Thursday, January 26, 2012

Conference: Challenges for the Integration of Europe: Peripheral Perspectives, Mostar, 29-31 July 2012‏



29th to 31st July, 2012

Mostar, Hotel Bristol #

International Forum Bosnia, in cooperation with and with support from a number of other organisations from Bosnia and abroad, will be hosting the Seventh International Conference on Unity and Plurality in Europe on the theme of Challenges for the Integration of Europe: Peripheral Perspectives. The conference will be held in Mostar, from the 29th to 31st July, 2012.

The programme for the international conference will cover three thematic areas 1) Religion, Identity, and Society, 2) Centre and Periphery in Cultural, Social, Political and Economic Life, and 3) Europe’s Internal and External Others. Each panel will involve a number of individual presentations on appropriate themes, followed by general discussion.

A section of the program will be open to the general public, with three public discussions on related themes:

1. “Yet Another Abraham”, guest speaker Gil Anidjar (29th July, at 21:15).

2. “Nationalism and the Future of the Balkan Countries”, guest speakers Ivo Banac, Sonja Biserko and Rusmir Mahmutćehajić (30th July, at 21:15).

3. “Libya and Europe”, guest speaker Aref Ali Nayed (31st July, at 18:00).

There will also be a public performance of traditional Bosnian love songs (Sevdalinka) by Amira Medunjanin and Boško Jović (31st July, at 21:15).

The conference will be in English, with consecutive translation during public lectures.

All details are available at the

Alma Mrgan‐Slipičević Project Coordinator

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