Sunday, April 29, 2012

Synthesizing New Forms of Scholarly Communication

Keynote Speaker: Dan Cohen, Associate Professor, Department of History and Art History and Director, Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media at George Mason University

Scholarship and scholarly discussion is increasing occurring outside of the normal channels of scholarly communication, and in new shapes and sizes. Moreover, through social media scholars are able to more rapidly disseminate their work and engage their colleagues and a broader audience. Yet much of this scholarship languishes in these more informal venues. Might it be possible to aggregate, curate, and highlight this content, currently in circulation on blogs and personal, institutional, and conference websites? The PressForward project is exploring methods for filtering and building audiences for this new scholarship that may not fit into the form of an article or monograph. For instance, Digital Humanities Now, one of the PressForward publications, highlights work that has come to the attention of the digital humanities community through distribution via social media and open peer review. Dan Cohen will elaborate on the nature of this new "grey literature," its circulation, and the possible platforms for organizing and distributing it to scholarly communities.


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