Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Summer School: Summer Institute for Byzantine Church Music, Ohrid, 12-30 August 2012‏

Euro-Balkan Institute for Social and Humanities Research, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia

Summer Institute for Byzantine Church Music
to be held 12th-30th August, Ohrid, Macedonia

Euro-Balkan Institute is pleased to announce its first annual Summer Institute for Byzantine Church Music for 2012. The Institute is designed to advance theoretical and practical exploration of the Byzantine Church Music that include different traditions and interpretations. The main objective of the Summer Institute is to provide a higher level of knowledge and competence for those who want to upgrade their current academic background and interest in Byzantine church music. The Summer Institute is offering the participants a rare opportunity to acquire advanced theoretical knowledge and practical skills that will complement their further professional and academic carrier related to Byzantine church music and the Byzantine Studies in general.
The Summer Institute puts the idea of examining and reconstructing the Byzantine church music recognizing that from the deepest layers of Byzantine music and the folk traditions of the peoples formerly united in the “Byzantine Commonwealth” we can discover the common cultural traditions, influences and relationship. Our endeavour is to examine the Byzantine church music and its traditions, deriving from its universal character and the growing interest among the researchears and academics from all over the world for theoretical and practical study of the Byzantine church music. By bringing together a group of highly motivated participants and an internationally renowned faculty and practitioners, the summer institute seeks to establish a framework of intensive collaborative learning and training in the field of Byzantine Church Music.

Further information

The Summer Institute is integral part of Ohrid Summer University (OSU) which is an academic program for young faculty, PhD candidates, postgraduates, researchers and professionals, which offers intensive, problem oriented and research based courses from the domain of social sciences and humanities. OSU was founded in 1998 and has functioned continuously since then, as one of the core programs of the “Euro-Balkan” Institute, involving a significant number of both junior and senior members of academic communities from various countries. To date “Euro-Balkan” Institute, trough OSU program, has organized over 30 summer schools from various areas with over 500 participants, involving more than 100 proffessors. During the 14 years-long period of its existence, OSU has engaged itself in: adequate and effective training of the academic staff, demonstration of successful linkage of state-of-the-art scholarship and effective and innovative teaching, promotion of academic excellence and ability to facilitate creation and sustenance of active networks of academics, as well as collaborative advancement of learning in certain disciplines within the international context

Located in the city of Ohrid, the centuries-long cultural metropolis of the Balkan region, OSU encompasses a variety of social and cultural events, provides appropriate locations for outdoor classes and includes educative excursions to the famous archaeological sites and cultural monuments, situated on the shores of the Ohrid Lake. 

The theme of the 2012 Summer Institute of Byzantine Church Music is:

“Theory and Practice of the Byzantine church singing according to the New System”

The theme of the Summer Institute in 2012 reflects the focus on the theoretical and practical issues related to the musical concepts and all complimentary forms and components of the Byzantine church singing according to the ‘New System’ and Athos tradition.

The music notation of Byzantine church singing according the ‘New System’ arise from the last reform that was ended in 1814 by the ecclesiasts Chrysanthos (1843), Gregory Protopsaltes (1820) and Chourmouzios Chartophylax  (1840). Significantly simplified relative to the previous development of Byzantine music, this notation is often known as Chrysanthos notation, which was grandly accepted among the orthodox expanse. Today it is widely used in almost the whole Balkans’ orthodox world and in the last two decades it is increasingly represented in the areas where it wasn’t previously applied ( Serbia , Montenegro and Bosnia ). In the theoretical part of the program the Damascene’s eight tone system (known as Oktoih) would be included as a base for the east-church singing in the Orthodox Oikoumene. We will examine different theoretical aspects of the Byzantine church singing according to the “New System”, accompanied with the training for its practical interpretation and reconstruction.

Two and a half week course will be organized in series of lectures and master classes, accompanied with the practical sessions, held by the renown scholars from R. Macedonia and Greece :
Prof. Dr Jane Kodjabashija, Euro-Balkan Institute, Skopje, R. Macedonia
M.A. Panaiotis M. Somalis, Protopsaltes from Athens , Greece

Two and a half week

a) Intensive Lectures and Master classes
b)  Afternoon practical sessions
c) Presentations of the participants
d) Rehearsals for the last night’s concert event as the final presentations of the participants.

       In regard to the high standards established by the Euro-Balkan Institute and due to its membership in the Erasmus Charter, the Summer School will grant the participants appropriate certificate with 12 credits (ECTS), applicable in the master studies of participant’s home universities.
       Memorable social events on the campus and at the Ohrid Lake.  

      Participants should be postgraduate students (preferably MA, PhD student or young researchers) interested in exploring the issues of Cultural Studies, Visual Arts and Humanities and related Studies.
      Participants from all countries are eligible to participate.
      Tuition fee: 600 euro.
      The fee covers tuition and study material during the school, use of library and computer room at the Campus with free internet, tour of the numerous ancient and medieval monuments in the UNESCO protected city of Ohrid located at the shore of the unforgettably beautiful Ohrid Lake. Other arrangements for accommodation, transportation and other expenses should be arranged by applicants on themselves.
      Note that we offer 20% discount if the participant pay the total fee to 15th of April and 10% discount if the participant pay the total fee to 1st of June.
      Note that we can provide for the interested participants discount prices for accommodation in Hotel Pella where the Campus will be located, near the beach. Ohrid also offers cheap accommodation in private houses
      Number of students per Summer Institute or Summer School is 20. Please note that a course will not be offered if fewer than 10 students apply by 15TH of June.
      Please note that the Second Announcement with the detailed Programme of the Summer Institutes and Summer Schools in the frame of the Ohrid Summer University will follow on 1st of April 2011.



      The Institute for Social and Humanities Research "Euro-Balkan" is participating in the Network of Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS). Selected students from the list of institutions in CEEPUS countries (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldavia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Prishtina) may apply for a CEEPUS scholarship. See the website CEEPUS for details and contact your National CEEPUS Agency.

      Signing up for the OSU 2012 legally binds the participants to the terms and conditions. If the tuition fee is not paid by the applicants by 10th of July, their registration shall automatically be rejected.
      After applications are processed, Euro-Balkan Institute will notify the applicants in writing (e-mail) whether their application has been accepted or rejected.
Deadline for submitting the application: June 15th  2011.
Contact persons:
Dragana Karovska
Academic Coordinator of OSU
Euro-Balkan Institute
Blvd. Partizanski Odredi 63, 1000, Skopje , Republic of Macedonia
Tel/Fax. ++ 389 2 30 75 570      

Coordinator: Aleksandra Veleva,

Slavco Dimitrov
Activist, Researcher and Teaching Assistant (Hyperactivist and Hyperpessimist)
Tel: ++389 72 519 006

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