Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Internship: Internship at the Central European Initiative Location: Trieste - Italy DL: rolling basis

INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES at CEI Secretariat (Trieste, Italy)


CEI Secretariat in Trieste takes in young university graduates or graduating students for internship periods of 3-6 months. These internships may take place year-round and involve interns in a wide range of CEI activities, including the organisation of high-level events.


CEI internships are non remunerated. Therefore, travel and living costs in Trieste are to be met by the interns.

Interns that do not have a resident status in Italy must make sure they fulfil all legal requirements (residence permit, visa etc.) as specified by the Italian law for foreigners.
Interns must also have a valid medical and accident insurance during their stay in Trieste.
Interns will be placed under the responsibility of a supervisor. They will need to respect the working hours, organisation and general rules of the CEI Secretariat.
They will also need to respect the confidentiality of the information brought to their attention during their internship within the CEI Secretariat.


The internships offered by the CEI Secretariat are intended for young nationals of CEI Member Countries who meet the following requirements:

• A University degree in fields connected to the CEI activities (international relations, political science, economics, law, etc.).
University students who have not yet obtained their degree but are approaching graduation are welcome to apply as well.
• Excellent English communication skills, both written and oral
• Computer skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Internet)
• A sense of organisation, initiative and responsibility
• Ability to carry out assigned duties with due diligence
• Ability to work in an international environment
• Good attitude for working in a team
• Basic knowledge of the CEI structures and activities
• Knowledge of Italian is considered an asset.


Applications in English including a Curriculum Vitae and a brief motivation letter to asg@cei-es.org.

In your CV please indicate your age, nationality, as well as your current location.
Please indicate your availability for a personal interview at the Secretariat headquarters in Trieste, as well as the exact period of time in which you could be fully available for the internship, if selected.


PhD Scholarship: at Kress History of Art Location: New York, NY - USA DL: Various

Kress History of Art: Institutional Fellowships are awarded to pre-doctoral candidates in the history of art; Conservation Fellowships are awarded to art conservators in the final stages of their preparation for professional careers; and Interpretive Fellowships at Art Museums are given to art museum curators and educators. Please carefully review the specific requirements for each Fellowship application.
History of art: institutional fellowships

The History of Art: Institutional Fellowships are now being administered by six European research centers. All applications should be submitted directly to the center you wish at attend.

If you are applying to one of the research centers in Florence, Leiden, Munich, Paris or Rome, you must send one complete set of your application materials, via mail, to the attention of the contact listed, and one complete copy, via mail, to the Kress Foundation. If you are applying to the research center in London, being jointly administered by the Courtauld Institute of Art and the Warburg Institute, you must submit, also by mail, one complete application to the contact at the Courtauld Institute, and another to the Warburg Institute. In addition, a third copy must be sent to the Kress Foundation.

Please consult the Application Guidelines, using the check-list to assure a complete submission of your application.

Contact information for each research center can be found below and is also listed at the end of the Application Guidelines PDF.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be RECEIVED by November 30.

Complete Application
Application Guidelines
Application Form
Contact Information for European Research Centers
Application Check-list
Visa Information

Conservation fellowships

The Foundation of the American Institute of Conservation (FAIC) is administering the Kress Conservation Fellowships on behalf of the Kress Foundation. All applications should be submitted directly to the FAIC, following closely the Application Guidelines.

Please consult the Application Guidelines, and use the application form supplied. These materials are also available on the FAIC website.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be RECEIVED by March 10.

Complete Application
Application Guidelines
 Application Form

Interpretive fellowships at art museums

Applications for Interpretive Fellowships should be submitted to the Kress Foundation, via mail. Please include the following materials in a single package:
Completed application form (provided below)
Description of the proposed Fellowship program, including envisioned interpretive activities and mentoring relationships
Curriculum vitae of the Fellowship mentor or supervisor(s)
Curriculum vitae of the proposed Fellow (if identified), or position description/announcement and proposed research procedures
Three (3) letters of recommendation for the proposed Fellow (if identified)
Other supporting materials, such as descriptions of the collection and institution, as desired
The email address of contact to be notified of the receipt of the application
NEW: In addition to submitting the printed materials, applicants are strongly encouraged to include a CD containing a complete set of the application materials. The materials on the CD must be presented as a single PDF document.

Please consult the Application Guidelines when preparing your application.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Applications must be RECEIVED by April 1.

Complete Application
Application Guidelines
 Application Form

Internship: At the Union of European Federalists Location: Brussels DL: 1 February 2012

The Union of European Federalists (UEF) offers an internship position, for a period of 4 months, from 1st of March to 1st of August.

Profile of the applicant:

* strong interest in European issues and policies
* strong organizational skills and experience in event and/or project management
* ability to work under pressure independently and meet tight deadlines, stress-resistant
* self-motivated and able to work independently,
* ability to work well in a multicultural environment
* good knowledge of the Internet and information technologies
* speaks at least two of the following languages: English, French, German

Tasks include:

* organisation of annual statutory meeting (150 participants)
* preparation of other UEF activities (events, conferences, debates, public manifestations)
* liaison with UEF constituent organisations
* internal and external communications, online strategies of the organisation
* assistance to the Director with day-to-day tasks

Deadline for application and selection procedure:

Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae and cover letter by February 1 via e-mail to mana.livardjani@federaleurope.org. Interviews with short-listed candidates will be conducted in the second half of February 2012.

Conference: Between History and Personal Narrative: East-European Women’s Stories of Migration in the New Millennium, Bucharest, 21-22 September 2012

Narrative as a form of history rewriting has been increasingly present in today’s global mediated world, being associated with conventional genres such as the novel and the short story, but also with oral stories, newspaper articles, websites, blogs, forums, visual narratives and testimonies. Open narrative forms such as Monika Fludernik’s “natural narrative”, Joel Fineman’s anecdote whose importance is crucial in historical writing and H. Porter Abbott’s “universal narrative” have combined with non-canonical examples of free indirect discourse in the configuration of a new understanding of narratology as a continuous process of which everyday life is made and policies are shaped. Emery Roe’s concept of narrative policy analysis opens up ways in which narrative strategies can be used to analyze and promote certain political lines addressing specific social issues.
As societies have become open systems permanently subject to change, the issue of history rewriting from the margin has been more topical than ever and narrative textuality has become more dynamic to match the world’s rapid changes. Such changes in narrative processes have been visible in the case of women involved in processes of permanent or temporary transnational relocation. As women rewrite their personal stories, they simultaneously write the history of their present on the move and rewrite past historical memories and traumas, diverging from dominant versions of history written at the centre of power.
We are interested in studying East-European women’s recent immigrant histories, focusing on relocation to North America, the UK and Ireland and thus expanding the area covered by postcolonial and ethnic American women’s studies in the field of women’s migration. Our conference will focus on narratives by and about women engaged in temporary and permanent transnational relocation in the years after the fall of communism, which have witnessed an opening to the global world and phenomena of identity-reconfiguration such as EU-enlargement. We invite papers engaging with East European women’s narratives in a wide sense, looking at conventional genres (novels, short-stories, newspaper articles), but also stories told on websites, blogs, oral narratives, interviews etc., focusing on, but not limited to, the following topics:

-    oral/written/visual, conventional/“natural” stories as micro-histories of East-European women’s migration and mobility;
-    interactions between personal stories and collective histories reflecting East-European women’s nomadic experiences;
-    rewritings of East-European women’s traumatic memories of dislocation/relocation;
-    East-European stories/histories of transnational families, adoption narratives, transnational mothering and child care;
-    comparing postcommunist/postcolonial women’s stories/histories of migration;
-    global policies and East-European women’s migration;
-    rewriting history through individual stories of East-European women’s migration;
-    migration stories and feminist nomadic activism and NGO work.
-    narrating women’s emerging transnational identities;
-    coping with deprivation in situations of relocation in the context of the global crisis.

