Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fellowship: Fully-funded Fellowships for Music Project

The D&F Academy offers 15 Fellowships for young people between 18 and 28 from all over the world! In the Music Project, the Fellows will spend two months in Hamburg, Germany, to learn hands-on how to inspire people and change the world through music from their mentor Christoph Poppen, a world famous conductor, professor and violinist. All project costs, including travel costs to the project in Hamburg, will be covered by the D&F Academy. Christoph Poppen and a team of experts will teach the Fellows how people can come together and change the world through music. The Fellows will learn different ways of rehearsing with groups and learn about the impact music has on societies and individuals. They will focus on learning how to conduct and rehearse pieces in a group of varying skill levels, exploring innovative and creative ways of engaging youth and children with music, and ultimately learn how music can have a far-reaching positive impact on people's lives and be a change maker in societies. Additionally the program includes workshops and sessions on communication skills, leadership strategies, conflict resolution and team building. The Music Project will culminate in a special Music Camp Day, organized by the Fellows. After the two months in Hamburg, our Fellows will return to their home countries and over the following ten months organize an event or a music initiative of their own with the support of the D&F Academy.
Apply here for the Music Project

Conference: 6th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, 26-29 March 2013, Athens, Greece

The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) organizes its 6th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, 26-29 March 2013, Athens, Greece. The conference website is:

The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, researchers and students from all areas of Mediterranean Studies, such as history, arts, archaeology, philosophy, culture, sociology, politics, international relations, economics, business, sports, etc.

The registration fee is €300 (euro), covering access to all sessions, two lunches, the official dinner of the conference (Greek Night), coffee breaks and conference material. Special arrangements will be made with a local luxury hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of social events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment with dinner (the official dinner of the conference), an archaeological tour (urban walk) of Athens, a special one-day cruise in the Greek islands, and a one-day visit to Delphi. Details of the social program are available at

Please submit an abstract (email only) to:, using the abstract submission form available at by the 30 September 2012 to: Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Academic Member of ATINER and Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece. Abstracts should include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions are reached within 4 weeks.

If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. organize a panel (session, mini conference), chair a session, review papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER (

The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) was established in 1995 as an independent academic association with the mission to become a forum, where academics and researchers - from all over the world - could meet in Athens and exchange ideas on their research and discuss the future developments of their discipline. Since 1995, ATINER has organized about 200 international conferences and events. It has also published about 150 books. Academically, the Institute consists of four research divisions and twenty research units. Each research unit organizes at least an annual conference and undertakes various small and large research projects. Academics and researchers are more than welcome to become members and contribute to ATINER's objectives. Members can undertake a number of academic activities.

Master: MA in Human Rights and Conflict Management, Scuola Sant'Anna, Pisa - Italy: Call for applications a.y. 2012-2013

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, Italy, calls for applications for the XI Edition Master of Arts in “Human Rights and Conflict Management” (a. y. 2012-2013).

Applications shall be submitted online at

Applications for admission by EU citizens shall be sent no later than 17th October 2012.

The selection process of Non-EU citizens will instead be held in two rounds. The application deadline for the first round of selection of non-EU candidates is set on 2nd July 2012, while the application deadline for the second round is set on 17th September 2012.

We encourage applicants to apply in the first round, as space in the class may be limited by the second round. In addition, applying in the first round leaves more time for visa procedures.


1 year post-graduate professionalizing programme

Language of instruction is English

Running from 14th January 2013 until Spring 2014

440 hours of classroom lectures (+ individual studying)
550 hours internship and final project work

The curriculum is strongly multidisciplinary and field oriented and includes courses in: International Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, Geopolitics and regional issues in historical perspective, Philosophy of HR, Economic Development, Theories and Techniques of Conflict Management, International PK and PB operations, International HR Field operations, International Election Observation missions, International Humanitarian operations, International Project Development, Personal security, Preventive Medicine & First Aid, Essentials of Research and Writing, Career coaching.

The internship is meant to supplement the in-class training with a relevant hand-on experience, to be carried out with a renowned organization working in the areas of human rights protection/promotion, conflict prevention/resolution, humanitarian assistance or development, either in the field or at headquarters.

The tuition fee is 7.250 (seven thousand two hundred fifty) EUR and includes: attendance of all lectures, didactic material (mainly in electronic format), participation in seminars and field trips, tutorship & career counselling, access to the school's library and computers, lunch on lesson/exam days. Travel, accommodation in Pisa and during the internship and any other expense are the responsibility of each participant.

The Master offers one scholarship, covering the full tuition fee, to be awarded to the most deserving applicant.

Depending on financial availability, reduced tuition fees might be offered to citizens from non-OECD countries who are eligible for a study visa for Italy.

For further details, please visit , or contact:

Master of Arts in “Human Rights and Conflict Management”
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Via Cardinale Maffi, 27 56126 Pisa - ITALY
Tel. ++39 050 882653/55
Fax ++39 050 882633

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Internship: Amnesty International is offering internship position Location: #Brussels #Belgium DL: 3 June 2012

Traineeships September 2012 - July 2013
The Amnesty International European Institutions Office offers several traineeships, for all of which the following applies:
Starting date: 15 September 2012 (until mid-July 2013)
Duration: 10 months
Final day for application is 3 June 2012 (no applications will be accepted after midnight that day).
The traineeships on offer cover the following areas (please find a traineeship description for each specific position):

1. Assistant for EU Common Foreign and Security Policy/External Relations (focusing on Africa, Asia and Americas)
Date of interviews: to be confirmed, shortlisted candidates will be informed individually
Traineeship description (CFSP),
2. Assistant for EU Common Foreign and Security Policy/External Relations (focusing on Wider Europe, Middle East and Central Asia)
Date of interviews: to be confirmed, shortlisted candidates will be informed individually
Traineeship description (CFSP),
3. Asylum & Migration Policies Assistant
Date of interviews: week of 9 July, shortlisted candidates will be informed individually
Traineeship description (Asylum & Migration)
4. Campaign Assistant on Discrimination
Date of interviews: 18-19 July, shortlisted candidates will be informed individually
Traineeship description (Discrimination)
5. Assistant for Business and Human Rights and Roma Inclusion
Date of interviews: week of 9 July, shortlisted candidates will be informed individually
Traineeship description (ESCR)
6. Media and Communications Assistant
Date of interviews: to be confirmed, shortlisted candidates will be informed individually
Traineeship description (Media)
7. Assistant for Justice and Home Affairs
Date of interviews: to be confirmed, shortlisted candidates will be informed individually
Traineeship description (JHA)

The training progamme on offer comprises:
• In depth training in the specific area of work of the Executive Officer the trainees is assigned to, including research work, representation and participation in meetings
• Training on Amnesty International’s work in general and human rights, with a focus on the European Union and Council of Europe contexts
• Training on lobbying and advocacy techniques with a focus on the European Union and Council of Europe contexts
• Training on IT applications and website maintenance
• Media Training
• Career advice and mock interview
You will be offered a “contract d’immersion professionnel”, making this a paid position (at present this is paid € 736,23 per month). In order to qualify for this contract, you must hold a work permit for Belgium or be allowed to work in Belgium. (For further information, please see:
Please send the application form only (only these will be considered; please indicate clearly which traineeship you are applying for) by e-mail in English to
For further information, please contact:
Albert Gans
Amnesty International European Institutions Office
rue de Trèves 35
B-1040 Brussels
Tel. : +32 (0) 2 548.27.62

Internship: Internships at the Delegation of the European Union #EU to the United Nations #UN Location: #NewYork #USA DL: 31 May 2012

The Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations in New York, offers three internship sessions per year.

