Monday, February 20, 2012

PhD - Scholarship: PhD and post-doc positions at Tallinn University‏

Doctoral and post-doctoral positions in social and political science at Tallinn University

Founded in 1995, Tallinn University Institute of Political Science and Governance focuses on four main areas of research:

  • Political Science
  • Governance
  • International Relations and European Studies
  • Economics (public economics, business and entrepreneurship)

It hosts 30 academic staff and 50 PhD students, as well as 200 MA students and it manages two MA fully in English (IR and European Studies) and has been awarded a number of FP7 fundings (Marie Curie, Jean Monnet) of which the most recent is a Marie Curie IRSES on civil society, international assistance and the state in the former USSR.

With the goal of further expand the institute and its research potential we are now seeking to recruit two doctoral and two post-doctoral fellows from any area of political science, sociology or related subjects. Preferences will go to candidates with a geographical focus on the former USSR republics.

Conditions for PhD students (NB It is possible to write a PhD thesis in English and most courses for PhD students are in English)
There are no tuition fees for PhD students and once admitted students have access to a wide range of scholarships. For instance DoRa funding specifically targets foreign students willing to study in Estonia. The institute will assist and support applicants throughout the whole process. For more information see

Please bear in mind that the cost of life in Tallinn is substantially lower than most other European capitals (rooms may be found for 100 less than euro per month, internet is free around most of the city and the great majority of foreign students finds Estonia a very pleasant place to study)

Conditions for post-doctoral positions
Once you have identified a suitable post-doctoral mentor and agreed on the topic we will assist to apply for a grant from the Estonian Science Foundation (ERMOS, Mobilitas or standard grants). Funding covers up to three years of research, decisions are made within 3-4 months and, if funded, post-doctoral fellows will receive a package consisting of

relocation allowance (6500 euro in the first year)
research support expenses (up to 3200 euro every year to attend conferences, buy books etc.)
stipend (1200 euro per month)

NB Living costs in Estonia are considerably lower than in most European countries and once employed by TLU you will have access to a wide range of funding for additional study visits or projects (DoRa, Erasmus etc.)

If interested and want to discuss a topic, please feel free to contact your potential mentor directly. A list the institute's staff is available at
NB each staff has a link to ETIS, which is the Estonian database of all researchers and it is possible to switch to the English version to visualise research interests and publication of each member of our staff

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