Monday, April 23, 2012

Conference: Oikos Young Scholars Economics Academy (Scholarships Available)

The oikos Foundation and The Graduate Institute's Programme for the Study of Global Migration (Geneva) are organizing the oikos Young Scholars Economics Academy on August 19-24, 2012 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The topic is “The Dynamics of Migration”. The Academy provides 15 PhD students and young scholars a global platform to identify and advance rigorous policy-oriented research on migration and its multiple causes and effects.


PhD students and young scholars (recent PhD holders) working on migration topics are eligible to apply.

Application Details

• Application deadline 15 May 2012 • Applicants are notified by 31 May 2012 • Final papers must be received for circulation to academy participants by 15 July 2012

Your application should contain: 

• A proposal abstract of max. 2-3 pages
• A short curriculum vitae,
• A letter of interest in the oikos Young scholars Economics Academy

Scholarships/ Travel and Paper Development Grants
• Up to three grants (travel, fee, and accommodation) are available for outstanding young scholars coming from developing countries.

• A Paper Development Grant will be given to a selected participant, consisting of coaching by a faculty and a 1500 CHF stipend for the recipient to advance her/his work submitted to the academy.

• Two of the best papers selected will be published in the Graduate Institute’s Global Migration Research Paper Series.

Please send your application via email to For more information, please visit our website:

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