The program, which is highly selective, offers interns the opportunity to follow the activities of the Delegation in UN bodies such as the Security Council, General Assembly and its various committees.

Please note internships are voluntary (unpaid), and interns will be required to work full-time (35-40 hours per week) during their internship period.

Only applicants who fulfil the following criteria will be considered.

Prospective interns must
hold a valid passport from one of the 27 EU Member States
have completed minimum three years of university-level courses preferably in political science, economics, development studies, environment studies, human rights/humanitarian law
be fluent in English, the main working language of the Delegation
provide proof of comprehensive medical and accident insurance that is valid in the USA and Canada (covering hospitalization, surgery, and repatriation, if necessary)
knowledge of French is preferable
not have already benefited from previous in-service training or employment (paid or unpaid) with any of the EU institutions or bodies for more than six weeks. Similarly, the Delegation cannot recruit a Blue Book candidate who has already performed his/her internship; on the contrary, a Blue Book candidate who has never performed a traineeship may apply for an unpaid internship

Deadlines for future sessions are as follows:
15 January for internship starting September to December
31 May for internship starting January (the next year) to April
31 August for internship starting May (the next year) to July

To apply, please download and complete the application form and email your application packet to the Internship Coordinator.

The application packet must include:
completed application
letter of motivation
letters of recommendation from a current or former professor or employer.

Please note, the European Union's Washington DC and Geneva delegations also offer internships.

Conference: Panel on Territorial Autonomy for Balkan Conference, Istanbul, 4-7 October 2012‏

International Conference on on the 100th Anniversary of the Balkan Wars from the 4th until the 7th of October 2012 in Istanbul. Information about the Conference and the organisers can be found at:

The panel I would to put together will be titled "Territorial autonomy as a form of conflict-resolution in the Western Balkans." I am looking for original contributions on the issue of territorial and non-territorial autonomy, either as single country studies or in comparative perspective. I am particularly interested in different forms of territorial autonomy such as the federal system in Bosnia and the decentralisation in Macedonia and Kosovo. I am also interested in current debates, such as the status of Voijvodina/Sandzak in Serbia.

If you are intered in participating in this panel, please send a short abstract (300 words) including your case(s) and your research methodology and a 100 word biographical note to

The deadline for proposals is Monday, the 11th of June. All accepted papers will be contacted shortly thereafter.

It is planned to publish all contributions to the panel in the International Journal on Balkan Policy Research (

Summer School: Global Governance, King's College London, 27 July 2012‏


King's College London

Deadline: 2 June 2012

(apologies for cross-posting)

King's College London - one of the leading research institutes in European Studies - offers the following summer school course.

Course link:

Course synopsis: Has global governance backfired? Conflict and dislocation, social protest and poverty borne out of a series of profound economic and political blunders, have exposed the inability of international organisations in their present form to mitigate national and regional crises. How to respond to burgeoning challenges of scarce resource allocation, unfair distribution of power and wealth, and an ingrained imbalance between large and small states? Do we accept future global politics as a 'state of anarchy' or do we further institutionalise them?

The aim of this course is to expose the necessary reforms required of ASEAN, the EU and the UN. It looks at the historical origins, contemporary institutional and policy debates with a comparative and lesson-learning approach, previously exclusively reserved for studies of the nation-state.

This course serves as an excellent platform for students interested in international relations, law and global governance, providing the tools and information to form opinions and to debate the most pressing issues facing international global governance today. The course includes a one-day trip to Paris to visit the OECD and the UN UNESCO.

The fee is £1295 and various discounts apply with partner universities. Please see:


Event: International Student Week in Timisoara, 9-15 July 2012‏

ISWinT is celebrating the 19th anniversary and therefore we are inviting you to this year’s edition with the theme “Our world through a new perspective”. By applying to ISWinT you have the chance to get to know other cultures, participate at a workshop of your own choice and create friendships with other students all over the world.

Essential parts of the festival are events such as International Night and ISWinT Parade, the awesome parties and a trip during which you will get to know the surroundings of Timisoara.
So if you love to make friends and want to have a memorable time this is your chance to join us:

· When: 9 - 15th of July, 2012
· Where: Timisoara, Romania, Europe

Applications are open until the 1st of June!

For more information check out our website:

Now you have the opportunity to participate to ISWinT with a discount in the participation fee. Find out more details on and our Facebook page:

Let’s ISWinT the world together!

Monday, May 28, 2012

BioMed Central Blog > Assessing Research Impact at the Article Level

Posted by Ciaran O'Neill / Friday May 25, 2012

The impact of academic research has long been measured using citations, often with the Journal Impact Factor being used to assess individual publications within it. However, the Impact Factor is a journal level - not an article level - metric and, as academic publishing and the surrounding discussion moves increasingly onto the web, novel opportunities to track and assess the impact of individual scientific publications have emerged.

These web-based approaches are starting to offer an article-level perspective of the way research is disseminated, discussed and integrated across the web. The hope is that a broader set of metrics to complement citations will eventually give a more comprehensive view of article impact, ... . is one of a growing number of web-based tools taking a novel approach to the assessment of scholarly impact – it aggregates the mentions on twitter and social media sites, and coverage in online reference managers, mainstream news sources and blogs to present an overview of the interest a published article is receiving online. BioMed Central has today added the 'donut' to the about page of published articles – the donut will display for articles receiving coverage which has been tracked by, along with an article score ... .

The donut visualization shown on the 'about this article' page aims convey information about the type of attention the article has received ... .

This summary supplements our existing article-level measures of impact – article accesses and citations are displayed on all 'about this article' pages, ... . [snip].

As more indicators of article performance, visibility and impact emerge, the hope is that authors, readers and funding institutions will be able to assess research impact in a way which is more informed than relying on Impact Factors alone. [snip]. We plan to keep adding to this range of metrics and indicators, as they continue to expose a fuller image of research impact.

