Sunday, April 15, 2012

Conference: The Ottoman Empire and World War I, Sarajevo, 16-20 May 2012‏

The Turkish Project at the University of Utah is organizing its third conference on "the Collapse of the Ottoman Empire and World War One" in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, on May 16-20, 2012. The papers from the first conference on the 1877-78 Russo-Ottoman War and its Consequences has been edited by M. Hakan Yavuz and Peter Sluglett and published as War and Diplomacy: The 1977-78 War and the Treaty of Berlin (Salt lake City: University of Utah Press, 2012). The papers from the second conference on the Balkan War is being edited by M. Hakan Yavuz and Isa Blumi (War and Nationalism: The 1912-13 War and the Political Implication (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, in press). This third conference will also be published by the University of Utah Press. If you have any question, please write to M. Hakan Yavuz (

for the program of the conference see - studies project conference iii

The Ottoman Empire and World War I

16-19 may 2012
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosniak Institute <>
and Hollywood Hotel <>

Wednesday, 16 May


Reception and the Keynote Lectures
Bosniak Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation <>
Mula Mustafa Bašeskije 21

Norman Stone, (Bilkent University), "…"

Zafer Toprak, (Boğaziçi University), "The Balkan Defeat, the Question of Identity and the Great War."

Discussant: Hasan Kayalı (UC-San Diago).

Thursday, May 17

Hollywood Hotel
Ulica Dr. Mustafa Pintola broj 23 (387)(0)33773100

8:20-10:20 AM

Panel 1: The Origins of WWI and the Ottoman Road to War

Shoghig Mikaelian and Norrin M. Ripsman, (Corcordia University, Montreal, Canada) "Structural Changes and the Origins of World War I."

Sean McMeekin, (Bilkent University), "Inside the Doomsday Machine: the Great Powers on the Eve of 1914."

Altay Cengizer, (Ambassador, Dublin, Ireland), "The Policies of the Entente Powers towards the Ottoman Empire."

Serhat Güvenç, (Kadir Has University), "A Tale of Two Dreadnoughts: The British Seizure of Reşadiye and Sultan Osman and the Ottoman Decision for War in 1914."

Gün Kut, (Boğaziçi University), "The Black Sea Raid of 29 October 1914 as a Foreign Policy Decision: Collusion or Necessity?


Panel 2: Ideas, Ideologies and Structure vs. Agency

Behlül Özkan, (Marmara University), "From Imperial to National Vatan: Young Turks Between Ottomanism, Islamism, and pan-Turanism."

M. Sait Özervarlı, (Yildiz Teknik Universitesi), "Intellectual Debates among Modern Ottomans during the Constitutional and World War I Periods."

Ahmet Seyhun, (Winnipeg University), "Ottoman Empire on the eve of the First World War: the competing Ideologies and the political struggle on the twilight of the empire."

Ramazan Hakkı Öztan, (University of Utah), "Imperial Borders, Equal Citizens: Social Mobility in the Center and Periphery and Ottoman Nationalism (?)"

Mehmet Arısan, (Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi), "The World War One and The Emergence of a Troubled Modernity."



Panel 3: The European Powers and World War I

Steven Lobell, (University of Utah, USA) "Back Door to Victory: Britain’s Second Front and the War Against the Ottoman Empire and Germany."

Carl Bethke, (University of Tübingen, Germany), "German Foreign Policy and Balkan Muslims in World War I."

Ferenc Pollmann, "The `Ottoman Facor’ of the Austro-Hungarian Balkan Policy Before and During the Great Wars."

Francesco Caccamo, (University of Chieti), "The Ottoman Question at the Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920)."


Panel 4: Ottoman Propaganda and War Efforts

Y. Doğan Çetinkaya (Istanbul University) "Propaganda and Nationalization of the Masses in the Ottoman Empire during and after the Balkan Wars."

Eyal Ginio (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem), "Landscape of Modernity", War and Propaganda in Ottoman Writing during WWI: Presenting the Military Fronts in the Harb Mecmuası."

Bilge Seçkin Çetinkaya (Boğaziçi University), "Staging War: The Ottoman Public Opinion in the World War I and Theater."

Dr. York Norman "Beyond Jihad: Celâl Nuri and Alexander Helphand-Parvus on the Ottoman-German Alliance."