Please send a 300-word abstract, 5-6 keywords and a short bio (200 words) to dr. Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru (sabina.draga@americanstudies.ro) by 1 March 2012. A selection of articles based on the conference papers will be published in a collective volume to be edited by Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru and Madalina Nicolaescu. Please specify whether you intend to submit a paper to be considered for publication when you send your abstract and bio (so that you may be included in our book proposal).

Conference organizers:
Dr. Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru
Professor Madalina Nicolaescu
Dr. Mihaela Precup
Dr. Dana Mihailescu
Diana Benea, PhD candidate

University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
21-22 September, 2012

Invited speakers:

Jasmina Lukić
Department of Gender Studies, Central European University, Budapest
Silvia Schultermandl
Department of American Studies, University of Graz
Anca Gheauş
Department of Philosophy, Erasmus University Rotterdam

PhD Scholarship: In German, Doktorandenstipendium, Universität Tübingen‏

An der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen ist zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt, im Rahmen der Juniorprofessur „Kultur und Geschichte des östlichen Europas im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert mit dem Schwerpunkt interethnische Beziehungen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Minderheiten in Südosteuropa“ (gefördert vom Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien), ein Doktorandenstipendium zu vergeben.
Gesucht wird ein/e Historiker/in im Fach Südosteuropäische Geschichte, oder ein/e Ethnologe/in bzw. ein/e Kulturwissenschaftler/in, mit einem überdurchschnittlichen Studienabschluss. Das Dissertationsvorhaben sollte einen inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt auf interethnische Beziehungen, unter Mitberücksichtigung der Deutschen in Südosteuropa legen, und zeitlich im 19. oder 20. Jahrhundert verortet sein. Gute Kenntnisse mindestens einer einschlägigen Sprache werden dabei vorausgesetzt. Die Mitarbeit in Forschung und Lehre im Rahmen der Junior-Professur, sowie am Ausbau des vom Institut für donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde und dem Ludwig Uhland Institut für empirische Kulturwissenschaft gegründeten „Tübinger Zentrum für die Erforschung deutscher Kultur und Geschichte in Südosteuropa“ wird erwartet.
Das Grundstipendium beträgt 870 Euro monatlich, ggf. wird ein Familienzuschlag von 160 Euro monatlich, bzw. bei mehr als einem Kind, 210 Euro monatlich gewährt. Dieser Betrag erhöht sich durch wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft-Tätigkeit am Lehrstuhl um weitere ca. 400 Euro monatlich.
Die Universität strebt eine Erhöhung des Anteils von Frauen in Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb entsprechend qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen nachdrücklich um ihre Bewerbung. Schwerbehinderte werden bei gleicher Eignung bevorzugt berücksichtigt.
Bewerbungen mit aussagekräftigen Unterlagen zum Lebenslauf, zum Studium und den Qualifikationen sowie ein ausführliches Exposé zum geplanten Dissertationsprojekt sind bis zum 1. März. 2012 zu richten an:  Jun.- Prof.  Dr. Carl Bethke, Institut für osteuropäische Geschichte und Landeskunde, Fachbereich Geschichtswissenschaft, Eberhard Karls Universität Universität Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 36, 72074 Tübingen bzw. online an carl.bethke@uni-tuebingen.de  

Conference: Euroacademia The Second Euroacademia Global Conference - Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers, Paris, 26 – 28 of April 2012

Europe became in the 20th century an elaborated yet contested notion as the particular field of European studies emerged and extensive and diverse research was directed recently towards an intensified search for what Europe is about. The creation of the European Union made things even more specialized and increased the stake of methodological rigor as more and more Europeans are affected by the decisions taken in Brussels. The number, diversity and quality of research projects focused on European issues is unprecedented, yet, as it is usually the case with specialization it gradually led to discursive communities that rarely meet and debate their approaches in open floors together with peers from other continents, academic traditions and cultures. It is the aim of this conference to build a bridge among specialists from different regions, academic traditions and cultures that share a common interest in studying and addressing Europe as a reflexive concern.

The Second Global Conference ‘Europe Inside-Out: Europe and Europeaness Exposed to Plural Observers’ aims exactly to refresh a broader approach and understanding of Europe by enlarging the platform of regular conferences and workshops for a wider arena of participants and disciplinary backgrounds in order to put on stage a worldwide monadology for such concerns. The conference aims to enable critical alternatives to the disciplinary orthodoxy by creating a framework for interaction and dissemination of diversity that has to become once more a European trademark. The conference also aims to become a constructive confrontational space for alternative methodologies, provocative puzzles, inter, multi and trans-disciplinary understandings of wider and also for thinner specialized issues of concern for or about Europe of today. In a way, such a conference aims to become a moment of return to the European specificity of critical self-understanding through dialogue and debate with all the discursive or narrative traditions that directly or indirectly constitute its self.

What is Europe and its place in the world? Is there something particular that sedimented in time and through a controversial history a European way? How does Europe see itself and how do others see it? Is Europe inclusive or club-based exclusive? Is Europe becoming a normative power or just envisages itself as one? Is the European multiculturalism a fact or an ideal? Is the European Union a reflection of Europe or an appropriation of it? These are just few questions out of an enormous space for inquiry that are to be addressed and confronted within the topic of the conference.

The conference is organized yet by no means restricted to the following orientative panels:

Europe as a would be world power
Europe and its internal and external others/outsiders
Europe and identities
Fortress Europe?
EU and appropriations of Europe
Europe and the Mediterranean assortment
Europe and the inclusive/exclusive nexus
Europe and the US
Europe and anti-Americanism
Europe as seen from its Eastern neighbours
Europe as viewed from far away: narratives of the Europeans outside
Europe as viewed from Asia
Europe and Africa
Non-familiar faces of Europe
Knowing Europe in a different way: from Latin America to Australia
Europe and the EU as a normative power
EU regulatory practices in context
The multiple faces of Europeanization as a process
Europe and the persistence of the East-West Slope
Europe and crises
Europe and cosmopolitanism
Europe and the post-national orders
Europe in the world
European narratives of the past: the mnemonic/amnesic nexuses
Europeanization versus globalization
Europe and conflict resolution
European social models: welfare states and neoliberal suspicions
Europe and innovation
The politicization of Europe

However, if you are willing to propose and/or chair a particular panel we welcome you to do so.

Participant’s Profile
The conference is addressed to academics, researchers and professionals with a particular interest in Europe from all parts of the world. Post-graduate students, doctoral candidates and young researchers are welcome to submit an abstract. Representatives of INGOs, NGOs, Think Tanks and activists willing to present their work with impact on or influenced by specific understandings of Europe are welcomed as well to submit the abstract of their contribution. Abstracts will be reviewed and accepted based on their proven quality. The submitted paper is expected to be in accordance with the lines provided in the submitted abstract.

Selected papers will be published in an electronic volume with ISBN after the confirmation of the authors and a double peer-review process based on an agreed publication schedule. All the papers selected for publication should be original and must not have been published elsewhere. All participants to the conference will receive a copy of the volume.