Source and Fulltext Available At 


Friday, May 25, 2012

Master - Scholarship: MBA Scholarships at MIB School of Management in Rieste / Italy 9 June 2012

XXIII edition (September 2012 – September 2013)
Scholarship Competition
MIB School of Management of Trieste, Italy is pleased to announce a scholarship competition for applicants to the XXIII Edition of the MBA in International Business.
The Scholarships will go toward tuition fees to attend the XXIII edition of the MBA in International Business programme (September 2012 - September 2013).
The Scholarships will cover up to 50% of the tuition fees. The full tuition fees are equivalent to 25.000,00 EUR (21% VAT included). The amount of the scholarships will be discounted from the overall tuition fees. In case of course abandonment or exclusion for any reason, no amount of the scholarship will be paid or reimbursed.
Candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Academic degree (or equivalent qualification) in any discipline.
- Good working knowledge of English (TOEFL/IELTS/PTE certificate is recommended).
- Minimum 3 years of work experience.
MIB School of Management will award scholarships to the best candidates on the basis of educational qualifications, professional skills and motivation shown during the entrance interview.
To be considered for a scholarship, the application form for the programme must be completed on-line at
In order to finalize the application, the following documents must be received:
- Degree certificate and transcript
- Two letters of recommendation
- A certificate demonstrating adequate knowledge of English such as TOEFL/IELTS/PTE (alternatively, verification of skills may be made directly by the School)
- A deductive reasoning test score such as GMAT (alternatively, verification may be made directly by the School).
The documentation must be sent by July 9, 2012 to the following address:
Ms. Barbara Sepic
Admissions Officer
MIB School of Management
Largo Caduti di Nasiriya 1
34142 Trieste – Italy

Internship: United Nations Industrial Development Organization is offering internship programme at UNIDO in Vienna / Austria

UNIDO's Internship Programme

The UNIDO internship programme has been established for students from diverse academic backgrounds. Its purpose is to promote a better understanding of our Organization's goals and objectives and, at the same time, to afford interns with an insight on how attempts are made to solve problems confronting developing economies in the area of industrialization. Interns will receive practical experience on the work of UNIDO, or be able to conduct research on items of direct relevance to UNIDO's programme of work. An internship lasts at least 3 to 6 months and can be extended up to 9 months.

The UNIDO organizational chart shows the areas of activities on the basis of which an applicant can choose the preferred work assignment.

Examples of academic qualifications could be:
economics, development-oriented industrial policy
international law, with orientation in investment and technology
statistics, with orientation in industrial-related indicators
environmental sciences, orientation in international conventions/protocols
public and business administration
social sciences, preferably with a focus on political science/international relations
chemistry, biotechnology
engineering, preferably in energy/environment, food processing or agro-related industries
information science, data processing and database management
accounting/finance/quality management/trade facilitation

Online information material available on the programme
General Information and Conditions(.pdf)
The Application Form is available as .pdf file and MS Word file.

Interested candidates are requested to download the application form and send the completed form either by post to:
Human Resource Management Branch, Room D1664
P.O.Box 300
Vienna International Centre
A-1400 Vienna, Austria

or as a scanned copy by email

Applications should be submitted no earlier than 6 months and no later than 3 months before the start of the intended period.

The application must be endorsed by a nominating authority (part II of the application form), such as a university, college or Permanent Mission accredited to UNIDO. Please note that such an endorsement acts as a recommendation of the candidate, but does not imply a financial liability on the part of the nominator. Incomplete application forms will not be considered.

Internship: United Nations Institute for Training and Research is offering internship programme at UNITAR in Geneva / Switzerland

The purpose of the internship programme at UNITAR is to provide a framework by which individuals from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned to UNITAR, where their educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignment while they provide the Institute with their assistance as qualified individuals specialized in various professional fields.

Eligibility requirements:
Applicants are enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school (university degree or higher) or post-graduate programme at the time of application and during the internship; or
Applicants are enrolled in full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of a degree; or
Applicants are enrolled in a post-secondary institution other than a university or equivalent institution at the time of application and during the internship; or
Applicants have completed their studies at a post-secondary institution other than a university or equivalent institution and obtained the respective certificate or diploma and are enrolled in full-time or part-time studies at the time of the application and during the internship.
Terms of internship programme:
The duration of an internship is one to six months.

The internship programme is normally on a full-time basis but part-time arrangements can be agreed upon depending on both the requirements of the department/programme and the availability of the intern. The interns are expected to work in a department/programme which has selected them, under the supervision of a staff member.

Interns are considered gratis personnel. They are not financially remunerated by UNITAR. They are not staff members and shall not represent the Institute in any official capacity.

How to apply:
Candidates are encouraged to consult the UNITAR website to familiarize themselves with the areas in which they could gain experience if they are selected for this Programme (Environment, Peace Security and Diplomacy, Governance).
A letter of motivation as well as the P11 form/ Curriculum Vitae are to be sent to:

Job: Vacancy position for a legal researcher in Terre des hommes, Romania‏

Terre des hommes Foundation Lausanne (Tdh), Romanian delegation, is hiring a researcher for a short-term project related to legal procedures pertaining to exit and re-entry procedures for Romanian minors. The research will take place in Romania within the period1st July to 31st December 2012.

The successful candidate will be a legal professional with an advanced university degree (degree in law preferred but not required), and at least two years of professional experience. An advantage would be the knowledge on topics related to Public Notaries and exit procedures for minors.

The researcher will report to a Steering Committee composed of Tdh, ANITP and UNNPR. The Researcher will be responsible for designing research tools, conducting field interviews, drafting and finalising the research report.

The report will highlight potential flaws in the system, which might allow trafficking of Romanian minors, and will propose improvements and relevant changes for bettering the legal framework and application thereof. Results of this report will be used for programming purposes.

Fluency in Romanian and an ability to communicate fluently orally in English is required. Ability to write the study in English is a strong asset but not required. The research will take place in Bucharest, and in 2 -3 more districts in the South of the country.

Please send your CV and Letter of Intent to, no later than May 31st, 2012.

Terre des hommes Foundation is a significant force among children’s aid organisations in Switzerland and throughout the world. It is the largest non-governmental organisation (NGO) for children’s aid in Switzerland. Tdh has development projects and emergency relief programmes in more than 30 countries (including Romania from 1992 onwards). This engagement is financed by individual and institutional donations, of which 85% flows directly into the Tdh programmes. More information may be obtained here

Summer School: GIZ-DAAD - Summer School on the 'Social Dimensions of Human Trafficking in the Western Balkans, Belgrade, 10-28 September 2012‏

The German International Cooperation ''Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit'' (GIZ) GmbH and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are inviting PhD-students, advanced MA-students, junior researchers and junior experts from any disciplinary background to participate in a 3-week long Summer Course on the ‘’Social Dimensions of Human Trafficking on the Balkans’’ from September 10th to 28th 2012 in Belgrade. This course will focus on strengthening communication and mutual understanding between research, policy making, development policy and project implementation.