Nurullah Ardıç (Sehir University,Turkey), "World War I and the Caliphate."


Panel 5: Ottoman Empire in the midst of the War

Feroz Ahmad, (Yeditepe University), "The Dilemmas of Young Turk Policy during the l914-1918 War."

Yücel Yiğit, (Balikesir University), "The Activities of Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa in the Middle East During the First World War."

Senadin Musabegović, (Sarajevo University), "The Body in the First World War."

Aydın İdil, (Manas University, Kyrgyzstan), "The Last War of Enver Pasa."

Mehmet Ö. Alkan, (Istanbul University), "The First World War, Education and Textbooks during the Second Constitutional Period in the Ottoman Empire"

Joseph A. Kéchichian, (Peperdine University), "How did the 1912-1913 Balkan Wars radicalize the CUP? An Assessment."


Friday, 18 May

8:20-10:20 AM

Panel 6: Human Scenes of Warfare

Hakan Özoğlu, "Political and Human Landscapes of Anatolia from the View of American Diplomats after World War I."

Aliye Mataracı (International Sarajevo University), "Trading in the Shadow of Wars in a Doomed Empire."

Mehmet Beşikçi (Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Istanbul), "When a Military Problem Became a Social Issue: Desertions and Deserters in the Ottoman Empire in World War I."

Justin McCarthy, (University of Louisville), "Borders and Population Movement Through Maps."

Yücel Yanıkdağ (University of Richmond), "A Missing Paradigm in the Ottoman Great War? The Little Mehmed and War Neuroses."


Panel 7: The Policies of the CUP: Armenian-Turkish Debate I

John Reed (University of Utah) "Modern Counterinsurgency Doctrine and the Ottoman- Armenian Population Reconcentration of 1915-1916"

Ayhan Aktar (Bilgi University, Turkey), "Looking at War from Diyarbekir: Deportations, Massacres, Power Clashes and New Alliances among the local elites, 1914 – 1919."

Tal Buenos (University of Utah), "Beyond Complicity: British Responsibility for the Massacres of Armenians in World War I."

Abdülhamit Kırmızı (Istanbul Şehir University), "Provincial Politics in Eastern Anatolia on the eve of the WWI."

Yektan Türkyılmaz, "Precarious alliances and incendiary opportunities: Politics of war in Van Province on the eve of the great catastrophe, July – November 1914."



Panel 8: War Plans in Eastern Europe

Valerie McGuire, (New York University), "Renewing Colonial Projects of Ottoman territories in/after World War One: Italian Colonial Governance in the Dodecanese Archipelago."

Tamara Scheer, (Andrássy University Budapest) "A reason to break the Rules of Law? The Habsburg’s Occupation policy towards Balkan Muslims during World War I."

Tetsuya Sahara (Meiji University), "Secret Collaboration between the IMRO and the Ottoman Special Force on the Eve of First World War."

Olsi Jazexhi (European University, Florance), "Osmanlis, Epirotes and Albanians: Identity Transformations in Post-Ottoman Albania."


Panel 9: Arab Provinces of the Ottoman Empire

Francesco Mazzucotelli, (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan, Italy), "From Ottoman Lebanon to the French Mandate: Continuity and Invention of a Nation."

Hasan Kayalı, (UC-San Diego), "Ottoman and German Imperial Objectives in Syria during World War I: Synergies and Strains behind the Front Lines."

Peter Sluglett, (Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore), "Arabs and Ottomans before and after World War One: Attempts at a Reassessment."

Orçun Can Okan, (Boğaziçi University) "Narrating Experiences of the World War I: Formation of Arab Perspectives on the WWI through narration in Memoirs."

Recep Boztemur (ODTU) "The Arab Revolt within the WW I: Arab Nationalism and the Formation of the New-Arab State-System."


Panel 10: The Balkans before and during WWI

Emine Tonta Ak, "Ottoman Relations with Austria and Serbia Prior to WWI (1908-1914)."

Dušan T. Bataković, (Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Belgrade), "Serbia, the Kosovo Albanians and the coming of the First Balkan War."

Miroslav Svirčević, (Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts Belgrade),

Fikret Karčić, (Sarajevo University), "Jihad Fatwa in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

Dilsen Ince, (Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi), "Internal Security Issues in the Western Anatolia During the First World War."