For Panel Proposals: 25 February 2012
For Paper Proposals: 15 March 2012

The 300 word abstracts and the affiliation details should be submitted in Word, WordPerfect, or RTF formats, following this order:
1) author(s), 2) affiliation, 3) email address, 4) title of abstract, 5) body of abstract 6) preferred panel or proposed panel
The abstract and details can be sent to application@euroacademia.eu with the name of the conference specified in the subject line or through the on-line application form available at www.euroacademia.eu/
We will acknowledge the receipt of your proposal and answer to all paper proposals submitted.
For more information visit www.euroacademia.eu
Schüttelstraße 57/22
1020 Vienna Austria
Phone:+43 699 105 55 248
Email: office@euroacademia.eu

Monday, January 30, 2012

Conference: Autonomy arrangements in the world, Babes-Bolyai University/ECMI/Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities

The Political Science Department of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (http://polito.ubbcluj.ro/polito/en/), in cooperation with the European Center for Minority Issues, Flensburg, Germany (http://www.ecmi.de/) and the Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (http://www.ispmn.gov.ro/), invites submission from different disciplinary backgrounds and diverse methodological orientations, aiming to elaborate a compendium on the various autonomy arrangements which are operational in the world to date.

Though the various forms of territorial, functional and legal pluralism and sub-state governance are important institutional arrangements of accommodating national, ethnic, linguistic or religious communities across the world, the issue of autonomy remains highly controversial both in the scholarly literature, and in the political debate between dominant majorities and marginalized ethnocultural communities. In spite of salient contributions made in past years which shed light on the issue from the perspective of normative political philosophy, international law, constitutional and institutional analysis and a number of limited case-studies, no comprehensive collection of cases is available which could facilitate a more research-based typology, comparative analysis and informed assessment of the advantages and shortages of the existing autonomy set-ups. Another limitation of the existing literature is that most of the available in-depth case-studies focus on a limited number of well-known, “starred” autonomy arrangements, located mostly in the Western hemishpere.

The aim of this initiative is to invite scholars and researchers to engage in identifying, researching and describing in a standard format as many autonomy arrangements operational in the different regions of the world as possible, with special focus on the lesser-known cases.

The preliminary results of the endeavor will be discussed in a conference in Flensburg, Germany (most probably in September or October 2012), and the final version of the elaborated case-studies will be published in a representative compendium at a prestigious international publishing house in 2013.

We are interested in any institutionalized, legal or customary arrangements which come under at least one of the following headings:

            shared or negotiated sovereignty

            federalism (with relevance to the ethnic, national, linguistic or religious divisions)

            territorial autonomy

            cultural autonomy

            personal autonomy

            functional autonomy

            legislative power-sharing

            executive power-sharing


cantonal arrangements (with relevance to the ethnic, national, linguistic or religious divisions)

            tribal, aboriginal or native self-governments

            autonomy arrangements resulted from transitional justice

            non-democratic or authoritarian autonomy arrangements.

Each submitted abstract will have to address one single case, in a more detailed abstract format of minimum 1000 and maximum 1500 words. A biographic note of the author, including his/her institutional affiliation and some of the most relevant research results should also be provided.

The received abstracts will be screened, and those found suitable will be selected for the second phase of the project. If several proposals referring to the same case will be submitted, the most comprehensive and innovative approach will be chosen or, in justified case, joint research efforts will be recommended.

The final, expanded version of the analysis of each case, based on which the compendium entries will be elaborated, should include:

the history behind the arrangement, with a particular emphasis on the political context of the creation

            ethno-demographic data

            the current political context

            the legal and institutional frameworks of the arrangement

            assessment of advantages and shortages of the set-up

            prospects for the future.

The authors of the chosen abstracts will be announced latest by March 26, 2012, and will be invited to elaborate the compendium entry based on a specified format. The selected authors will also be invited to consider participation in the conference.

Deadline for the compendium entries: November 30, 2012.

Organizers :

Levente Salat (Babes-Bolyai University)

Tove Malloy (European Center for Minority Issues)

István Horváth (Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities)


Levente Salat

Associate Professor

Department of Political Sciences

Faculty of Political, Administration and Communication Sciences

Babes-Bolyai University

400132 Cluj-Napoca

str. Traian Mosoiu 71


Visit the website at

Friday, January 27, 2012

Publication: The Journal of Teaching and Learning, Language Center, South East European University (SEEU) in Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia‏

The Journal of Teaching and Learning (JTL) titled “Talking About Learning,”  is an open access, peer-reviewed international journal published by the Language Center at South East European University (SEEU) in Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia. The main objective of JTL “Talking About Learning” is to  promote a scholarly and academic discussion about teaching and learning as  well as to share our research and practical classroom experiences with one another in order to improve the teaching and learning process. JTL “Talking  About Learning” aims to promote interdisciplinary research about teaching  and learning in all fields and disciplines and to become a leading journal for teaching and learning with local, regional and international impact.
JTL “Talking About Learning” Language Center Advisory Board supported by the  International Editorial Review Board is happy to announce a call for papers  for the upcoming issue scheduled to be published in May 2012.  The papers  published with us will serve the local, regional, and the international  academic community to help improve teaching and learning through pragmatic  and scientific paradigms as well as help SEEU and the Language Center to  remain leaders in this field.The journal is published in print and a copy of each issue is uploaded on  the SEEU web page. (please check the link provided above)
 JTL “Talking About Learning” is inviting papers for Vol. 3 No. 1 which is  scheduled to be published in May 15, 2012. The final date for submitting  your manuscripts is February 25, 2012.
 Please send your manuscript to the chief editor at a.limani@seeu.edu.mk

Master - PhD: Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, 22 - 29 April 2012‏



Don Frana Bulica 4, HR-20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia

Tel: + 385 20 413 626 / 627, Fax: + 385 20 413 628, E-mail: iuc@iuc.hr


Graduate Course “Divided Societies XV: New Paradigms?”

22 – 29 April 2012, Dubrovnik, Croatia

The fifteenth Divided Societies course, as a graduate course for Ph.D. and M.A. students as well as for honour students, focuses on uncovering and elaborating the »new paradigms« that are emerging to improve the study of divided societies. In an era of intense scholarly specialization, theories and paradigms are seldom given the adequate attention, but these broader frameworks and new paradigms and theories are becoming ever more relevant for the future research and development of contemporary societies, especially those with existing or potential divisions. We encourage participation of students and scholars in the social sciences, law and humanities and other fields and disciplines that study social phenomena such as divisions, cleavages, conflicts, borders, ethnicity and diversity.

This graduate course will be organized as a rigorous eight-day academic interdisciplinary program structured around lectures, workshops and conference-oriented presentations of scholarly research. The course participants will engage in active discussion of the theoretical, methodological and practical issues of research in divided societies. In addition, the course offers personal inter-cultural experience of students and faculty from other contexts in the unforgettable setting of a city that was itself the target of a destructive conflict.

The course offers ECTS credits. For PhD students of National joint PhD studies in sociology (Croatia): participation with presentation – 6-8 ECTS (according to programme of Joint Studies); for PhD students in Diversity Management and Governance at the University of Primorska/Littoral (Slovenia) up to 6 ECTS; for MA students 3-6 ECTS.

For other information visit http://www.iuc.hr/course-details.php?id=675

HESP/OSI scholarships

Scholarships may be granted to participants of a certain number of IUC post-graduate courses in the field of humanities and social sciences (five scholarships per course).

An individual grantee may receive only one scholarship per calendar year and not more than two years in a row. If a candidate has received a scholarship two years in a row he/she can re-apply after two years.