In order to study Human Trafficking from a multidimensional perspective participants from Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Germany will be accompanied during their research by experts from academic institutes, implementers of development projects and NGOs from all over the Balkans and from Germany. The Summer School programme will offer a unique methodological approach by combining peer learning methods, actions research, lectures and learning dialogs.

Selected participants will not be required any fee cost. Travel, accommodation and food expenses will be covered by the organising partners GIZ and DAAD.

Who should apply?

We are seeking for as diverse as possible profile of Summer School students ranging from PhD and MA students to junior researchers and junior professionals. The academic and /or professional background is not limited to any specific area but it may include social studies, law, political sciences, public policy, human rights, security, migration, anthropology, economics etc.

How to apply?

Interested applicants should send completed documents no later than 20th of June 2012 – 17:00 (CET).

To find out more about the workshop and how to apply please use the following link

Thursday, May 24, 2012

PhD - Scholarship: Trento University is offering PhD position with scholarship inTrento / Italy 20 June 2012

The call for the School’s doctoral programmes is available now.

DEADILE FOR APPLYING: 20 JUNE 2012 - 4PM (Italian time)

Eligibility applicants: candidates, regardless of gender, age and nationality, who hold a relevant MA degree, or who expect to complete their degree by September 28, 2012.

Applications must include a CV, a research proposal and degree certificates. For some tips on how to write a research proposal, click here. Consult the respective call for a complete list of documents to be included in your application.

As all doctoral programmes are taught in English, proof of fluency in that language is a prerequisite for admission. We require at least C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or equivalent. Failing a certificate of knowledge of English language, during the oral examination the knowledge of English will be tested.

Scholarships: The School makes available a number of fully-funded three-year scholarships. In general, all our doctoral students are supported by a scholarship. Currently the School does not charge an admission fee.

Application: The application must be submitted online.

Admission procedures: The procedure consists of two steps and a third step for the doctoral Programme in Sociology and Social Research:
The Admissions Committee will asses all applications and produce a short-list of candidates who will go on to step 2.
The second step consists of a roughly thirty minute interview in English that will focus mainly on your research proposal and your knowledge of the field.
If you are applying for the doctoral programme in Sociology and Social Research, you will, in addition, be asked to sit a multiple choice exam. To prepare for this test you may want to read : Piergiorgio Corbetta "Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale", Bologna, Il Mulino, English edition: "Social Research: Theory, Methods and Techniques", London, Sage

Internship: International Labour Organization is offering internship positions

If you are thinking of entering the world of the UN within a specialized agency, the International Labour Organization (ILO) will offer you its unique tripartite structure and projects around the decent work agenda, where working with governments, employers and workers is the exciting challenge of every days work.

The ILO is devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues. If you are interested in joining the ILO as an intern you will help to make its vision of universal human conditions of labour a reality.

At the ILO you will face dynamic, results-based practices. Our culture promotes high-performance and encourages knowledge-sharing and enhanced talent management. As the acknowledged leader in labour issues, ILO is committed to building future leaders in the world of work. ILO's Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for young high calibre graduate and postgraduate students or recently graduated candidates who now look for a first working experience in fields related to the ILO's mandate and activities.

What will I learn and take away from this experience?

The aim of our internship programme is to give you exposure to the daily work of the ILO. You will be given the opportunity to support and learn from our people and be part of a team. You will be accompanying outstanding and inspiring career professionals and senior management within the Organization. Moreover, you will be exposed to high-profile conferences, participate in meetings, and contribute to analytical work as well as support to work on our fundamental principles, exciting programmes and groundbreaking strategies. Initially you will take on the amount of responsibility you can shoulder; the potential for growth, however, is yours to develop.

As an intern at the ILO, you are seen as a valuable source of young talent that can contribute through the most recent academic thinking and research experience to our daily work and challenges.

Can I apply for an internship?

Every year a limited number of places for internships are available. To check if you are eligible to join the programme, you should ask yourself the following questions:

• What particularly interests you about the ILO?

• Are you currently enrolled in the last year of a graduate degree (Master or equivalent) or in a higher degree programme relevant to the ILO's work or have you completed such a programme in the year preceding the application?

• Do you have a working knowledge (both oral and written) of at least one of the ILO's official languages (English, French or Spanish)?

Furthermore, you should be able and interested to adapt to an international, multicultural, multilingual environment and have excellent communication skills. As an intern you need to be able to work fairly independently as well as part of a team and be initiative and flexible. Any past work experience and knowledge of IT-related work would be an advantage. Please also note, that close relatives of a serving ILO official are not eligible. The same applies to candidates who have already been working at the ILO or who have already participated in the Internship programme earlier.

How long is the Internship?

The length of an internship is usually between three up to a maximum of six months. Internships start on the 1st or 15th of each month (or the day after if it happens to be a non-working day)

Is the internship paid?

Where an intern is not supported by an institution (university, government or other institution), a stipend to cover basic subsistence costs will be paid by the ILO.

What do previous interns say about the Programme?

Working at the ILO has given me a glimpse into the work of a specialized UN agency whose work is well regarded world-over. Working in a multi-ethnic environment and in an organization that respects and appreciates its employees has left an indelible appreciation in my mind for the ILO.

Shagun Kare (Employment Sector – ED/ EMP )

The aim of the organization is in line with my interests and my beliefs and I like how the organization is based on three constituents. What I found of particular interest in my programme was the clear connection and collaboration between headquarters and the field. I have learned how an organization, consisting of many constituents, can work towards decent work in different kinds of projects and programmes. What I also appreciated was the dedicated staff members and their interesting profiles and I will also remember all the interns from all over the world that I got to know in the office.

Karin Rehnberg, (International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour IPEC)

One of the special things that I have come across during the course of my internship here at the ILO has been the diversity, openness, and professionalism that is demonstrated by the ILO staff around the house. I appreciate working with a supervisor who has a diverse background and is highly attentive to the work we are doing together as a team. This spirit of teamwork and professionalism, which I believe applies to the rest of the house as well, is a great source of encouragement for me in doing my work, and is likely to stick with me to guide my future professional career.

Abdul Saboor Atrafi (Sector)

The attentiveness of ILO staff to ensure the well being of interns, combined with the ILO Intern Network's active role in organizing enrichment activities, facilitates a refreshing array of professional and extracurricular growth opportunities for those interested in learning first-hand about the work of the ILO!

Brian Clayton, Co-President of the ILO Intern Board (Microinsurance Innovation Facility - Social Finance Programme - SFP )

I am a student from France in my last year of my Master's program in HR Global Management. I am currently in the ILO for my requisite internship before graduating. ILO is turning out to be the best organization for me because I am learning so much from everyone here. This intercultural, international environment is really rewarding and this makes the internship experience really special. I have only been here for a few days and will stay for 6 months. I am really excited for this opportunity. I really want to do my best because this is the first time I am seeing how HR, trade union, social security, decent work and other fields go from theory to reality. At the ILO, you have the chance to see how labour standards are applied in each country. The ILO strategic objectives seek to create a more ethical and fair world for the future. Being here allows you to become more responsible and aware of what is happening in the world in such issues as child labour.Come and join us to be part of this movement for better global working conditions for everyone!

