Thursday, May 3, 2012

Conference: International Summer Seminar “Symbols and figures of power”, Bucharest, 3-9 July 2012

ISHA Bucharest (History Students „Dacia” Association) is pleased to announce the International Summer Seminar “Symbols and figures of power” (3rd - 9th of July 2012).

We were inspired to choose this theme for the seminar by all the contemporary events that have happened in the last couple of years. Those events set our minds to think about all the types of power, about how it can be used, about the leaders that have a big role in their communities and also what are tools that give even more importance to power in all its forms. In the research for the topic of the seminar we were surprised to discover about many symbols and figures of power used throughout history and we want to create an event to share all our inputs, beliefs and researches concerning this topic and its importance for mankind.

The subscription period begins on the 30th of April and ends on the 6th May 2012. The participation fee is 80€ (includes accommodation, three meals a day, local transport, as well as bus transfers during the excursion. It does not include drinks and travel costs to/from Bucharest).

The seminar will be attended by a number of 60 participants – history and other connected sciences students that will be divided into 6 workshops (10 participants per workshop):
1. Religion in shifting the balance of power
2. Media and social media: tools of power
3. Inspiring leaders and leadership
4. Military strength and power’s enforcement
5. Leading actors of the international system
6. Art as symbol of power

History Students „Dacia” Association is a ISHA section from August, 2010, the only one with full rights in Romania. International Students of History Association (ISHA) was founded in 1989 as an international, academic and non-profit organisation, an independent students and graduates interested in history and related sciences network. International Students of History Association (ISHA) is the only non-governamental students organisation at the european level. ISHA activities promote international cooperation among history students in particular, and between youngsters, in general, considering that understanding history is an essential part in the youth development. ISHA consists of thirty students associations from fifteen countries (called ISHA sections), such as: Germany, Belgium, Croatia, Slovenia, Netherlands, Serbia, Italy, Finland, Greece, United Kingdom, Iceland, Norway, Bulgaria.

For details check ISHA Bucharest’s web page<> where you can also find and download the application form which you may send back to

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