, The European Scientific Journal (ESJ).
Authors that will not be personally present on the event will be given the
opportunity, on their request, to make an online presentation for the
present members.
The authors are not obliged to present their works
(personally or online).
We hope that scholars of your esteemed university could benefit from the
international environment of this academic event.

For any other information please send us e-mail on:

Conference: Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE)
(Berlin, September 11th-14th, 2012)

Seminar Agenda
Cultural Diplomacy in Europe: A Forum for Young Leaders (CDE) is a network of individuals, who have an interest in exploring and strengthening relations between European States. The program is based on the recognition that the increasing economic and political integration of the European Union must be accompanied by sustained activity to ensure that public opinion and relations between individual member states, and between member-states, remain positive and constructive at the grass roots level.

Individuals can join the CDE Forum by taking part in one of the CDE Weeklong Seminars, which are held several times throughout the year. Each CDE Weeklong Seminar will be focused on a specific theme related to Europe and the goals of the Forum. The Seminars consist of lectures, seminars, debates and panel discussions that will feature leading figures from the media, international politics & diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. In addition to the academic components, participants take part in a range of social and cultural activities.

The next CDE Weeklong Seminar will be conducted in Berlin rom September 11th - 14th. In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the Seminar will focus in particular on the following theme: "The North and South of Europe: Two Identities with a Common Goal”

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Cultural Diplomacy in Europe (CDE) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring the relation between European states

Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit:

For more information please visit:

Conference: Italy Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (IMG)

Italy Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (IMG)
(Berlin, September 17th-20th, 2012)

Seminar Agenda

Italy Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (IMG) is a network of individuals who have an interest in exploring and supporting Italo - German Relations. Participants join the forum by taking part in an IMG Weeklong Seminar, following which they are encouraged to conduct their own research and organize their own activity in the field. ICD Weeklong Seminars are targeted at students and young professionals with an active interest in Italy and Germany.

Weeklong Seminars are held several times throughout the year and consist of 4-5 day programs of lectures, seminars, and workshops, together with cultural and social activities. The Seminars aim to give the participants an insight into key perspectives on Italo- German relations, and to introduce them to a network of likeminded individuals.

Once individuals have taken part in an IMG Weeklong Seminar and joined the forum, they become a part of the ICD’s network, which facilitates communication between like-minded individuals across the world.  members are supported by the ICD in organizing leadership initiatives, conducting academic research, and are invited to join the ICD Online Forum - enabling them to share information and communicate with likeminded individuals across the world.

The next IMG Weeklong Seminar will be conducted in Berlin from September 17th – 20th, 2012.
In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the next IMG Weeklong Seminar will focus in particular on the following main theme: “Common Strategies and Bilateral Relations in the New Era of Diplomacy”.

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Italy Meets Germany: A Forum for Young Leaders (IMG) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring and strengthening relationships within Italy and Germany as well as the relationships between the two countries and the rest of the world

Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other individuals with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit:

For more information please visit:

Conference: Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC)

Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC)
(Berlin, September 4th-7th, 2012)

Seminar Agenda
Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC) is a network of individuals who have an interest in exploring and strengthening the relations between Europe and China. Participants join the forum by taking part in a EMC Weeklong Seminar, following which they are encouraged to conduct their own research and organize their own activity in the field. ICD Weeklong Seminars are targeted at students and young professionals with an interest in the European-Chinese relationship.

Weeklong Seminars are held several times throughout the year and consist of 4-5 day programs of lectures, seminars, and workshops, together with cultural and social activities. The Seminars aim to give the participants an insight into key perspectives on, the European-Chinese relationship and to introduce them to a network of like-minded individuals, and allow them to explore the cultural landscape of the city of Berlin.

Once individuals have taken part in an EMC Weeklong Seminar and joined the forum, they become a part of the ICD’s network, which facilitates communication between like-minded individuals across the world. Members are supported by the ICD in organizing leadership initiatives and conducting academic research whilst they are also invited to join the ICD Online Forum - enabling them to share information and communicate with like-minded individuals across the world.

