Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer School: GIZ-DAAD - Summer School on the 'Social Dimensions of Human Trafficking in the Western Balkans, Belgrade, 10-28 September 2012‏

The German International Cooperation ''Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit'' (GIZ) GmbH and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) are inviting PhD-students, advanced MA-students, junior researchers and junior experts from any disciplinary background to participate in a 3-week long Summer Course on the ‘’Social Dimensions of Human Trafficking on the Balkans’’ from September 10th to 28th 2012 in Belgrade. This course will focus on strengthening communication and mutual understanding between research, policy making, development policy and project implementation.

In order to study Human Trafficking from a multidimensional perspective participants from Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo and Germany will be accompanied during their research by experts from academic institutes, implementers of development projects and NGOs from all over the Balkans and from Germany. The Summer School programme will offer a unique methodological approach by combining peer learning methods, actions research, lectures and learning dialogs.

Selected participants will not be required any fee cost. Travel, accommodation and food expenses will be covered by the organising partners GIZ and DAAD.

Who should apply?

We are seeking for as diverse as possible profile of Summer School students ranging from PhD and MA students to junior researchers and junior professionals. The academic and /or professional background is not limited to any specific area but it may include social studies, law, political sciences, public policy, human rights, security, migration, anthropology, economics etc.

How to apply?

Interested applicants should send completed documents no later than 20th of June 2012 – 17:00 (CET).

To find out more about the workshop and how to apply please use the following link

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