Scholarships may be obtained by participants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Republic of Georgia, Russia, Serbia, and Ukraine. Exceptionally, one scholarship per course may be granted for lecturers coming from the countries mentioned.

Scholarships may be granted to PhD students or to young faculty members under the age of 40 who are studying or working in fields of humanities and social sciences.

Scholarships cover costs of hotel accommodation (half board) in Dubrovnik. Reservations are made by the agency Gulliver and direct payments of hotel services are made by the IUC Secretariat. Exceptionally, a limited number of participants from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Republic of Georgia, Russia, and Ukraine may receive partial compensation of travel expenses. This does not apply for students studying in EU or other western universities.

Applications must be made on a special HESP form (download from http://www.iuc.hr/hesp-osi.php) and submitted to the IUC Secretariat to the e-mail address nada.bruer@iuc.hr at least one month before the start of the particular course.

Workshop: The German Diaspora in Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet, Durham University, 22-23 June 2012‏

The German diaspora can be found in most Eastern and Central European states as well as in some of the successor states of the former Soviet Union. Ethnic German minorities have lived – and albeit in much reduced numbers still live – in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and, of course, Russia.

During the Cold War – when the iron curtain ensured that only a relatively small number of these ethnic Germans were allowed to leave – West Germany’s relationship with these communities focused on facilitating the migration of as many as possible to their alleged ‘homeland’. Until the changes to Germany’s citizenship laws in the 1980s and 1990s, three million ethnic Germans migrated from Eastern and Central Europe and the (former) Soviet Union. This mass exodus casts severe doubt over the continued existence and long-term survival of these communities.

The main aim of this workshop is to bring together contributions which focus on the state of the German diaspora in Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Union in the wake of the mass migration of the late 1980s and early 1990s. In particular, we invite contributions which – by way of individual or comparative case studies –

* *

-          assess the state of the German diaspora as a transnational
community in the aftermath of mass migration; **

-          identify and examine notions of Germanness in these communities
as they have emerged in the post-Cold War context; **

-          examine state-diaspora relations that have emerged in the
post-Cold War world between Germany and these ethnic communities in the postcommunist world;**

-          identify and assess the significance of any new developments
such as the phenomenon of ‘reverse return’;**

-          identify any generational differences in perceptions and
expressions of Germanness and examine to what extent the narrative of suffering is being replaced by other notions of belonging and/or cultural

-          explore the importance of history and memory to these

-          investigate the relationship between the émigré communities and
the rump communities in the former homeland, as well as between Germany and these states in ECE and the FSU;**

-          examine the relationship between German communities abroad and
their ‘host’ states

-          analyse the nature of the relationship between German
communities abroad and other ethnic groups

If you would like to contribute, please send a 250 word abstract and a short CV (including a list of relevant publications) to ruth.wittlinger@durham.ac.uk

Deadline for abstracts:  31 March 2012

Accommodation and meals for invited speakers will be covered by a grant from Durham University.

Conference: International Conference on Conservatism, Debrecen, Hungary, 26-28 May 2012‏

International Conference on


May 26-28, 2012 – Debrecen, Hungary

Call for Papers

Do opposite poles attract each other? Conservatism is usually seen as the antidote of political radicalism and fundamentalism. Conservatism and Radicalism are depicted as being in a mutually exclusive relationship. Nevertheless, a number of recent instances in politics hint at a different sort of relationship between conservatism and radicalism. The radical discourse of the Tea Party, David Cameron’s self-declared ‘radicalism’, or the Norwegian terrorist, Breivik’s definition of himself as a ‘radical conservative’ indicate the need to reflect upon the nature of the relation between conservatism, radicalism and fundamentalism.

The Department of Political Science of the University of Debrecen, Hungary cordially invites all scholars whose research interests include conservatism, radicalism and/or fundamentalism to the second of the bi-annual international conference series on Conservatism, to be held on the 26-28 May 2012 at the University of Debrecen, Hungary. Those interested in the conference are invited to submit a 250 word abstract for a 20 minute presentation, by February 15, 2012.

The conference in 2010 was held in Prague. The most outstanding contributions from the 2010 conference have been edited and published in Cambridge. We also plan to produce a volume based on the best papers from 2012.

Keynote Speakers

Professor Michael Freeden (Emeritus Professor of Politics, University of Oxford, Emeritus Professorial Fellow, Mansfield College, Oxford).

Professor Angus Hawkins (FRHist, Director of Public and International Programmes, Oxord University, Department of Continuing Education, Fellow of Kellogg College and the History Faculty of the University of Oxford).

Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be sent to: abstracts.conservconf@gmail.com

Deadline for Submissions

February 15, 2012


Levente Nagy (Chair, Department of Political Science, University of Debrecen)

Dogancan Özsel (Lecturer, University of Hacettepe)

Further Information

www.polconference .unideb.hu

If you have further questions about the conference please write to: nagy.levente@arts.unideb.hu

Workshop: Economic and Political Reporting from Southeast Europe, London, 12-26 May 2012

Economic and Political Reporting from Southeast Europe

Start date: 12 May 2012 | End date: 26 May 2012
Location: London, United Kingdom
Language: English
Application deadline: 04 Mar 2012

In 2012, 16 journalists from the Balkans are competitively chosen to participate in the programme, managed by experienced staff from Thomson Reuters Foundation and Robert Bosch Stiftung. The programme includes two 10-day training courses in London, UK (12-26 May) and in Berlin, Germany (23 September – 6 October) run by skilled ex-Reuters journalists. Participants will also travel to Brussels and Frankfurt to meet policy-makers and journalists covering European financial and political affairs.

The course will cover the following broader topics:

§ Writing about emerging market economies

§ Markets reporting and covering companies

§ Practical exercises based on current European themes

Applicants must be fluent in English and be full-time professional journalists who have been working for at least two years with a recognised publication, website, radio or television station. Applicants must have a portfolio that includes experience in economic journalism or must otherwise demonstrate a strong interest in economic and political issues.

Applying journalists must be citizens of Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, or Slovenia. They must have permission from their employer to take part in the programme.

Please visit Robert Bosch Stiftung’s website at (www.bosch-stiftung.de/economic_reporting) to find more information on the programme and experiences of former participants.

§ A short biography of no more than 250 words and also: A statement of between 250 and 500 words describing any factors affecting your work as a journalist. Explain how you hope to benefit from the course for which you are applying.

§ Two recent examples of your published work, preferably relevant to the course for which you are applying, with a brief summary in English (if necessary). TV/Radio journalists can send in their scripts and a brief summary

§ A story of the state of your national economy.

Publication: Playing with fire - the metamorphoses of sacrifice in contemporary cinema, A special issue of "Angelaki - The Journal of the Theoretical Humanities"‏


A Special Issue of "ANGELAKI - The Journal of the Theoretical Humanities"


Guest Editors: Costica Bradatan (The Honors College, Texas Tech University) & Camil Ungureanu (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona)

This special issue is scheduled for late 2013.


Sometimes to destroy is to create, just as waste can be a path to riches. This is precisely the meaning of sacrifice. In different forms and under various guises, sacrifice is manifest in virtually all known cultures; in some, it occupies a central position. As killing of living creatures in order to obtain the gods' benevolence, symbolic offering to the otherworld, gift to fellow-humans, self-dedication, destruction of something in order to save something else ("faire la part du feu"), sacrifice can perform a wide range of religious, social, political, cultural or psychological functions. The act of giving something valuable away (one's possessions, one's time and work, or even one's life) for the sake of something greater than oneself is a fundamental human gesture; the manner of its performance, its rituals and protocols, as well as the significance we attach to it, define who we are. Sacrifices aim at pleasing the gods and bringing forgiveness or redemption to humans; the
y can make friends and pacify enemies; sacrifices can solve crises, heal collective traumas, make and unmake communal bonds.