Marion-Cecile Adolphe (Human Resources Department- HRD)

Keep in mind...

The cost of travel, insurance and accommodation, as well as living expenses, are the responsibility of you as an intern or your sponsoring institution: You are responsible for making your own travel arrangements and for obtaining the necessary passport and visa or other documents for entering Switzerland or any other duty station. You are also responsible for arranging your own accommodation as well as for procuring and maintaining your own insurance coverage for illness and accidents while you are pursuing your internship at the ILO.

How do I apply?

You are advised to consult the ILO's website to familiarize yourself with the work of the various sectors and departments and identify the areas that interest you most.

You can submit your application together with a covering letter to our roster ( Profiles for internship positions are posted on a regular basis

Your application through the roster increases the visibility of your profile by the different departments.

Please note that only two applications per recruitment advertisement period are accepted.

When would I get an answer? :

If a department opens an internship position, it will consult the roster. In case your profile matches, you will be contacted directly by the department. Please note that due to the large number of applicants, departments are not necessarily in a position to reply to each request and only short-listed applicants will be contacted for telephone interview.

Where can I find more information on specific departments and activities ?

A list of all departments and field offices can be found at:

How can apply to regional offices?

There are few positions available. Please directly contact the relecantregional office :

Africa: Ms. Marika Maillot :

Americas: Ms. Maria Elena Larrea:

Asia and the Pacific : Regional HR Unit :

Arab States: Mr. Answer Qureshi:

Europe (Budapest and Moscow):

ILO-Washington : Ms. Romina Bandura

Internships: United Nations Development Programme in offering internship positions

Internships offer a small group of outstanding graduate-level students the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNDP's work. They are designed to complement development-oriented studies with practical experience in various aspects of multilateral technical cooperation, but also complements other international studies, including law.

Internships can take place in a UNDP country office/ regional center or at the organization's Headquarters in New York. Assignments vary greatly in terms of content. Every attempt is made to match the interests of the intern with the needs of the organization.

Internship assignments vary in length according to the availability and academic requirements of the intern, as well as the needs of UNDP. Assignments are available on a part-time and full-time basis throughout the year.


Interns are selected on a competitive basis. The following minimum qualifications are required: Enrollment in a graduate-level degree programme in a development related field such as economics, public or business administration, or environmental studies. Only those students who will return to their studies upon completion of their internship assignments are eligible.

Demonstrated interest in the field of development

Language skills: written and spoken proficiency in at least one, and preferably two of the three working languages used by UNDP: English, French and Spanish. Fluency in Arabic, Portuguese, Russian or Eastern European language is an asset.

An interest in global mobility; adaptability to varied physical and other environments; a desire to work with and gain the confidence and respect of people with different language, national and cultural backgrounds.

Respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and the UNDP Statement of Purpose.

Financial Issues

UNDP does not pay for internships. The costs associated with the latter must be borne by the nominating institution, related institution or government, which may provide the required financial assistance to its students; or by the student, who will have to obtain financing for subsistence and make his or her own arrangements for travel, accommodation etc.

Further Career Opportunities

The purpose of internships is not to lead to further employment with UNDP but, as mentioned, to complement an intern's studies. However, a number of interns, having completed their studies and met the necessary requirements, have gone on to further assignments with the UNDP or elsewhere in the United Nations system.

Who to contact

Selection for the internships is fully decentralized within UNDP.

Applicants interested in an internship should forward their application directly to the relevant country office or unit.

Download the UNDP application form for internships (MS Word | PDF).

Internships: United Nations Population Fund offering internship position in NewYork / USA

UNFPA Internship Programme
Financial Aspects
Application Procedure
Objectives of the Programme

The UNFPA Internship Programme offers a small group of outstanding students the opportunity to acquire direct exposure to UNFPA operations. It is designed to complement development-oriented studies with practical experience in various aspects of UNFPA work.

Applicants should have expressed interest in the field of development; ability to adapt to new environments and work with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Interns work under the supervision of a staff member at UNFPA. The background of the interns is matched with the needs of the organization.

Qualifying for an Internship

Candidates for the internship programme are selected on a competitive basis. The profiles of the interns are matched with the needs of the organization. The following qualifications are required for consideration:

---Students should be enrolled in an advanced degree programme or have recently graduated;
---Students must have written and spoken proficiency in English; fluency in French, Spanish or Arabic is an asset;

Financial Aspects

Interns do not receive a salary or any other form of remuneration from UNFPA. The costs associated with an intern's participation in the programme must be assumed either by the nominating institution, which may provide the required financial assistance to its students, or by the students themselves, who will have to meet living expenses as well as make their own arrangements for accommodation, travel and other requirements. In addition, applicants must have medical insurance for the duration of the internship. Proof of insurance will need to be submitted before the internship begins.

Application Procedures for Candidates

UNFPA has established an electronic application management system. This system allows applicants to create a candidate profile, which can be updated regularly.

Applicants interested in participating in UNFPA's Internship Programme at Headquarters in New York should apply through UNFPA's electronic application management system. Please find the link below:
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Download the Step by Step Guide to Applying in the E-Recruit System of UNFPA

Master: Interdisciplinary Joint Master's Programme in South-Eastern European Studies - University of Belgrade [lowered tuition fees, DL: 31 May 2012]‏

Grant allows lower tuition fees in Belgrade

Thanks to a generous grant of the Fund for an Open Society - Serbia, awarded for covering the costs of summer school, the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Political Sciences is pleased to announce the reduction of tuition fees for its Interdisciplinary Joint Master's Programme in South-Eastern European Studies.

We are proud that in addition to a respectable number of students who have already applied to our programme, its quality has also been recognized by such a distinguished funder. We are looking forward to meeting high expectations of both the academic community and the external partners once this programme begins in October 2012.

Instead of 3,400 EUR, citizens of Balkan countries will now pay 2,950 EUR.

Instead of 4,500 EUR, citizens of other countries will now pay 4,200 EUR.

The new rates apply to all students in this Call.


Call for Applications: Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies – University of Belgrade

Deadline 31 May 2012

The University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences (FPS) is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies.

This two year MA programme is conducted as a joint degree between four partner universities (Graz, Belgrade, Skopje and Zagreb) and commences in Belgrade in October 2012. Students enroll in and spend the first year at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences. In the second year, students spend at least one semester on mobility at a partner university. Partner universities include Graz, Skopje, Zagreb, Bologna, Ljubljana, Novi Sad, Poitiers, Sarajevo and Tetovo.

