Monday, April 23, 2012

Conference: Migration from and towards Bulgaria (1989-2011), Jena , 27-28 April 2012‏

The aim of the conference is not just to update and summarize the stage of knowledge, but, first and foremost, to identify existing gaps and opportunities for their future replenishment.
Migration is a well-known phenomenon throughout the development of mankind, however, its pace and importance began to increase significantly during the last two centuries, especially in the 20th century. In the last 20 years, Southeastern Europe, including Bulgaria, is one of the worlds’ regions with extremely prominent migration processes. In Bulgaria, as in other post-communist countries, migration flows have run with different intensity and directions and, in certain periods, marked by deep social and economic crisis, they have become extremely intensive. According to some data of the Bulgarian State Agency for the Bulgarians Abroad and of the Ministry of the Interior, around 650,000 Bulgarians live in different countries of the EU, around 350,000 in the USA and Canada and other 50,000 in Australia, New Zealand and the Republic of South Africa. These figures clearly indicate the presence of a significant Bulgarian diaspora in many countries, fact that imposes a number of
questions regarding both the countries of settlement and the sending countries. At the same time, Bulgaria started to experience the opposite processes as transit migration and immigration. The existing research on the migratory movements and transnational mobility to and from Bulgaria over the last 20 years is generally fragmentary and only covers certain aspects of the phenomenon. This conference’s goal is to help shaping the profile of migration flows and to lead to a systematization of the acquired knowledge. It’s international and interdisciplinary character is due to lead to positive results.


Welcome addresses by:
Prof. Herman Funk, Dean of Faculty of Philosophy, Friedrich Schiller University Jena The Ambassador of Republic of Bulgaria in Germany His Excellency Radi Najdenov Prof. Wolfgang Dahmen, representative of “Südosteuropa Gesellschaft“ in Jena Prof. Thede Kahl, Chair of the Department for Southeastern European Studies in Friedrich Schiller University Jena First Session Anna Krasteva (New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria) – Bulgarian and Balkan migrations in a comparative perspective Thede Kahl (Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany) – Types of migration and their effects on identity Rumiana Koneva (University of Freiburg, Germany): "Erweiterten Grenzen - erweiterte Bildung. Bulgarische Jugend in Deutschland nach Wendepunkten 1878 -1989"


Lunch Break

Second Session
Silvia Gomez i Mestres (University of Barcelona, Spain) - "Social networks and migratory chains of Bulgarians in Spain and Catalonia"
Sofiya Zahova (IFSEM, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria) – “Informal and Formal Networks of Bulgarians in Italy and their Impact on the Migrants’ Social Life”
Mirella Decheva (Museum of Sofia, Bulgaria) – “Life strategies among Bulgarian migrants in Spain at the end of 20th century“ Discussion Coffee Break Third Session Magdalena Slavkova (IEFSEM, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria) – “Experiences of the Bulgarian ‘’pioneers’’ in Spain and Portugal”
Anna Triandafyllidou and Marina Nikolova (ELIAMEP, Athens) “Bulgarian migration in Greece: past trends and current challenges”
Eugenia Markova (London Metropolitan University, London, UK) “Bulgarian migration to Greece: home-host country effects”


Assos. Prof. Rumiana Koneva presents “Bulgarien in Europa. Ivan Shishmanov (1862-1928)”. Unveiling of photo exhibition, dedicated to Prof. Ivan Shishmanov Movie Screening – “Varshets: The Town of Badante Women” – a film by Stefan Komandarev and Diana Ivanova Discussion
Location: Senatsaal, UHG, Fürstengraben 1, 07743 Jena First Session Natasha Yaneva (Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany) – „The concept of Bulgaria, Germany and EU among Bulgarian highly qualified migrants”
Yelis Erolova (IEFSEM, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria) Bulgarian migrant community in Cyprus Jon Fox (University of Bristol) “Racialisation without racism: British immigration control and the lightening and darkening of East European migrant workers”

Coffee Break

Second Session
Elton Prifti (University of Potsdam, Germany) Variationale Migrationslinguistik: Arbeitsmethode und einige Analyseelemente Mila Maeva (IEFSEM, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria) – "Language and National Identity (Bulgarian Emigrants in the United Kingdom)"
Tanya Dimitrova (Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany) – “Bulgarian Labor Migration in Greece and the Process of Creation of Transnational, Migrant Identity”
Anne Sturm (University of Leipzig, Germany) – “Migration and Literature. Migration in the early works of Dimitré Dinev and Iliya Troyanow”


Lunch Break

Third Session
Elena Marushiakova, Veselin Popov (IEFSEM, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria) – “Migration of Roma people from Southeastern Europe towards Western Europe (chronology and typology) Marina Liakova (University of Education, Karlsruhe, Germany) “Die Bulgarische Migration nach Deutschland nach 1989: Versuch einer sozialwissenschaftlichen Typologisierung”
Ekaterina Anastasova (IEFSEM, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria) – “Russians in Bulgaria (from Russian Old Believers to Soviet Daughters in Low)”
Overview of the Conference, Guidelines for the proceedings, Concluding Remarks

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