Conceptually, sacrifice lies at the center of a network of related notions such as the gift, reciprocity, redemption, crisis, regeneration, renewal, propitiation, substitution and exchange. Rooted in religious experience, as the etymological root of the word makes clear ("sacer" & "facere," "making it holy"), sacrifice has undergone continuous metamorphoses, just as it has acquired new heterodox meanings and has permeated non-religious aspects of life as well. In spite of a popular Enlightenment narrative, the relative decline in conventional religiosity does not mean that sacrificing fades away. Even when people do not make offerings to God anymore, they still engage in other forms of sacrificial exchange: they volunteer in humanitarian projects, sometimes at the risk of their lives; they make gifts and counter-gifts; they sacrifice themselves for their loved ones; they can even sacrifice their lives for a cause, for a group or for their country. The very constitution of com
munity is premised on the "sacrifice" of the marginalized and excluded. Moreover, the fact that radical forms of self-sacrifice (suicide-bombing, self-immolation) have come to shape our world in ways that cannot be neglected bears further witness to the importance of the topic.

Given its capacity to stimulate the imagination and resonate across a wide spectrum of human experiences, the theme of sacrifice has always attracted filmmakers. Moreover, to be effective, sacrifices need accompanying narratives, and many outstanding filmmakers have engaged in weaving and developing them. From Dryer's "Passion of Joan d'Arc" to Pasolini's "Mamma Roma" to Tarkovsky's "Sacrifice" to many of Ozu's films to Kar Wai Wong's "In the Mood for Love" or to Lars von Trier's "Breaking the Waves" and Bruno Dumont's "La vie de Jesus", the varieties and metamorphoses of sacrifice have always interested and nourished art cinema. The ways in which sacrifice has been interpreted cinematically - the symbolism, aesthetics, visual styles and techniques employed - as well as the ensuing increase in our understanding of it, make for a fascinating topic of thought and scholarly reflection.

ANGELAKI hereby invites contributions on the topic of interpretations and representations of sacrifice in contemporary cinema, especially "art house" cinema. Within the broad thematic framework delineated above, we welcome submissions from philosophers, film scholars, anthropologists, scholars of religion, political and social theorists, on relevant aspects of this topic.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

- Sacrifice in Tarkovsky, Bergman, Kieslowski, Pasolini, von Trier, Dumont, etc. with reference to theories of sacrifice
- Sacrifice in Kierkegaard, Hubert & Mauss, Bataille, Blanchot, Girard, Baudrillard, Derrida, Kristeva, etc. with reference to works of (art) cinema
- Sacrifice and the making/unmaking of the community
- Sacrifice and death / sacrifice and regeneration
- Sacrifice and the ambivalence of the sacred
- Sacrifice, gift and hospitality
- The sacrificial event, violence and fundamentalism
- Sacrifice, self-immolation and suicide between politics and religion
- Sacrifice and gender difference
- Feminist perspectives on sacrifice
- Comparing sacrificial events in different (religious) cultures
- Sacrifice and terrorism
- Sacrifice and revolution

ANGELAKI, a journal of "theoretical humanities," favors philosophically Continental and methodologically interdisciplinary approaches.


Deadline for submissions: October 15, 2012

Length: 7000 words

Authors should keep in mind that they are writing for an academic, but non-specialist (and largely Western) readership. Therefore, technical terms and specialized jargon should be reduced to a minimum.

All submissions should be in English. Notwithstanding the fact that some authors use this language as their second language, it is their responsibility to make sure that their submissions are written in publishable English.

All materials submitted to ANGELAKI undergo peer-review. Manuscripts and Notes, typed double-spaced, should be submitted to the Guest Editors as e-mail attachments, using Microsoft Word. The author's full address should be supplied as a footnote to the title page. Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the MLA Citation Style: http://www.mla.org/

You can submit your contributions to: bradatan@hotmail.com & camil.ungureanu@upf.edu (with "For the Angelaki issue" in the subject line). Please allow at least 4-6 months for the review process and editorial decisions. Receipt of materials will be confirmed by email in a matter of days.

Unless otherwise stated in this Call for Papers, the Instructions for Authors on the journal's webpage are adopted for this issue:


ANGELAKI is one of the most important cross-disciplinary journals of the humanities in the world. Founded in Oxford in the early 1990s, and still based there, it has over the course of nearly 20 years published more than 700 articles from international writers, including many leading scholars and thinkers, in the fields of literary theory, European philosophy and cultural theory. The journal has also frequently included original work by poets and artists. ANGELAKI is well known for its substantial special issues, many of which have been vanguard collections signposting emerging developments in the field designated by the journal the 'theoretical humanities'. ANGELAKI articles are downloaded tens of thousands of times a year by readers and researchers throughout the world. In 2011 ANGELAKI increased its frequency to four issues per volume. The journal publishes two or three special issues and one or two general issues per volume.

We look forward to your submissions!

Costica Bradatan & Camil Ungureanu

Costica Bradatan, PhD
Assistant Professor

Texas Tech University
The Honors College
PO Box 41017
Lubbock, TX 79409


PhD Scholarship: Leverhulme Trust's Early Career Fellowship‏

The UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES) will be sponsoring applications for the Leverhulme Trust's Early Career Fellowship competition in 2012.  This is an excellent opportunity for early career researchers to access substantial and prestigious funding.

SSEES offers the largest UK concentration of research in the history, economics, politics, sociology, anthropology, culture, literature and languages of
Central, Eastern and South-East Europe and Russia. You can learn more about us on our web pages at http://www.ssees.ucl.ac.uk/
 Guidelines for the Leverhulme's ECF scheme are accessible here: http://www.leverhulme.ac.uk/funding/ECF/ECF.cfm
Proposals should be sent to Mrs Maria Widdowson, SSEES Assistant Director (Finance & Administration), m.widdowson@ucl.ac.uk  ***no later than February 19th***.  These should be written on the Leverhulme Trust application form (link above). 
A SSEES panel will review and rank proposals received by that date. There will then be time and support available to work on the successful full proposals selected to go forward.

If you have questions about the process, please address these to Mrs Maria Widdowson. Professor Simon Dixon (Arts & Humanities) s.dixon@ucl.ac.uk, or Professor Slavo Radosevic (Social Sciences), s.radosevic@ucl.ac.uk will be happy to advise on matters pertinent to the research field. 

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Internship: at ProWide Italia Location: Brussels DL: 30 January 2012

He/she will contribute to the overall organization and management of the Brussels office.

His/her duties will include communication, research activities, supporting the team in project management and compiling internal documents.

He /she will be responsible of updating experts database, the website and will be fully involved in all the activities carried out by the company.


Qualifications required:

• University Degree – Bachelors or Masters in Economics, Political Science, International Relations, European Studies;
• Strong interest in working within the Development External Cooperation;
• Highly motivated, self tasked, capable of working independently;
• Enthusiastic and positive;
• Excellent organisational and interpersonal skills;
• Quick turnaround research skills – must have the ability to seek for suitable human resources to be employed on field missions;
• Multitasking and stress resistant;
• Excellent spoken and written English, knowledge of French/other languages is a plus;
• Full computer literate (Word, Excel, Power Point).