The next EMC Weeklong Seminar will run from September 4th - 7th, 2012. In addition to looking in greater detail at the history and development of cultural diplomacy, the next UKMG Weeklong Seminar will focus on the following theme; “Young Chinese and Europeans in an Information age: Lessons from each other”.

Seminar Speakers
The speakers during the conference will include leading figures and experts from international politics, academia, the diplomatic community, civil society and the private sector, from across the world. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board.

Europe Meets China: A Forum for Young Leaders (EMC) is open to all relevant stakeholders and individuals with an interest in exploring and strengthening the European-Chinese relationship.

Participants will include young professionals, students and academics, representatives from politics, diplomats, practitioners from the civil society and the private sector, Media representatives and other stakeholders with an active interest in the Program’s themes.

Participation Cost
The participation cost for the program is 195 Euros. If offered a place in the program, applicants are then required to transfer the participation cost to reserve their position.

To apply please visit:

For more information please visit:

Scholarship: 2013-2014 IREX Research Grant Opportunities‏


Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO)
Short Term Travel Grants Program (STG)


IREX is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted
for the 2013-2014 Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program
and Short Term Travel Grants Program. These innovative and flexible
programs offer U.S. scholars and professionals the opportunity to
conduct policy-relevant research in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
Researchers are able to increase their understanding of current
regional issues, develop and sustain international networks, and
directly contribute to the formation of U.S. public policy by
conducting research on topics vital to the academic and policymaking
communities. Fellowships provide international airfare, a
living/housing stipend, visa support, emergency evacuation insurance,
logistical support and, in many countries, field office support.


The Individual Advanced Research Opportunities Program (IARO) provides
students, scholars and professionals with support to conduct
policy-relevant field research in the countries of Eastern Europe and
* Eligibility: Master’s students, pre-doctoral students, postdoctoral
scholars, and professionals with advanced degrees are eligible.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
* Information and online application:
* Deadline: November 14, 2012
* Examples of Recently-Funded Research Topics: Role of Social Media in
Political Engagement, Peace Education in Post-Conflict Settings,
Cultural Identity and Nation Building, Migration Studies
* Contact: By email at or by telephone at 202-628-8188


The Short-Term Travel Grants Program (STG) is a short-term, flexible
program for postdoctoral scholars and professionals to conduct
targeted, policy-relevant research in Eastern Europe and Eurasia.
* Eligibility: Postdoctoral scholars and professionals with advanced
degrees are eligible. Applicants must be US citizens.
* Information and online application:
* Deadline: February 6, 2013
* Examples of Recently-Funded Research Topics: Regional Economic
Development, Islamic Influence in Central Asia, Human and Civil Rights
in Eastern Europe, Gender and Politics
* Contact: By email at or by telephone at 202-628-8188


Countries Eligible for Research:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary,
Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova,
Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan

IARO and STG are funded by the U.S. Department of State Title VIII Program

Scholarship: LSEE-Research on South East Europe is currently accepting applications for Visiting Fellows and Visiting Senior Fellows‏

LSEE-Research on South East Europe is currently accepting applications for Visiting Fellows and Visiting Senior Fellows by academics or policy practitioners who may want to spend time at the LSE to conduct independent research on a topic relevant to the work of the LSEE.

Applications are invited for submission to by the deadline of 2 November 2012 at 5pm.

For application guidelines and for information on what documents are required to apply, please click here.

Post Doctoral Fellowship-LSE Hellenic Observatory & Neapolis University, London

The purpose of the fellowship is to enable a post-doctoral researcher to propose and carry out a project of research on ‘Cyprus and the EU Presidency’. It has been made possible by the generosity of the Neapolis University Pafos.

You are eligible to apply if you have successfully defended your PhD within the last two years; do not currently hold a tenure track academic position; have a good knowledge of Cyprus; and possess academic qualifications relevant to the intended research project. Candidates are invited to propose their research project which they will be able to be complete within 6 months; this will be part of the selection criteria.

