Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Conference: Panel on Territorial Autonomy for Balkan Conference, Istanbul, 4-7 October 2012‏

International Conference on on the 100th Anniversary of the Balkan Wars from the 4th until the 7th of October 2012 in Istanbul. Information about the Conference and the organisers can be found at: http://www.icon.hacettepe.edu.tr

The panel I would to put together will be titled "Territorial autonomy as a form of conflict-resolution in the Western Balkans." I am looking for original contributions on the issue of territorial and non-territorial autonomy, either as single country studies or in comparative perspective. I am particularly interested in different forms of territorial autonomy such as the federal system in Bosnia and the decentralisation in Macedonia and Kosovo. I am also interested in current debates, such as the status of Voijvodina/Sandzak in Serbia.

If you are intered in participating in this panel, please send a short abstract (300 words) including your case(s) and your research methodology and a 100 word biographical note to keil.soeren@gmail.com

The deadline for proposals is Monday, the 11th of June. All accepted papers will be contacted shortly thereafter.

It is planned to publish all contributions to the panel in the International Journal on Balkan Policy Research (http://www.balkanpolicyjournal.net/)

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