Why Southeast European Studies in Belgrade?
You will be studying South Eastern Europe in its very centre, where you'll gain unique insights in your chosen field of interest and learn one or more languages of the region. You will also learn from an outstanding group of FPS and foreign professors, with excellent academic records and long-time expertise in South-Eastern Europe. Last, but not least, as part of an academic community with a strong international character, you’ll enjoy the exciting social life in Belgrade, too.

Content of the Programme
The Interdisciplinary Joint Master in South-Eastern European Studies is an international and interdisciplinary programme in social sciences and humanities of the highest quality which enables participants to effectively understand the interrelationship between law, politics, economics and culture with an emphasis on South-Eastern Europe. The programme prepares students for doctoral studies and professional life in a variety of other fields including work in international, local governmental and non-governmental organisations, journalism, business, scientific research, and consultancy.

In the first year, students take core courses which include an introduction to multidisciplinary approaches in the study of South-East Europe, public law, political science, history, economics and cultural studies. In the summer after the first year a joint summer school is held for all students from the participating universities to complete the compulsory core modules. In the second year, students attend one of the partner universities and specialize in their desired field. There are also optional provisions in place to offer students professional training and internship positions. In the final semester students write a master thesis reflecting their ability to work on a scientific subject independently.
All compulsory subjects are conducted in English though students are able to take classes in other languages. Language acquisition is an important aspect of the joint degree and students are expected to learn a regional language and/or the predominant language of their mobility institution.

Teaching staff
We pride ourselves for being able to gather an international team of teachers from leading universities and research institutes in Serbia, Austria, Great Britain and the US. You will be able to further expand your studies by spending the third - mobility – semester at one of nine partner universities in eight European countries, where you will specialize in one of many fields. Further datails on lecturers and the compulsory courses they will teach during the first two semesters are available here.

Academic Degree
Students completing the Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies earn the degree “Master of Arts”, abbreviated MA. The joint degree is awarded by all four partners (pending accreditation at some partners).

The Interdisciplinary Joint Master’s Programme in South-Eastern European Studies welcomes applicants who hold an academic degree of at least 180 ECTS credits (bachelor’s degree or equivalent), who can demonstrate their basic knowledge of social sciences or humanities -- law, politics, social, cultural or economic sciences -- and who have some general insight into and interest in South-Eastern Europe.

The full application should consist of
completed application form (PDF, Word)
at least one letter of recommendation (preferably from a university professor or employer)
certificate/diploma obtained at the undergraduate level (certified translation into Serbian shall be required at a later date)
transcript of records obtained at the undergraduate level (certified translation into Serbian shall be required at a later date)
cover letter
proof of proficiency in English language: IELTS (required minimum score: 6.0), a TOEFL (required minimum score: 210 on the computerised test, 547 on the paper based test, 78 on the internet based test), a Cambridge Exam (required level: FCE) or an equivalent certificate. Students who have completed their BA in English are not required to provide this proof of proficiency but may be interviewed.

Please send the application form with all supporting documents to the University of Belgrade by registered mail (see address below) and send a scan of the entire application as a single pdf email attachment to

Postal applications should be directed to:

Gordana Ristic
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences
Jove Ilica 165
11000 Belgrade

For enquiries about the admission procedure and tuition fees at the University of Belgrade please contact

Tuition fee

2,950 EUR in Serbian dinars, including all costs of a four-semester studying and the two week compulsory Summer School – payable in eight installments – for citizens of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

4,200 EUR in Serbian dinars, including all costs of a four-semester studying and the two week compulsory Summer School – payable in eight installments – for citizens of all other countries.

Please note that the University of Belgrade is not in a position to provide financial support

The deadline for applications is 31st of May 2012 (date of receipt of email/postmark).

For more information, see:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Internship: Interpol is offering internship position which last from two to 11 months

At INTERPOL, we offer a limited number of internships to persons from any of our member countries.
Mutual benefits

Internships are intended to be of mutual benefit to the intern and to the Organization.

Interns will be based at INTERPOL's General Secretariat in Lyon, France, or at one of the Regional Bureaus. It is an opportunity to gain an insight into how an international organization operates and to work in a multicultural and multilingual environment. As well as learning about the functioning of international police co-operation, interns will be able to enhance their educational experience through practical work assignments, thereby developing skills which will be useful in future employment.

In turn, INTERPOL will benefit from the input of qualified persons whose background will enable them to give a fresh point of view and up-to-date academic knowledge, enhancing the Organization's work.
How to apply

There are continuous openings for internships, which last from two to 11 months. Applicants must have attained the legal age of majority, be fluent in English, and be enrolled in, or have graduated from, an accredited academic institution.

If you would like to apply, first read INTERPOL's  Internship Policy then  fill in the Application Form

Applications should be returned to the  Human Resources Sub-Directorate.

If you have not received a reply within three weeks of sending your application, this means that no suitable placements are currently available. Due to the high level of applications received, we will contact you only if there is a possibility of an internship.

Applications are valid for a period of one year from the date of receipt. If a suitable placement arises within that period, we will get in touch with you.
Practical details

Successful applicants will be requested to sign the  INTERPOL Internship General Conditions.

INTERPOL provides an allowance of EUR 550 a month.

The intern is responsible for:
Finding his/her own accommodation (read about  accommodation and practical information in Lyon [PDF]);
Obtaining the necessary visa for entering the country of internship, if applicable;
Bearing all travel costs.

Internship: Think Young is offering four different internship positions in Brussels / Belgium 06.05.2012

If you are passionate about Europe, if you like to write and express your ideas, if you want to be involved in the political debate, do not hesitate to send us your CV and a covering letter. We are flexible in our approach, and can accept applicants who are available on both a long and short-term basis. To apply for a position with Think Young, please click on the job offers here below and follow the application procedure: 
  • Webmaster
    Location: Brussels Belgium - Valid until: 06-15-2012
  • Research Fellow
    Location: Brussels Belgium - Valid until: 06-15-2012
  • Fundraiser
    Location: Brussels Belgium - Valid until: 06-15-2012
  • Media Officer
    Location: Brussels Belgium - Valid until: 06-15-2012
If you want to send us your profile and motivation details but you're not interested in a specific position, please register for a spontaneous application! Register here!

Conference: 6th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, 26-29 March 2013, Athens, Greece

Call for Papers and Participation

The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) organizes its 6th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, 26-29 March 2013, Athens, Greece. The conference website is:

The aim of the conference is to bring together scholars, researchers and students from all areas of Mediterranean Studies, such as history, arts, archaeology, philosophy, culture, sociology, politics, international relations, economics, business, sports, etc.