This is a full-time fixed term post for six months starting in January 2013. You will be based in the Hellenic Observatory at LSE and will be expected to make visits of 2-3 days to Neapolis University Pafos, on at least 3 occasions during this tenure.

To apply for this post please go to at LSE and select “Visit the ONLINE RECRUITMENT SYSTEM web page” and follow the instructions. If you have problems with the online system, please contact the Resourcing Team on 020 7955 7859 or email quoting reference 1273323.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 23.59 (UK time) on 4 October 2012. Regrettably, we are unable to accept any late applications received after this date.

Related Links:
How to Apply
Job Description
Person Specification
Further Particulars

Conference: Orthodox Christianity in Russia and Eastern Europe: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives, Havighurst Center for Russian & Post-Soviet Studies, Oxford OH, 28-31 March 2013‏

Orthodox Christianity in Russia and Eastern Europe: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives

12th Annual International Young Researchers Conference
Havighurst Center for Russian & Post-Soviet Studies

Organizer: Scott M. Kenworthy
Miami University
Oxford, OH

March 28 – 31, 2013

Before the collapse of communism, religion in Russia and Eastern Europe was rarely a topic of scholarly research. The prevalence of the secularization thesis in the West, combined with the dominance of militantly atheist regimes in the East, led scholars to assume that religion no longer mattered in the region. Moreover, long held stereotypes about the Orthodox Church contributed to the dismissal of Orthodoxy’s importance as a factor in Russian or East European history; only a few pioneers in the field challenged this tendency. Since the collapse of communism, however, religion has reasserted itself in the public sphere in the former communist bloc as in many other parts of the world. There has been a renewed appreciation of Orthodoxy’s significance in the history of the region, as well as growing interest among political scientists and anthropologists who study Russia and Eastern Europe.

This conference seeks to tap into a new wave of research on Orthodoxy in Russia and Eastern Europe. It is intended to be interdisciplinary, so we invite papers from a number of disciplinary perspectives: historical, anthropological, sociological, intellectual, literary, and/or political science. We also seek to cut across geographical lines, so papers can be concerned with the Russian Empire/Soviet Union and its successor states as well as Eastern Europe (former Habsburg and Ottoman empires, Romania, Bulgaria, and the former Yugoslavia). We invite papers that tap into the transnational dimensions of Orthodoxy—ties between Russia or Eastern Europe and the new world, for example, or Orthodox missions outside traditional territories. We also invite papers that explore the relationship of Orthodoxy to other religious traditions in the region.

We encourage proposals from young researchers who have already completed their dissertation research (ABD) or have defended their dissertation within the last three years. This will be an intensive 2-1/2 day working conference (March 28-31, 2013) during which each of the selected papers will be critiqued by the other participants, including all invited presenters, keynote speakers, and a team of discussants made up of Miami University faculty. Papers will be circulated in advance, and participants are expected to be prepared to discuss other participants’ papers. The conference will include two keynote speakers: Dr. Lucian Turcescu (Concordia University, Montreal) and Dr. Gregory Freeze (Brandeis University).

The Havighurst Center will provide accommodation in Oxford, ground transportation to and from the airport, and partial travel funding ($300 for domestic travel and $800 for international travel).

To be considered for the conference, submit an abstract of approximately 250 words and a short CV by October 1, 2012. Please type "2013 Young Researchers Conference" as the subject of the email. Selected papers will be announced by December 1, 2012. If selected, participants must submit completed papers for circulation to other conference participants by March 1, 2013.

