Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Research on Protest, Social Movements and Democratization Processes at the DVPW Congress 2012, Tübingen 24-28 September 2012‏

Working Group on Social Movements (Arbeitskreis soziale Bewegungen, http://sozialebewegungen.wordpress.com/uber/) of the German Association for Political Science (Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, DVPW) is organizing three panels at the association's triennial congress next year in Tübingen (24 to 28 September 2012). We warmly invite you to send in applications by 1 March 2012 the latest to the addresses published in the CfPs in the attachment. All three panels try to take a global perspective on protest, social movements and democratization processes. Contributions by researchers on Balkan countries or from the Balkans are highly welcome.The titels of the Working Group's panels are:

"Democracy as a rallying cry. Societal mobilization and democratization processes." ("Demokratie als Schlachtruf. Zivilgesellschaftliche Mobilisierungen und Demokratisierungsprozesse.")

"Democratization of democracy. A protest wave between Stuttgart 21 and Puerta del Sol." ("Demokratisierung der Demokratie. Eine Protestwelle zwischen Stuttgart 21 und Puerta del Sol.")

"Global opposition? Post-national governance and its critics." ("Globale Opposition? Postnationale Governance und ihre KritikerInnen.")

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