Saturday, 19 May

Panel 11: Balkan Historiographies

Amila Kasumović, (Sarajevo University), "Police control over the movement and activities of the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the First World war."

Dalibor Jovanovski, (University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia), "Continuation of Injustice-Macedonian Historiography about the First World War."

Edin Radušić, (Sarajevo University), "The Creation of the Serbian or Yugoslav State – Historiography of Bosnia and Herzegovina and World War I."

Mehmet Hacısalihoğlu, (Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Turkey) "World War I in the Current History Textbooks of the Balkan States."


Panel 12. Armenian-Turkish Debate II

Garabet Moumjian, (UCLA, USA), "Unraveling Reality from Propaganda: CUP-ARF Relations (1909-1914); The ARF 1914 Decision in Erzerum; the Ensuing ARF-CUP Negotiations and the Final Rupture; the Formation of the Armenian Volunteer Units ."

Ramazan Erhan Güllü (Istanbul University), "The Relations between the Ottoman State and the Armenian Patriarchate during World War I."

Oya Gözel, (Middle East Technical University), "The impact of World War I on the social and economic life of Kayseri."

Sevtap Demirci (Bogazici Universitesi, Turkey), "Armenian Question or Eastern Question."

Kemal Çiçek, (Turkish Historical Society), ""Hamdolsun canımız sağdır": Letters from Armenian Deportees in Aleppo."



Panel 13: Ottoman Minorities during WWI

İbrahim Ethem Atnur, "Russian-Kurdish Alliance Before the World War I."

Bülent Özdemir, (Balikesir University), "Leaving Urmiya, Dunsterforce and Hush-hush Push Mission: A Puzzling Story of the Nestorians in the Great War."

Pamela Dorn Sezgin (Gainesville State College), "Greeks, Jews, and Armenians: A Comparative Analysis of Non-Muslim Minorities and Nascent Nationalisms in the Late Ottoman Empire during World War I"

Christopher Gunn (Florida State University) "Getting Away with Murder: Nemesis, The Secret Army and the Justice Commandos, 1921-1984."

Ermin Sinanović, (United States Naval Academy), "Pan-Islamism and the Longing for Palestine: The Fall of the Ottomans and the Emergence of the Pivotal Muslim Issues in the 20th Century and beyond."


Panel 14 : Caucasus and Russia

Georgy Chochiev (Senior Research Fellow, North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies, Vladikavkaz, Russia), "Caucasus-Oriented Activities of the Ottoman Circassians during and after the First World War."

Holly Shissler, (University of Chicago), "Community Rights, National Identity, Imperial Citizenship, and Nation-State: The Politics and Experience of "Awakening" in a Landscape of Revolution and Collapse."

Mustafa Tanrıverdi (Istanbul University) "Russian Military Presence in the Caucasus before the First World One"

Bayram Kodaman, (Manas University, Kyrgyzstan), "The Causes of Urkun: The Genocide of 1916."

Roza Abdykulova, (Manas University, Kyrgyzstan), "The Consequences of Urkun: The Genocide of 1916."


Panel 15: Memories of the War and the Post-War Formations

Kezban Acar, "Constantinople/Istanbul in early 1920s in White Memoirs and Russian Sources."

Serpil Atamaz (TOBB, Ankara), "World War I Through the Eyes of Women."

Asbed Kotchikian, (Bentley University), One City, Two Nations: Tbilisi, World War I and the Making of Independent Georgia and Armenia."

Preston Hughes, (Utah State University), "The lnstitution of Atatürkçülük and Its Influence upon the Development of Democracy in Turkey."

Gencer Özcan and Özüm Arzık (Bilgi University), "The Haunting Memories of the Great War: The Gallipoli Victory Commemorations in Turkey."

Conclusion: Mujeeb R. Khan and Hakan Yavuz

Organized by the Turkish Studies Project of the University of Utah (M. Hakan Yavuz), University of Sarajevo (Edin Radusic and Amir Duranovic), Yildiz Teknik University of Istanbul (Mehmet Hacisalihoglu).

Co-sponsored by the Turkish Historical Society and the Bosniak Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation,

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