Saturday, March 10, 2012

Conference: The History of the Life of Sociology in the Twentieth Century, Panel at 'Beyond Globalization? The 2nd International Conference of the Romanian Sociological Society', Bucharest, 31 May – 3 June 2012‏

PANEL: The History of the Life of Sociology in the Twentieth Century

Coordinated by Zoltan Rostas and Theodora-Eliza Vacarescu (University of Bucharest)

The panel is part of the conference ‘Beyond Globalization?’ The 2nd International Conference of the Romanian Sociological Society (RSS)

Period and location: May 31 – June 3rd 2012

Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of Bucharest, Romania.

Panel description

With the topic of this panel we want to propose an alternative approach to the history of sociology. We believe that the assessment of published theories, methodologies and results in the field of sociology is not sufficient for a nuanced and complex understanding of the history of social sciences. We do not maintain that an intrinsic analysis of the theoretical undertakings and the internal dynamics of social sciences works is not legitimate, but these are not part of the purpose of this panel. We will consider the contributions that tackle sociologists’ life during the twentieth century. We envision analyses of individual and group socialization of persons doing social sciences, their everyday practices, the construction of their professional culture, the subjective perspective of sociologists on their work and life, as well as the perspective of other concerned people, groups and organizations about social sciences practitioners. Within the scope of this panel, we would appreciate contributions dealing with the relationship of sociologists and of groups of sociologists with academic, political, economical, clerical fora, and with national security agencies. We also consider contributions that synthesize analyses on sociologists’ experience in two or more national contexts: especially the work of foreign sociologists in Romania and the work of some sociologists from Romania abroad. We expect contributions in the field of social history of sciences, although obviously we value interdisciplinary approaches in micro-history, anthropology, historical sociology, etc.

Please, send an abstract of maximum 250 words and a short biographical paragraph, including affiliation and contact information, to:
Deadline for submission of abstracts for the panel The History of the Life of Sociology in the Twentieth Century: March 31, 2012.

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