Provisional starting date: February 06, 2012;

Deadline for applying: 30/01/2012, 12.00 CET

Please note that this internship takes place without financial remuneration.

Applicants with a scholarship are strongly encouraged to apply.

If you are interested please send your CV and motivation letter (EN) to t.guidone@prowideitalia.com, with the mention “ProWide Internship” in the email subject line.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Internship: Public Relations at Roshan Location: Afghanistan DL: 22 February 2012

In 2003, AKDN and its partners launched Roshan (Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Ltd) meaning 'light' or 'hope.' Today, Roshan is Afghanistan's leading telecommunications operator, covering over 60% of the population and connecting 5 million active subscribers in 230 cities and towns across the country's 34 provinces. Roshan is a major driver of reconstruction and socio-economic development in Afghanistan, having invested over $500 million in the country since inception in 2003. As Afghanistan's single largest private investor and tax-payer, Roshan contributes approximately 5% of the Afghan Government's overall revenue.

Roshan directly employs 1,200 people and provides indirect employment to over 30,000 people. Highlighting Roshan's commitment to diversity, approximately 20% of staff are women, 90% are Afghan Nationals of various ethnicities and backgrounds, and 10% are expatriates from 16 countries around the world. Roshan strives to be the employer of choice in Afghanistan, investing heavily in employee education, training and mentorship programs to develop talent and capacity. The diverse members of the Roshan family share a common desire to thrive in a uniquely challenging business environment and to contribute to the future of Afghanistan.

The Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), is a major shareholder of Roshan and promotes private initiatives in building economically sound enterprises in the developing world. Also owned in part by Monaco Telecom International (MTI) and TeliaSonera, Roshan continues to show strong investor confidence, setting the benchmark for how companies should operate competitively and with a social conscience, in post-conflict countries.
More information ....
The Position
Roshan, an IPS company based in Afghanistan is seeking for an Intern, Public Relations to work within the Public Relations Department. The Intern, Public Relations will support the Public Relations Department in communication to various stakeholders.

A summary of the Intern, Public Relations responsibilities and tasks is as follows:

  • Produces and coordinates the production and dissemination of various public relations collateral ' press releases, case studies, biographies, articles, white-papers and presentations for both national and international audiences

  • Implements the various communication components of the internal communications strategy, including employee newsletters, employee events and collateral production as well as drives a revamp of the Intranet

  • Supports major digital campaigns and conducts ongoing analysis of emerging trends online in Afghanistan

  • Supports all corporate events including press conferences and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) -related project launch events

  • The Requirements

  • University degree

  • Ability to communicate (verbal & written) and present in formal and informal settings

  • Strong writing skills

  • Professional attitude with an ability to take the initiative in driving for clarity and proactively leading initiatives

  • Well rounded interpersonal skills ' ability to effectively engage with people from various cultural backgrounds and to work as part of a team

  • Ability to use Microsoft office products to analyze data, create reports and presentations

  • Salary & International Package

    Salary and package to attract the best candidate

    Conference: Challenges for the Integration of Europe: Peripheral Perspectives, Mostar, 29-31 July 2012‏



    29th to 31st July, 2012

    Mostar, Hotel Bristol #

    International Forum Bosnia, in cooperation with and with support from a number of other organisations from Bosnia and abroad, will be hosting the Seventh International Conference on Unity and Plurality in Europe on the theme of Challenges for the Integration of Europe: Peripheral Perspectives. The conference will be held in Mostar, from the 29th to 31st July, 2012.

    The programme for the international conference will cover three thematic areas 1) Religion, Identity, and Society, 2) Centre and Periphery in Cultural, Social, Political and Economic Life, and 3) Europe’s Internal and External Others. Each panel will involve a number of individual presentations on appropriate themes, followed by general discussion.

    A section of the program will be open to the general public, with three public discussions on related themes:

    1. “Yet Another Abraham”, guest speaker Gil Anidjar (29th July, at 21:15).

    2. “Nationalism and the Future of the Balkan Countries”, guest speakers Ivo Banac, Sonja Biserko and Rusmir Mahmutćehajić (30th July, at 21:15).

    3. “Libya and Europe”, guest speaker Aref Ali Nayed (31st July, at 18:00).

    There will also be a public performance of traditional Bosnian love songs (Sevdalinka) by Amira Medunjanin and Boško Jović (31st July, at 21:15).

    The conference will be in English, with consecutive translation during public lectures.

    All details are available at the www.ifbosna.org.ba

    Alma Mrgan‐Slipičević Project Coordinator

    Visiting Fellows: Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz

    The Centre for Southeast European Studies of the University of Graz is currently accepting expressions of interest for Visiting Fellows during the academic year 2012-3. The Centre provides for research facilities for researchers, including a working place and access to the library and full participation in the acitivities of the center for a period between 1 and 6 months. Visiting fellows are expected to present their research in a research seminar and to contribute a working paper to the centre’s working paper series.

    The Centre does not provide financial assistance, but is glad to provide support for scholarship programs for visiting scholars, including the Ernst Mach Scholarship (http://www.oead.at/mach).

    Please submit a CV, a 1 page letter of motivation, including the research topic and length and time planned in German or English by February 10th to Beate Hainschek (<beate.hainschek@uni-graz.at>). We welcome applications from advanced doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers. For informal inquiries contact Florian Bieber (florian.bieber@uni-graz.at).

    Conference: lbania in the next ten years - envisioning the future, Tirana, 29-30 March 2012‏

    Albania has just entered its 100th year of existence as an independent state, since the declaration of Independence from the Ottoman Empire in November of 1912. The century of existence of Albania has had a rich and diverse history.

    The next ten years will be crucially important to Albania’s future and its prospects to establish democratic governance and to consolidate a functioning state. They will be critical to the country’s capacity to build a developed capitalist economy based on free competition. Such a development process is in essence Albania’s Europeanization project.

    On the occasion of the 100th year of existence of the independent Albanian state, the Albanian Institute for International Studies, the Albanian Media Institute and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Albania will organize an international symposium:
    ‘Albania in the next ten years – envisioning the future’

    The event will take place in Tirana on the 29th and 30th of March, 2012. It will gather scholars and researchers of different fields of expertise.

    The organizers would like to seek your contributions in the area of your interest/expertise.

    Topics include but are not limited to:

    Important historical phases of the existence of the Albanian state, - The objective is discerning patterns of development in Albanian state and society which help to foresee the challenges of the future.

    Future scenarios for Albania, -Panellists will be encouraged to treat a rich spectre of variables in determining hypothetic future placements of the Albanian state and society and elaborate on potential challenges that the country is likely to face.

    Participation related expenses will be covered by the organizers. Selected papers will be published in English and Albanian in a dedicated symposium volume.

    Please send your expression of interest and /or abstracts to conference secretariat:


    Wednesday, January 25, 2012

    Conference: Panel, Ottoman Inter-Confessional Dialectics in the 19th and early 20th Centuries, MESA Annual Conference, Denver, 17-20 November 2012‏

    Call for Papers: “Ottoman Inter-Confessional Dialectics in the 19th and early 20th Centuries”

    A panel proposed for the 2012 MESA Annual Conference in Denver, CO, November 17-20.

