Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oikos Young Scholars Economics Academy

The oikos Foundation and The Graduate Institute’s Programme for the Study of Global Migration (Geneva) will convene the second annual Young Scholars Economics Academy on August 19-24, 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland.

Migration is a complex phenomenon that has the potential to transform individuals and societies by affecting employment, development, culture, trade, investment, and environment. At the same time, these factors also influence migration patterns and the lives of migrants. While various theories have been proposed to explain the causes and effects of migration, there is still very limited understanding of migration’s dynamics.

The Academy provides PhD students and young scholars a global platform to identify and advance rigorous policy-oriented research on migration and its multiple causes and effects. We aim to stimulate progress within academic research and to support scholars to publish in leading international journals.

Programme and Faculty

The programme will encompass graduate student presentations, guest lectures, professional development roundtables and social events. Fellow students and internationally well-reputed researchers will give feedback:

Katrina Burgess, The Fletcher School, Tufts University, USA
Deepti Goel, Delhi School of Economics, India
Marcelo Olarreaga, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Application and Deadlines

To allow in-depth discussions the Academy is limited to 15 PhD students and young scholars. The tuition fee is CHF 400, including the total cost of accommodation, food and excursions.

Your application should contain:
(1) a proposal abstract of max. 2-3 pages,
(2) a short curriculum vitae and
(3) a letter of interest

Please send your application to:

Shailee Pradhan, oikos PhD Fellowship Lab

Please submit your application by 15 May 2012
Applicants will be notified by 30 May 2012
Final papers must be received by 15 July 2012

Travel and Paper Development Grants

1. Up to three grants (travel, fee, and accommodation) are available for outstanding young scholars coming from developing countries. To apply for one of these grants, please provide a Letter of Interest and a Reference Letter from a senior faculty member.
2. A Paper Development Grant will be given to a selected participant. It consists of coaching by a faculty member and a 1500 CHF stipend that allows the recipient to advance her or his work submitted to the academy.
3. Two of the best papers selected will be published in the Graduate Institute’s Global Migration Research Paper Series.

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