Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Summer School: Internews Network’s Strengthening Independent Media in BiH Project, Civic Media Fellowships, CEU Budapest, 18-29 June, 2012‏

Internews Network’s Strengthening Independent Media in BiH Project
Civic Media Fellowships

Summer University Course at Central European University
Budapest, Hungary

“Online Free Expression and Communication Policy Advocacy:
A Toolkit for Media Development”

18 June - 29 June, 2012

Internews Network and the Center for Media and Communication Studies (CMCS) at the Central European
University (CEU), and the Center for Global Communication Studies (CGCS) at the Annenberg School for
Communication at the University of Pennsylvania are pleased to announce fellowship opportunities for the CEU
summer university course: “Communication Policy Advocacy, Technology, and Online Freedom of Expression: A
Toolkit for Media Development,” to be held from June 18 – June 29, 2012 at Central European University, Budapest.
The fellowships are part of Internews’s efforts to chronicle and make available ways in which individuals can use
media to constitute civil society. Internews’s Civic Media Fellowship Program seeks to promote and support
journalism that engages citizens on issues that matter to them and to help bring about positive change in peoples’
lives. It is hoped that these fellows will raise the level of discourse in BiH through demonstrated leadership and
vision as proponents for democratic freedoms.

This year the CEU summer course is designed to help both researchers and activists gain new insights into the role
which civil society can play in advocating for free expression online and communication policy change, and will
highlight the opportunities and challenges of technologies and online tools for mobilizing and organizing
constituencies and for enhancing the security and privacy of advocates. During the course, participants will explore
a wide range of practical and theoretical views related to communication policy advocacy and online tools and
tactics, and how to integrate research into these fields. The course will include hands-on work in developing
advocacy campaigns and seek to cover some of latest developments in online tools for advocacy, security, privacy
and crowd-sourcing. The course will also cover Internet governance issues and online free expression policies.
This course is intended for journalists, media policy advocates and policy makers, civil society activists, PhD
students, advanced MA students, University teachers and media development professionals (drawing from
government, civil society/NGOs, foundation) and other media practitioners with a demonstrated interest in new
media and technology and communication policy advocacy.

Four Internews fellowships, covering tuition, travel, and accommodation, will be awarded. Each fellow is
expected to develop a project proposal (see guidelines below) prior to the summer school. Once the course ends,
fellows will remain at CEU until July 4th to work with mentors on developing his/her project. Each fellow will
complete his/her project (a research/policy paper or implementation of an online project) within three months
after completion of the summer school. In addition, fellows will attend a follow-up workshop in BiH to ensure
adequate oversight and tracking as well as continuing mentorship from Internews.
Internews will also provide further guidance in assisting in the wide distribution of projects as well as scheduling
public forums for presentation of the projects. Projects will be made available in English, as well as in Bosnian,

How to Apply
Please note that we accept applications via email only to Amer Dzihana: adzihana@internews.org. Applications
sent by post or fax will not be processed. Please include the following subject line in your email:

The application deadline is February 17, 2012.

What the fellowship covers
Tuition, travel, accommodation and a stipend for other expenses in Budapest will be covered by the SIM Program.
Housing is available at CEU Residence and Conference Center (breakfast included) for the 17 nights of the program
(arriving Sunday June 17, checking out on Wednesday July 4).

Candidates are expected to be:
 BiH Nationals
 MA or PhD students; or Journalists/Media development professionals from government, civil

Application Checklist
Please attach the following to your email-application:
1. Application Form (see attached document)
2. CV
3. Statement of interest: This should include your reasons for applying. Please indicate in 500 words or less
your interest in research on media policy, career ambitions and why the CEU summer university course
would be helpful to your academic/professional work.
4. Project proposal outline: Proposal should address issues that fall into the scope of Communication Policy
Advocacy, Technology, and Online Freedom of Expression. Proposals should be up to 1000 words and
outline should include following sections:
a) Background
b) Objective of the research
c) Research question
d) Methodology
e) Analytical framework
f) Structure
g) Consulted literature
5. Language skills proof
Please consider the fact that classes as well as discussions will be held in English. In order to benefit from
and to contribute to the course we consider an excellent command of English essential.
6. Letters of recommendation
Please ask two referees to email us letters of recommendation. Please indicate to your referees that the
subject line of their email to us should read: REFERENCE FOR (your name) – CEU SUMMER INSTITUTE
COURSE. Please note that letters sent by post or fax will not be processed.
a. Ask each of them to send by e-mail a confidential reference (in English or B/H/S) to:
Amer Dzihana, adzihana@internews.org
b. Please list the names of the two people who will be providing your refer

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