Sunday, March 25, 2012

Conference: Europeanisation after EU accession: Transformation, reform and compliance in recent EU member states, Nice, 23-24 March 2012‏

Europeanisation after EU accession: Transformation, reform and compliance in recent EU member states

Conference organized by L'Europe en Formation. Journal of Studies on European Integration and Federalism; Institut Européen·European Institute, Nice; CERI-Sciences Po Paris, CoesioNet.
Dates: 23rd and 24th March 2012
Place: Nice, France

Introduction by Matthias Waechter, Institut Européen·European Institute, Nice and François Bafoil, CERI-Sciences Po, Paris

Opening session

Regulatory quality in the new European Union member states by Ferran Brunet Cid, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona The Greek Tragedy and Europe: Lessons for new members?, by George Tzogopoulos, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy, ELIAMEP, Athens Is the current financial crisis also a crisis of the Europeanisation model? Evidence from Poland, by Justyna Schulz, University of Bremen The crisis and the rise of Euroscepticism in Central and Eastern Europe (provisional title), by Laszlo Benedek Flamm, Budapest Corvinus University

Workshop I: Compliance, Implementation, Application of EU Norms

Compliance with EU law in Central and Eastern Europe by Dimiter Toshkov, Leiden University Compliance after accession: analysis of infringement cases in new member states, by Nikoleta Yordanova, University of Mannheim, and Asya Zhelyazkova, Utrecht University Competetion among peers. Overcoming shortcomings of conditionality in EU accession, by Christian Altfuldisch, European Stability Initiative, Berlin Compliance leaders and laggards within the EU-8, by Daniela Chodorowska, Free University Berlin

Workshop II: Regionalisation, the strengthening of administrative capacities and the effects of sectoral policies in recent member states

Accelerating or Back-pedaling? Administrative capacities and post-accession compliance in Central and Eastern European Member states, by Aron Buzogany, German Research Institute for Public Administration, Speyer The impact of the structural funds in the process of transformation in new EU member states, by Ancuta Popa, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Business Environment, Bucharest, Romania Macroregional approaches from the EU: the European Strategy for the Danube region (EUSDR), by Jürgen Dieringer and Johann-Jakob Wulf, Andrássy University, Budapest The challenge of regionalisation for the Romanian administration: strengthening vs. hindrance, by Romana Salageanu, University Babes-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Romania and University Otto-von-Guericke Magdeburg The politics of alternative energy resources. A stepwise comparison of the Estonian and Polish telecommunications and energy, 1994-2011, by Alvin Almendrala Camba, University College London

Workshop III: Fighting corruption after conditionality

Reassessing the effectiveness of EU-conditionality at fighting corruption, by Nikos Papakostas, Institute for Security and Defence Analysis, Athens Corruption in the Czech Republic: An EU-conditionality problem? by Nicole Gallina, University of Fribourg, Switzerland The limits of europeanisation. Post-accession anti-corruption record in Romania and Bulgaria, by Cosmina Tanasoiu, American University in Bulgaria and Mihaela Racovita, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva

Workshop IV: National identity and European identity

National identity of the political parties in the Visegrad region and their European dimension, by Jan Husák and Michal Vit, Masaryk University, Brno Bulgarian public opinion with regard to the EU in the context of the current crisis, by Anna Dimitrova, ESCE, Paris Euroscepticism and the return to nationalism in the wake of accession: Unfortunate normalcy in the European Union, by Katrin Böttger, Institute for European Politics, Berlin A Polonisation of the EU? by Dagmara Paciorek, University of Hamburg

Workshop V: The protection and political representation of minorities after EU accession

Institutional representation policies and instruments for ethnic and national minorities, by Zoltán Alpár Szász, University Babes-Bolyai Europeanisation of national minority groups: Revaluating the EU's role beyond the power of conditionality and the rationale of protection, by Tamara Jovanovic, Roskilde University Exploring conditions for the revocation or restriction of minority protection rules in new EU member states, by Guido Schwellnus, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Liudmila Mikalayeva and Lilla Balázs, both ETH Zurich.
Perspectives on European citizenship: Roma and integration, by Neil A. Cruickshank, Algoma University, Sault Sainte Marie, Canada Lost in Transition? Europeanisation and the Roma in Romania and Bulgaria, by Melanie H. Ram, California State University, Fresno

Closing plenary session:
Challenges and Opportunities for Europeanisation Concluding remarks from the rapporteurs of each workshop

For detailed information please refer to:

Hotel Splendid
50, Boulevard Victor Hugo
F-06000 Nice

Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) Institut européen - European Institute (IE-EI) 10 avenue des Fleurs 06000 Nice
tel: ++33 (0) 493 97 93 70
Fax: ++33 (0) 493 97 93 71

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