Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Conference: Migration, transnationalism and development in the Balkans and South-East Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-29 August 2012‏

Call for Papers: Migration, transnationalism and development in the Balkans and South-East Europe, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 28-29 August 2012

The fall of the Berlin Wall more than 20 years ago marks an important point in time in terms of migratory movements within Europe, often characterised by such terms as ‘Post-Wall migration’, ‘East-West mobility’ etc. The Balkans and South-East Europe (SEE) region[1] made
up of a group of mainly small countries situated at the continent’s eastern and, especially, south-eastern margins have experienced particularly intense migratory flows. The unfolding dramatic new migration trends that took place in the last 20 years in this region often built on older histories of migration stretching back into the early postwar decades, and earlier in some cases. Yet, this Post-Wall migration is different in many ways. Many of these countries have rates of emigration which are amongst the highest not only in Europe, but the world, and moreover have a dependency on migration (measured through the financial impact of remittances) which is also often extremely high. Particularly within the post-communist countries, powerful currents of internal migration (previously tightly controlled) have been unleashed, which are often combined
and interrelated in complex ways with external migration, including return. Peripheral to the main European core of advanced economies, this set of countries is – with some exceptions – economically less developed and fragile. Hence the relationship between (internal and international) migration and transnationalism on the one hand, and development on the other, becomes a focus of analysis, both for scholarly research and policy-makers. Finally, the region presents a laboratory for examining EU migration policies over time, comprising as it does of ‘old’ EU member countries (Greece), new EU members with full rights (Slovenia and Cyprus), new EU members with limited rights (Bulgaria and Romania), as well as other countries at different stages in the path to becoming EU members (Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo in that order of distance to accession) and a country where the EU accession is not an option in the
near future (Moldova).This aspect is particularly relevant considering that migration policy is an important influencing factor on development. This workshop is thus a timely counterpoint to the main thrust of IMISCOE thus far, which has been the perspective of the ‘mature’ immigration countries of Western Europe.

Objective and scope
As the title makes clear, the workshop is concerned with the relationship between migration, transnationalism and development in the Balkans and SEE. Possible themes to be explored in the papers can include analyses of how economic and social development interacts with international migration; transnationalism; return migration; the links between internal and international migration especially through return from abroad; financial and social remittances to produce gendered development; forced migration; and EU migration policy particularly within the framework of enlargement. We invite contributions that are based on empirical research (surveys, primary and secondary data analysis) in the region, or address questions of migration-development theory or policy in the region. Papers which compare the experiences of two or more countries are particularly welcome. The primary objective of the workshop is to act as a forum for scholars from, and
working on, the Balkans and SEE to discuss and exchange their research in order to enable a better understanding of these development processes in the region.

Expected contribution
Those accepted to present at the workshop are required to submit full-length papers by the relevant deadline (see below). These papers will be circulated in advance to workshop participants in order to efficiently use the discussion time.

Format and costs
Abstracts of around 500 words, in English, including applicant’s name, affiliation and contact details should be sent to Julie Vullnetari <j.vullnetari@sussex.ac.uk>. Some support will be available towards the cost of accommodation and/or travel and the conference fee, according to need.

Context and host
The workshop will take place during the Ninth IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe) Research Network's Annual Conference, 28-29 August 2010 at the University of Amsterdam in The Netherlands. It is co-sponsored by IMISCOE as part of its Research Initiatives strand, the Sussex Centre for Migration Research (SCMR) of the University of Sussex and the Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) of Malmö University. Workshop conveners are Russell King at SCMR and MIM and Julie Vullnetari at SCMR.

• 1 May 2012: Deadline for submission of abstracts
• 20 May 2012: Notification of acceptance decisions
• 1 August 2012: Deadline for submission of full papers
• 29 August 2012: Workshop

All conference delegates, including workshop presenters, must register for the conference. For information on how to register please visit the conference website: www.imiscoeconferences.org

We expect to receive more submissions than can be accommodated at the workshop. A selection will be made on the basis of quality and relevance, as well as a realistic expectation to submit a full paper by the relevant deadline. It is anticipated that a selection of papers, suitably revised, will be published as a special issue in a relevant academic journal.

Dr Julie Vullnetari
Sussex Centre for Migration Research
School of Global Studies
University of Sussex
Brighton, BN1 9SJ, UK


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