The registration fee is €300 (euro), covering access to all sessions, two lunches, the official dinner of the conference (Greek Night), coffee breaks and conference material. Special arrangements will be made with a local luxury hotel for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a number of social events will be organized: A Greek night of entertainment with dinner (the official dinner of the conference), an archaeological tour (urban walk) of Athens, a special one-day cruise in the Greek islands, and a one-day visit to Delphi. Details of the social program are available at

Please submit an abstract (email only) to:, using the abstract submission form available at by the 30 September 2012 to: Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Academic Member of ATINER and Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece. Abstracts should include the following: Title of Paper, Full Name (s), Affiliation, Current Position, an email address, and at least 3 keywords that best describe the subject of your submission. Decisions are reached within 4 weeks.

If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. organize a panel (session, mini conference), chair a session, review papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing of a book, or any other contribution, please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER (

The Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) was established in 1995 as an independent academic association with the mission to become a forum, where academics and researchers - from all over the world - could meet in Athens and exchange ideas on their research and discuss the future developments of their discipline. Since 1995, ATINER has organized about 200 international conferences and events. It has also published about 150 books. Academically, the Institute consists of four research divisions and twenty research units. Each research unit organizes at least an annual conference and undertakes various small and large research projects. Academics and researchers are more than welcome to become members and contribute to ATINER's objectives. Members can undertake a number of academic activities.

Master: MAs at Sehir University, Istanbul‏

M.A. in Sehir University

Şehir timetable for graduate studies

May 21 – June 8, 2012 Graduate Program Online Application Period

June 11, 2012 School of Languages Language Exam

June 11, 2012 Document Submission of Online Applicants

June 20, 2012 Announcement of shortlisted students

June 25–29, 2012 Dates of Written Exam and Interview


Our graduate programs aim to produce and share the knowledge of society, nature and the world in which we live with an interdisciplinary and dynamic curriculum. An effective counseling system which takes the inclinations of our students into consideration aims to help our students to gain intellectual depth and to develop their critical thinking abilities. Our graduate programs support the education of academicians which brings social human sensitivity together with their interest for research.


Mondern Turkish Studies

Cultural Studies


Private Law

Public Law




Electrical and Computer Engineering

Industrial and Systems Engineering

Muzaffer SENEL
Istanbul Sehir Üniversitesi
Deputy Director, Center for Modern Turkish Studies

Department of Political Science and International Relations

Tel: + 90 212/216 44 44 0 34 / 9070

Faks: + 90 216 474 53 53E-posta:

Conference: Europe, As an Idea - 4. Nilüfer Göle: Decentring Europe, Recentring Islam, Islam Sehir Univeristy, Tuesday 22 May 2012, 16.00‏

Nilüfer Göle

Decentring Europe, Recentring Islam


“Europe as an Idea” Talk Series

May 22, 2012, Tuesday at 16:00

Fourth meeting of the “Europe as an Idea” Talk Series co-organized by Turkish Prime Ministry Public Diplomacy Office and İstanbul Şehir University Department of Political Science and International Relations will be held at Conference Hall of İstanbul Şehir University Altunizade Campus on May 22, 2012 Tuesday at 16:00 with the participation of Professor Nilüfer Göle

Göle is one of the most influential intellectuals of Turkey who rose to prominence as a political researcher in the last twenty years by specializing on the emergence of new practices, figures, symbols and signs of Muslim religiosity in public space. In her speech, Göle will focus on the place and position of Islam in Europe and how the Europeans have perceived Europublicislam. Göle will share her opinions on issues such as the idea of Europe and its relations with Islam and the representations of public Islam in different European national contexts in a comparative manner.

In previous talk series of the “Europe as an Idea”, Gil Anidjar Susan Bucks-Moors, and Ian Almond made social, political, economic and philosophical discussions on the “European Idea”.

Address: İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi Altunizade Yerleşkesi (İstanbul Şehir

University Altunizade Campus)

Kuşbakışı Caddesi No: 27 Üsküdar, IstanbulDate: May 22, 2012, Tuesday at 16:00

Summer School: 5th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy, Sarajevo, 22-31 July 2012‏

5th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy - Call for Applications 2012

It's our pleasure to inform you that we are organizing the 5th Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy (PYPA) for persons from across the former Yugoslavia who are active in the fields of peacebuilding, dealing with the past, human rights' protection. This event is tailored for activists, students, researchers, theoreticians, journalists and all others whose focus is peace work.

The 5th Peace Academy is going to be organized in Sarajevo from July 22nd – 31st 2012.

This year's PYPA offers three courses (two in Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian languages and one in English language which will be held parallely):
Politics, Power and Inequalities (instructors: Vlasta Jalušič and Tonči Kuzmanić)
Role of Historical Truth in Conflict Transformation (instructor: Svjetlana Nedimović)
Strategic Peacebuilding (instructor: Jayne Docherty)

Each participant can only attend a single course.

If you wish to partake, please fill out the online Application form below. You will be automatically notified when we receive your application. You will also receive an email from us not later than 7 days after replying to inform you if we need any additional information. Up to twenty-two applicants will be selected per course. A waiting list of 20 additional applicants will be formed.

Applications open on May 1st and need to be filled out not later than June 1st (12pm CEST).

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your participation at the PYPA or need other information in this regard, please contact Tamara Šmidling at

Notes to filling out application form: There are two versions of the application form, a BHS version and an English version. Please fill out and use the application form in the language of your first choice course (e.g. if you are applying for a course in BHS language, then use the BHS application form and vice versa).

You will be notified about the selection outcome of applications on June 11th.

If you do not have a stable Internet connection or for some other reasons are unable to fill out the online application form, please email us at to receive the application form in a doc. file (Word Document).
Participation Prerequisites:
Persons working in the field of peacebuilding (advantage will be given to those with a minimum of three years experience and to peacebuilding veterans from the ex-Yugoslav region);
Journalists and media workers (advantage will be given to those with a minimum of three years experience);
Academics, lecturers and students (advantage will be given to student of the third year and above; lecturers and academics should be involved in related fields to peacebuilding and advantage will be given to those with a minimum of three years experience);
Artists working in relevant filed of work and with a minimum of three years experience;
Persons working in State and other governmental institutions with a minimum three year experience in a field related to peacebuilding;
Experience in any of the above mentioned fields;
Willingness to attend the selected course during its whole, eight-day, duration (late arrivals and early departures will not be tolerated);
Willingness to fulfill all obligations related to the course (reading the recommended literature before the start of the Academy, writing a final essay);
Fluency in English (prerequisite for the 3rd course);
Minimum age for participation is 21 years;
Openness to listen and dialogue;
Participation fee payment after your application has been selected.

Persons which previously did not participate at the Peace Academies will be given advantage. Of the entire number of participants, 15% will be reserved for participants coming from other countries beyond the ex-Yugoslav region, where advantage is given to persons whose work is connected to the Region or who themselves come from conflict areas.
Working Methodology:

The courses combine lectures (to a lesser degree) and interactive work method (extensively) through group discussions, small group activities, analysis of video and written material. This type of methods assumes the participants’ active involvement and contribution in creating a good work dynamic.

