Thursday, February 2, 2012

Workshop: “Intercultural Dialogue in Theory and Practice in SEE”, Maribor 28 February 2012, info regarding ASO Ljubljana‏

The Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research – on behalf of which ASO Ljubljana had operated - decided not to extend funding for ASO Ljubljana beyond 2011 in order to have resources available for new initiatives and policy instruments in the field of international scientific cooperation.

Although ASO Ljubljana does not exist anymore, there are two activities left from ASO Ljubljana’s work program which will be carried out by the Centre for Social Innovation by the end of February:
1. a workshop on “Intercultural Dialogue in Theory and Practice in SEE” in
Maribor/Slovenia on 28th of February (contact: Miroslav Polzer, and
2. a publication on "Changing Identities in South Eastern Europe: Between
Europeanisation, Globalisation, Regionalisation and Nationalism” based on the 5th ASO Ljubljana Call
(contact: Hanna Scheck,


The International Workshop “Intercultural Dialogue in Theory and Practice in SEE”

will be held at the

venue: Rectorate of University of Maribor

date: on 28th of February 09.00 – 17.00h

in the context of the fact that Maribor is European Cultural Capital in the year 2012

The workshop will bring together experts/researchers on intercultural dialogue from Austria, Slovenia and SEE countries (with a focus on communication, education and sustainable development in cities) who will elaborate on possibilities to evaluate and improve intercultural dialogue policies and programs in Southeast Europe based on experience gained in the context of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and SEE Regional Action plan of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAoC) (having in mind also the fact that UNAoC Annual Forum 2013 is going to be held in Austria).

Another field of interest of the workshop will be the role of intercultural dialogue as key element of sustainable development in cities with a link to Ljubljana Forum on the Future of Cities and potentials for providing specific SEE input to UN Conference on Sustainable Development Rio+20 which will take place in June 2012.

Partners of the event:

- European Center Maribor
- Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO

If you would like to participate in this workshop (travel and accommodation costs can be partly covered by the organizer), please send an informal email indicating your references regarding the subject and objectives of the workshop as well as a suggestion for a 15 minutes presentation to

Miroslav Polzer
Tel.: +386 (0) 1 5684168 (office); +43 (0) 664 4203648 (mobile); - Address: Dunajska 104, SI-1000 Ljubljana/Slovenia

Note: former head of ASO Ljubljana, Mr. Miroslav Polzer will work till
end of February for Centre for Social Innovation on organizing the workshop “Intercultural Dialogue in Theory and Practice in SEE” (see info above).
For the time after March 2012 he is working on establishing a network of “Global Challenges Centers” in SEE countries which will serve as nuclei for local and regional multi-stakeholder partnerships (including diaspora) for knowledge based sustainable development with global networking (some basic elements of this network have been developed and presented recently at a workshop with RCC and UNESCO Venice Office in Sarajevo The carrier organization for these efforts is the “International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)”, registered in Klagenfurt/Austria.

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