    Organizer: Scott Rank, Ph.D. Candidate, Central European University, Department of History

    Deadline: February 1, 2012

    This is a call for papers for a pre-organized MESA panel concerning Ottoman inter-confessional relations in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The historiography of this phenomenon has traditionally followed one of two tracks. The first track examined inter-confessional relations through the 1839 and 1856 reform edicts that promised non-Muslims security of their rights and property. The Islamic empire’s trajectory aimed at secularization and universal liberty; however, Abdülhamit II jettisoned these efforts following his 1876 ascension. The second track depicted inter-confessional relations in a state of hostile acrimony, in which outside actors such as European diplomats and Protestant missionaries empowered Ottoman Christians at a time when nationalist movements threatened to break apart the Empire. In recent years historians have moved away from this binary model and explored the zones of contact between Ottoman confessional groups in the political, economic, and judicial arenas.

    Yet essentialized understandings of these actors linger within historical studies. Due to an over-reliance on state administrative sources, accounts of this period still allow the view from Istanbul to sharply delineate the categories of orthodox/heterodox and Muslim/Christian. Muslim beliefs that fell outside of the state discourse of Sunni-Hanefi Islamic “orthodoxy” receive the blanket term “heterodox,” despite a variety of belief falling into the latter category. Likewise, the labels of Muslim and Christian apply clumsily to groups such as the highly syncretistic Yezidis, whom religious leaders on both sides rarely claimed as their own. And even “orthodox” Muslims at this time were not hesitant to borrow liberally from non-Muslim intellectual movements, even if their purposes were such ostensibly pious acts as writing anti-Christian religious polemics.

    This panel will explore the complicated issue of Ottoman inter-confessional relations and problematize the concepts of official discourses of belief; alternate programs of modernity disputed among (but not limited to) secularists, Muslim intellectuals, non-Muslim leaders, and Protestant missionaries; and contested notions of heterodoxy and orthodoxy. In order to do so it will reject essentialized categories created at the state-administrative level that could apply arbitrarily and even incorrectly to the provinces. Instead, it will examine how inter-confessional encounters were not necessarily antagonistic but could have reciprocal effects that produced hybrid identities. Furthermore, it will make use of sources that provide alternate accounts of these encounters, such as writings by local literati, missionary sources, regional administrative accounts of heterodox groups, and European diplomatic sources. It will also consider the influence of environmental factors in shaping confessional identity.

    Please submit an abstract of your proposed paper, your contact information, and your CV to Scott Rank at rank_scott@ceu-budapest.edu by February 1, 2012. Decisions and acceptance notifications will be sent out by February 10, 2012.

    Below are the paper abstract guidelines for the 2012 MESA Conference. Potential contributors should adhere to these guidelines to ensure the acceptance of this panel to the MESA review committee.

    “The abstract should be 300-400 words, typewritten and single-spaced. The name of the author cannot appear in the abstract. If it does, the proposal automatically will be disqualified. The program committee will be looking for abstracts that are scholarly, with a strong, focused statement of thesis or significance, clear goals and methodology, well-organized research data, specified sources, and convincing, coherent conclusions.”

    Scott Rank (rank_scott@ceu-budapest.edu) Ph.D. Candidate, Central European University Department of History, Nádor utca 9

    1051 Budapest, Hungary

    Phone: +36 06-705-376-139Email: rank_scott@ceu-budapest.edu

    Conference: 2012 Jean Monnet International Seminar "Ukraine-EU Cooperation in Crisis Management and Disaster Risk Reduction", Kiev, 7-12 May 2012‏


    in partnership with

    University of Birmingham, UK

    Harvard Black Sea Security Program, Harvard University, USA

    European Security Journal, Routledge

    and financial support of Jean Monnet Program, European Commission

    invite you to take part in 2012 Jean Monnet International Seminar


    Cooperation in crisis management and disaster risk reduction (natural,
    man-made disasters, terrorism, conflict and conflict-related
    emergencies) is a priority and thematic platform of the Eastern
    Partnership and an important sphere of cooperation between Ukraine and
    the EU within the Ukraine-EU Action Plan, but it is an almost completely
    neglected topic in the academic cur-ricula on EU/European
    integration/security studies in Ukraine and other countries of the
    Eastern Partnership. Similarly, very little research has been carried
    out on diplomatic and politi-cal/institutional aspects of this subject,
    which further diminishes the prospects of high-quality modules and
    courses and effective education and training of current and future
    academics and professionals working in this area. By organising a
    workshop bringing together national and inter-national experts from a
    variety of professional backgrounds with young scholars and advanced
    postgraduate students and publishing the proceedings of the event, a
    contribution will be made to improving the breadth and depth of higher
    education provision in the area, a Ukraine-based sub-ject-specific
    expert network will be established and consolidated, and interaction
    between profes-sionals in the area with academics will be enhanced to
    enable better-informed, evidence-based practice of effective and
    efficient crisis management and disaster risk reduction in Ukraine, the
    Eastern Neighbourhood and the EU.
    The programme will be divided into 5 modules:

    Module 1. Crisis Management of the European Union
    Prof. Stefan Wolff, University of Birmingham, UK

    Module 2. Organizational Overlap and Crisis Management
    Dr. David Galbreath, University of Bath, UK

    Module 3. Cooperative Mechanisms for Nuclear Counterterrorism in the
    Wider Black Sea Region
    Dr. Sergei Konoplyov, Harvard University, USA

    Module 4. Sociology of conflicts, crises and catastrophes
    Prof. Anton Oleinik, Memorial University, Canada

    Module 5. The Early Warning and Crisis Prevention Mechanisms
    Prof. Tetyana Malyarenko, Donetsk State University of Management

    Program of Seminar

    9.00 – 14.00 Lectures
    15.00 – 19.00 Presentations of case studies and research projects of
    the participants


    To apply, please submit the following:

    A) A short CV and letter of motivation should be submitted via e-mail
    (application2012JeanMonnet@gmail.com) by 18 March 2012.
    B) A registration fee of €20 will be payable by accepted
    participants to contribute to-wards costs for course materials,
    coffee-breaks and lunches during the seminar days.


    The seminar will be held at Hotel Puscha Ozerna, Kiev,
    Ukraine (www.ozerna.com.ua). Accepted participants will have to
    contact the hotel administration regarding their accom-modation
    requirements. The cost of accommodation with breakfast will be around €
    25-30 per person per night.


    A limited number of merit-based scholarships covering accommodation and
    board for the entire seminar (7-12 May 2012; twin room, breakfast and
    lunch) will be available for PhD students and early career researchers.
    If you wish to apply for scholarship, please attach case study on one of
    the main thematic areas of the seminar to your application.

    Requirements for case studies

    Case studies in English of innovative teaching materials, based on the
    results of applicant’s re-search, should be no longer than 5,000 words,
    including references. They should be structured as follows:
    introduction, the essential question to be discussed and a description
    of the problem to be analyzed and the key factors that contributes to
    the problem; background of the situation; narrative description of
    the situation, including important factors and events; key
    parties: descriptive analysis of the key parties and their
    motivations and objectives; results; conclusion: lessons learned.

    Thematic priority areas for case studies

    1) Cooperation between Ukraine and EU member states in crisis
    management and disaster risk reduction;
    2) Cooperative preventive mechanisms for nuclear counterterrorism;
    3) Humanitarian interventions;
    4) Use of ICT-based learning in teaching of crisis management and
    European security.

    Author of selected case studies will be asked to present the results of
    their findings. The selected case studies will be published in special
    volume of the seminar.


