Friday, May 11, 2012

PhD - Scholarship: PhD Scholarship at the Institute of Ismaili Studies in London / UK DL: 15 July 2012

The doctoral scholarship will be awarded once every four years for a four-year period to a graduate student pursuing research in the field of Islamic Studies, preferably in areas and on questions which are of importance to Professor Arkoun’s work. These include (but are not limited to):
  • simultaneous attention to historical and modern issues in Islamic thought and society.
  • harnessing the tools of the social sciences and humanities (notably, linguistics, sociology and anthropology) to the study of thought and culture in Muslim societies;
  • consideration of theoretical frameworks for a critical understanding of religious thought and imaginaire in Muslims communities and other ‘Societies of the Book’.
This Scholarship will cover both tuition fees and personal expenses , up to the amount of GBP 25,000 per annum, for a maximum of 4 academic years.
Deadline for applications: 15 July 2012
Applications should be sent, in English, to Dr Omar Alí-de-Unzaga at with the following documentation in PDF format:
  • covering letter;
  • doctoral research proposal (maximum 2000 words);
  • applicant’s current CV;
  • a writing sample (between 10-25 pages)
  • letter of acceptance from the university where the applicant intends to study.
In addition, the applicant must arrange for three academic reference letters to be sent directly to the above address. Applicants who have already commenced their doctoral studies will be required to submit two academic reference letters AND a letter of good standing from the applicant’s principal academic supervisor.

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