The total duration of each of the courses is eight days – seven work days and one free day in the middle of a course. Working days will be divided into two blocks – morning and afternoon block, with a break for lunch and rest in-between.
All selected participants are obliged to read written materials (course literature) before the start of the Academy. They will receive the materials a month ahead.
Logistical and Technical Information


The participants’ accommodation and the courses’ activity rooms are in the Franciscan Student Dormitory complex (Franjevački studentski dom) which is located in the Sarajevo’s neighborhood of Grbavica, about 15 minutes’ walk to downtown. The newly built complex meets all of the Peace Academy’s needs. The accommodation is organized in double rooms.


Total costs of the participation at the 2012 Post-Yugoslav Peace Academy are 700€ per participant and are entirely covered by the Peace Academy Foundation. These costs include food and accommodation expenses, as well as lecturers’ honoraria and costs of working rooms. Financial support for the Peace Academy 2012 has been provided by Mennonite Central Committee.

Participants are responsible for covering their traveling expenses along with the Peace Academy’s obligatory participation fee. In addition, participants are responsible for covering travel insurance expenses.

Participation fee:

Each participant is obliged to pay a participation fee for the participation at the PYPA 2012. The participation fee is paid after you receive a confirmation that you have been accepted to on of the course at the Peace Academy 2012.

Participation fees are divided into the following two categories:
Participants who are citizens of one of the former Yugoslav countries pay 75,00 € (exemption: participants who do not have any monthly income pay a 50,00 € participation fee)
Participants who are citizens of other countries (outside the ex-Yugoslav region) pay a participation fee of 300€

Provisions of bank fees are not included in the participation fees and are expected to be paid by participants themselves. Participants will be informed about the deadline and means of participation fee payment after the selection process. Participation fees will be due before the start of the PYPA. Participation fees will be used to cover costs of course materials and Peace Academy’s operational costs.

Note for participants from the Post-Yugoslav countries: If you or your organization can contribute to the Peace Academy’s sustainability by paying a larger participation fee (e.g., 150, 250 or 350 €), please let us know.

For all additional information regarding the Peace Academy please contact us at:
Telephone/Fax: +387 33 651 560
Contact person: Tamara Šmidling, PAF's Assistant

We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

Conference: International Neighbourhood Congress on the Balkans, Istanbul, 4-7 October 2012‏



Emerging from a disintegrating Ottoman Empire, the new Balkan
states faced a host of conflicts that marred the construction of a
peaceful political geography in the region. Problems that had emerged
during this period continued to pose challenges throughout the history
until today. The end of the Cold War did not bring peace to the region,
either. Ex-Yugoslav states experienced one of the bloodiest conflicts in
history as a result of policies fuelled by ethnic nationalism and
historical territorial claims. Thus, the Balkans entered and exited the
twentieth century in a state of war. The region started the new
millennium with a legacy of potentially explosive ethnic conflicts that
could easily be triggered by seemingly insurmountable political and
economic problems that plague the region today.
Although security and stability are the foremost concerns, the Balkans
also have to contend with an array of political, economic, social,
environmental and transboundary problems. The region’s stability and
welfare would no doubt be served by establishing regional cooperation
mechanisms at intellectual and political levels and by jointly tackling
common problems. In this context, academic conferences and
meetings could play an important role in creating the fora to explore
new avenues for cooperation through exchange of views and ideas.
The Department of International Relations of the Faculty of Economic
and Administrative Sciences at Hacettepe University is organising a
congress entitled “From War to Eternal Peace on the 100th Anniversary
of the Balkan Wars: Good Neighbourhood Relations in the Balkans”, in
İstanbul, on 4-7 October 2012. The congress aims to foster good
neighbourhood relations in the Balkans and enhance academic
cooperation in the field of Balkan Studies.

The congress is expected to have contributions from the leading
academics, researchers, representatives of the non-governmental
organizations, opinion leaders, policy-makers, diplomats, and other
experts from the region, Turkey and around the world. We invite all
researchers interested in the region to submit paper or panel proposals
that address the themes and topics listed below.

• Ottoman Empire and the Balkans
• The Balkan Wars
• The Cold War and its aftermath
• Political and Economic Security
• Human Security
• Terrorism and Border Security
• The Geopolitics of the Balkans
• Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts
• Migration Movements and Refugees
• Religion/Identity Issues and Minority Rights
• Legal Issues
• War, Peace and Settlement of Conflicts
• International Intervention and its Consequences
• Role of the International Society
• Role of the UN in Peacemaking/Peace-building
• EU Integration Process
• Impact of International Actors and Great Powers
• Bilateral Relations, Regional Relations and Bilateral Disputes
• Neighborhood in Theoretical and Conceptual Terms
• Efforts of Regional Cooperation and Integration
• Peace and Stability Issues
• Turkey and the Balkans
• Impact of Globalization
• Political Economy and the Economic Transition Processes
• Role of the Civil Society
• State-Building
• Media and Communication
• Gender

Deadline for Paper Submissions : 20 June 2012
Notification of Acceptance Decisions : 30 June 2012
Registration : 15 July 2012
Deadline for Submission of Full Paper : 14 September 2012
Congress: : 4-7 October 2012

The congress is open to individual submissions for papers and
proposals for panels. All abstracts for papers and panels must be sent
to the e-mail address by 20 June 2012. The
papers accepted upon the assessment of the Scientific Committee will
be notified via email by 30 June 2012.

Congress language is both Turkish and English. Simultaneous
interpretation will be provided in both languages.

The paper/panel application should include the following information:
• Title of the paper/panel
• Abstract not more than 300 words for individual papers,
including the main argument and conclusions
• Abstract not more than 500 words for panel proposals, including
abstracts of panel papers
• Name and title of the author of the paper
• Short bio of the author(s) of the paper, not more than one
• E-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the author(s) of
the paper.

All registered participants will be presented a certificate of attendance
at the end of the congress.

All abstracts accepted to the congress will be published as a congress

The congress will be held in İstanbul.

Congress will begin on 4 October 2012 and end on 7 October 2012.

There will be no registration fee. However, all participants have to
register to Congress Secretariat by 15 July 2012.

Limited number of scholarships and funding for travel or
accommodation are available especially for the student participants.
For further information, please contact the Congress Secretariat.

Accommodation costs will be covered by the participants. Detailed
information on accommodation will be provided to the participants
after their abstracts are accepted.

Participants will be responsible for paying their travel expenses.

The congress website will be updated regularly for the participants and

Hacettepe University
Department of International Relations
Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences
Ankara, Turkey
Tel: +90 312 297 8111 / Ext.3
Fax: +90 312 297 6740

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