Questions can be directed to:

The Havighurst Center for Russian & Post-Soviet Studies
Miami University
Harrison Hall, Room 116
Oxford, OH 45056
(513) 529-3303

Conference: New religiosity in migration, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 27-30 May 2013

International workshop on "New religiosity in migration"
Convenors: Nelly Elias and Julia Lerner
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

May 27-30, 2013

What are the relations between a spiritual quest and an intercultural
migration experience? Why immigrants become more religious than they were
before immigrating? How do host national contexts influence immigrant
religiosity? What are the patterns of immigrant religiosity within the
global boom of religion and spiritual movements? Based on these questions
we suggest bringing together the research insights on immigrant
religiosity emerging in the host cultural contexts and to examine new
forms, languages and meanings constituted by this intercultural religious

The workshop will be organized as an exchange of ideas rising in empirical
investigations of various migration contexts and immigrant groups in
Israel, Europe, US and the post-Soviet space with a special focus on
post-socialist spiritual trends and religious trajectories in the
Russian-speaking diaspora. We believe that juxtaposition and comparison of
different manifestations of migrant religiosity will encourage new ways of
conceptualization of these phenomenon.

As a space of extensive migration, Israeli cultural and political context
introduces a variety of immigrant groups that bring with them different
religious and spiritual worldviews or reinvent them in their new country.
In this sense Israel serves as a strategic location for a workshop on
immigrant religiosity. Apart from intellectual discussions we invite the
participants to take advantage of the immediate surrounding and conduct
fieldwork tours to the spaces of immigrant religiosity in the area.

We invite scholars from social and cultural studies of migration,
contemporary religion, spirituality & new age, and post-socialist cultural
condition to join our working colloquium organized according to the
following themes:

Religiosity as a device of national belonging and citizenship
Religion provides symbols, rituals and scripts that immigrants can use to
affirm, pass on, or reinvent their collective identity and position
themselves vis-à-vis the host and the home countries. Therefore, religion
choices could teach us on migrants’ relocation strategies. In some
national contexts the religious practices represent imitative adoption of
the local cultural and political patterns, while in the other contexts
they represent an alternative or resistance to the host society and its
way of life.

Immigrant religion as acquisition of a new habitus
Any migration implies some degree of cultural change, all the more
adopting religious rules and prescriptions of everyday practice in
migration intensifies the need for adopting a new habitus. Adult migrants
work to change their everyday practice, body appearance and visibility,
consumption behavior, social network, patterns of interpersonal
communication and family relations. Using their new and old cultural
repertoire, immigrants develop everyday strategies to keep and maneuver
the cultural worlds they live in, separate or mix them together.

Therapeutic powers of religion in migration
Migration and settling down in a new country are often associated with
various individual and group “crises”: crisis of identify, psychological
stress, family crisis etc. In this regard, religious affiliation and
practice perform a therapeutic function when religious doctrine and
religious community serve as an emotional shelter in the state of
instability, as a surrogate family symbolically replacing distant
relatives, or as a source for a new collective meaning instead of the one
that was lost in migration. The proximity of psychological and religious
discourses in the contemporary religious and spiritual movements makes the
therapeutic appeal of religion in migration especially powerful and

Immigrant religiosity as intercultural translation
Immigrant religiosity often involves work of intercultural interpretation,
converting the code of the core religious ideas and symbols. As they
acquire religious thinking and practice in a new language, immigrants
learn simultaneously to speak locally and religiously. Reinventing their
beliefs in a new context they are preoccupied with the translation of
cultural ideas creating a hybrid religious code. This eclecticism becomes
intertwined with the tendency of the contemporary religious and spiritual
rhetoric to bring together discourses of different and even contradictory
cultural origins.

Transnational immigrant religiosity and new media
Religious life in and through new media represents a crucial factor that
affects the ways of belief and practice of contemporary religiosity. It is
especially prominent for immigrant religious communities that cross and
challenge national and cultural borders. Immigrants use new media
platforms either to reestablish their affiliation with religious
communities of their home countries or to create completely new local or
transnational frames of belonging.

Those who wish to take part are invited to send us a short proposal (up to
250 words) of your research related to one of the workshop themes as well
as your CV by October 5, 2012 to<> and<>.
Answers are expected at November 15, 2012. Some contribution towards
participants' expenses will be available.