    International Association for Institutional Studies

    Postal address:
    Artema 58 Donetsk 83000 Ukraine
    Head of the Association – Prof. Vyacheslav Dementyev
    Executive director of the Association, academic coordinator of Jean
    Monnet Project
    Prof. Tetyana Malyarenko
    e-mail: Tetyana@correo.ugr.es
    Project Manager (administrative questions)
    Mrs. Ermolaeva Natalya +38 (095) 879 34 83
    E-mail for questions and applications:
    Project web-site: http://ainstud.at.ua

    Job: Consultant for Economic Analysis and Feasibility Study of Possible Models of National Human Rights Institution in Macedonia (DL: 25 January 2012)‏

    Consultant for Economic Analysis and Feasibility Study of

    Possible Models of National Human Rights Institution in Macedonia

    CRPRC Studiorum is Skopje-based think tank with principle areas of work organized in three programmes: public health, human rights and new media. Over the last several years, CRPRC Studiorum has developed rigorous analysis agenda so to ensure that the advocacy recommendations in its areas of work are based on reliable data and realistic evidence.

    CRPRC Studiorum is issuing a Call for expressions of interest in order to obtain applications for the Economic Analyst consultancy position.

    The expert’s duties will be to produce an Economic Analysis and Feasiblity Study of Possible Models of National Human Rights Institution for Macedonia, designed and modeled by a group of policy and legal in-house experts.

    Macedonia does not have a National Human Rights Institution in accordance with the international standards. Its current institutional human rights promotion and protection framework has both an overlap and gaps of competences, with which, according to the international human rights standards, a NHRI must be tasked. Accordingly, CRPRC Studiorum, under the grant of the National Endowment for Democracy in Washington, USA, and within the project Solving an Institutional Puzzle: What National Human Rights Institution Model for Macedonia, will model the most suitable National Human Rights Institution/s given the economic, political and policy specificities of the country.

    1. General

    1.1. INTRODUCTION. This document defines the scope of work for the expert’s assistance to CRPRC Studiorum so to design economically most feasible National Human Rights Institution model/s.

    1.2. DURATION. The duration of the assignment in working hours shall be as needed so to prepare the analysis over a two-month period (1 February to 01 April 2012).

    2. Deliverables

    ASSIGNMENT. The overall objective of the assignment is the preparation of the proposed Economic Analysis and Feasibility Study of Models of National Human Rights Institution for Macedonia, to the point in which it can be proposed and presented to diverse set of stakeholders for further discussion and advocacy campaign. For the purpose, the consultant will provide:

    2.1. An Economic Analysis of the Possible Models of National Human Rights Institution for Macedonia prepared according to the international human rights standards and best world practices. This report should address all economic issues associated with the functioning of the proposed models including state budget acceptability and adequacy.

    2.2. A final economic feasibility report with fiscal implications, confirming the (non)feasibility and strengths or weaknesses of the proposed models of national human rights institution.

    2.3. Budget design and financial implementation plan, proposing financial structure for the feasible and adequate models of national human rights institution.

    2.4. Assist the stakeholders’ group in preparing and disseminating final policy paper on Models of National Human Rights Institution for Macedonia.

    3. Other Required Skills and Competences

    · Demonstrate reliability;

    · Demonstrate cultural, gender, ethnic and age sensitivity;

    · If necessary, ability to work in a team; strong interpersonal and communication skills;

    · Results-oriented: plans and produces quality results to meet established goals of the research project; Ability to organize the approach in terms of the analytic/research process and to produce a well-structured output;

    · Openness to modifications and ability to both receive and integrate feedback, and to accept additional responsibilities as required by the demands of the research;

    · Ability to work under tight dead-lines and pressure;

    · Ability to work with minimum supervision;

    · Strong analytical, reporting and writing abilities;

    · Fluency in spoken and written English is a must, with academic and policy English language proficiency.

    CRPRS Studiorum is committed to social justice and equality, and therefore seeks to achieve diversity in its workforce in terms of gender, culture or any social identities.

    Qualified women and members of minorities are equally encouraged to apply. Due to the large number of applications we get, we are only able to notify the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection procedure.

    Qualified candidates are requested to apply via e-mail to office@studiorum.org.mk with subject line: Economic Consultancy.

    On their application package, applicants must provide evidence that they possess the necessary skills and professional experience relating to the vacant consultancy position.

    The application package should include:

    - A brief cover letter

    - Up-dated CV

    - Short sample of similar work

    - Financial Proposal (The consultant's offer will not be greater than USD 2,500 and will include all costs and personal taxes. In the offer, the consultant must specify a justification and validity of the offer.)

    The deadline for submission of applications is 25 January 2012.

    Job: Research Director, Committee on Conscience, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum‏

    Research Director, Committee on Conscience

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

    The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is America's national institution for the documentation, study, and interpretation of Holocaust history, and serves as this country's memorial to the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust. The Museum's primary mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge about this unprecedented tragedy; to preserve the memory of those who suffered; and to encourage its visitors to reflect upon the moral and spiritual questions raised by the events of the Holocaust as well as their own responsibilities as citizens of a democracy.

    The Committee on Conscience (CoC), the genocide prevention program of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, seeks a Research Director. The director will be responsible for conceiving and implementing a research program that will advance the strategic goals of the CoC, especially shaping and nurturing the emerging field of genocide prevention.

    Duties and Responsibilities

    Working closely with the Director of the Committee on Conscience, CoC staff, Museum colleagues and outside experts, the research director will:

    ● Conceptualize and develop a research agenda for the CoC on issues of contemporary genocide and their relation to the Holocaust, oversee the research activities of the COC, and manage a team of staff and interns.

    ● Assemble information and analysis on places at risk of genocide and other subjects of interest to the Committee: for example early warning signs, analyses of past genocides, and international justice.

    ● Develop, build and manage a fellowship program at the Committee on Conscience. The research director will work closely with the director of the CoC to conceptualize and implement a program to bring experts and practitioners to the Museum as short or long-term fellows in a range of areas related to genocide prevention.

    ● Organize specialized seminars and conferences that bring together leading thinkers in the field to advance the CoC agenda and help the Museum play a leadership role in the field.

    ● Provide expert guidance and advice to the CoC, its board and other offices of the Museum on issues of contemporary genocide. This might include providing content on genocide prevention for course development, training programs, digital education and exhibitions.

    ● Write and speak about genocide and related crimes against humanity to the public, experts and Museum supporters, and provide content, as needed, for the Museum website, online channels and publications.

    ● Assist CoC director in fundraising, including stewarding donors.


    • Expert on issues of genocide and other mass atrocities, with some specialized knowledge in areas pertaining to the work of the Committee, such as places where mass atrocities have occurred or are threatened, international law pertaining to genocide, and/or government efforts to halt or prevent genocides.

    • Excellent writer, researcher and analyst.

    • Strong verbal communication skills.

    • Outstanding interpersonal skills. Ability to work with a wide range of colleagues, experts and members of a presidentially appointed board.

    • Demonstrated ability to forge strong working relationships with government officials, non-governmental institutions, universities, think tanks and other groups.

    • Management experience is a plus.

    • Advanced degree, in particular a Ph.D. or law degree is a plus.

    Salary commensurate with experience.

    EEO Policy Statement: The United States Government does not discriminate in employment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, disability and genetic information, age, membership in an employee organization, or other non-merit factor

    Interested applicants should send resume to Amanda Rooney, executive assistant, at arooney@ushmm.org

    Emil Kerenji, Ph.D. Applied Research Scholar 202.488.0442

    United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

    Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies

    100 Raoul Wallenberg Place SW Washington DC 20024-2126

    Fax 202.479.9726


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