About the workshop venue and the convenors:
The workshop is will be hosted by the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
(Beer Sheva, Israel). BGU is known for its expertise and extensive
research on the issues of contemporary religion, migration and diaspora.

Prof. Nelly Elias and Dr. Julia Lerner are conducting a joint research on
“Belief and Practice of Belonging: Religious Transformation of Post-Soviet
Immigrants in Israel”. The study traces the routes of the
Russian-speaking religiosity in Israel, focusing on the newly established
Christian and Jewish movements and communities. Elias as a scholar of
immigrant media (from the Department of Communication, BGU) and Lerner as
an anthropologist of knowledge (from the departments of Sociology and
Anthropology, BGU), bring together their theoretical lens and emphasize
the cultural and discursive turn of the new post-soviet religiosity
manifested in immigrants’ narratives and experience of everyday life.

Conference: The frontier worker: New perspectives on the labour market in border regions, Oradea, Romania, 18-10 October 2012 [DL extended to 10th September]‏

The frontier worker: New perspectives on the labour market in border regions, Oradea, Romania, 18-10 October 2012

The European labor law, as well as labor regulations and social security of the Council of

Europe, are among the most dynamic branches of European law, and the free movement of persons is

one of the four fundamental freedoms of Community law. Although it is regulated both in the

constituent treaties and the modifying ones, as well as in the secondary legislation, there is some

legal issues incident to this freedom that raise a number of issues such as: who falls into the workers

category? The coverage of the intermediate categories and their rights? What kind of legal

restrictions that states may impose on the rights of workers and their families or the latter? The

border worker issue begins to become interesting also in the countries that entered in the last two

waves of extension in the context of the multiplication of the European groups of cross-border

cooperation. The conference allows debates, pondering and knowledge in the field of the European

social law, the border right, cross-border cooperation, especially since it has never held such a

conference in the border region of SE European Union.

The issues discussed during this conference want to find concrete solutions to the problem,

very important for the development of the border regions. The debates that will involve professors,

researchers and students will be supported by those who work in public or private institutions who

need clarification on the issues discussed in the three workshops:

1. Border region as a space of innovation

2. The frontier worker - between the European legislation and the national procedures

3. Free movement of labor force in the border regions

Important Deadlines

June 2, 2012: Start of paper proposals submission;

August 31, 2012: Deadline for paper proposals submission;

September 14, 2012: Notification of paper acceptance;

September 30, 2012: Final confirmation of participants; the deadline of fee payment;


The abstracts (max. 500 words followed by 3-5 keywords) will be submitted for review in

electronic MS Word format. Please provide the full names, affiliations, mailing addresses, telephone

and e-mail addresses of all authors, indicating the contact author. There will be accepted only one

paper for each participant as a first author. Abstracts will be submitted online to the following e-mail


The official language of the conference is English.

The authors will receive confirmation via email.

Selected papers will be published, after the conference, in the conference volume. To this

end, full papers will be re-submitted to peer-review process.

Conference fee

Conference fee is 100 euro/participant.

For PhD and MA candidates the conference fee is 75 euro/participant.

The conference fee includes:

- Participants` accommodation and meals during the conference;

- The costs to print and publish all the materials of the conference including the conference


The Preliminary Programme:

Thursday, October 18

1600 - 2000 - participants` arrival and registration

2000 - Welcome reception

Friday, October 19

1000 - 1200 - The Official Opening

1300 - 1500 - Lunches

1500 - 1630 - Workshop

1630 - 1700 - Coffee break

1700 - 1900 - Workshop

2000 - Dinner

Saturday, October 20

1000 - 1130 - Final conclusions

1130 - 1200 - Coffee break

1200 - 1300 - The national meeting of the Jean Monnet professors from Romania

The national gathering of the Romanian Association of International Relations and

European Studies

1300 - 1500 - Lunches

1500 - Participants` departure

Information and contacts

Further information and updates regarding the conference venue, registration, conference

programme, and accommodation details will be available in due time on the conference website:

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