Monday, February 13, 2012

Summer School: UCSIA summer school on "Religion, Culture and Society", Antwerp, 26 August - 2 September 2012‏

We would like to draw your attention to the *call for applications* for the
2012 *UCSIA summer school on "Religion, Culture and Society". *This summer
school is a one-week course taking place from Sunday 26 August until
Sunday 2 September (dates of arrival and departure). This year the
programme will focus on the topic of *Secularism(s) and Religion in Society

It is evident that religion, culture and society are strongly interwoven
and are crucial for understanding the contemporary world. With
globalization touching all aspects of our lives, religion(s) and culture(s)
have to understand their position in this complex globalizing process. It
is the aim of the interdisciplinary UCSIA summer school to better
understand the dynamic interplay between the macro- and micro-social
developments concerning religion that take place in much of the
contemporary world.

Guest lecturers are *Rajeev Bhargava* (Centre for the Study of Developing
Societies, Delhi), *Peggy Levitt *(Wellesley College), *Robert W.
Hefner*(Boston University) and John Hutchinson *(London School of Economics).

Practical details:

Participation and stay for young scholars and researchers are free of
charge. Participants should pay for their own travel expenses to Antwerp.

You can submit your application via the electronic
the summer
school website <>. The completed file as
well as all other required application documents must be submitted to the
UCSIA Selection Committee not later than Sunday 15 April 2012.* ***** ** For
further information regarding the programme and application procedure,
please have a look at our website:

Please help us to *distribute* this call for application among PhD students
and postdoctoral scholars who might be interested in applying for this
summer school.

For all further information, do not hesitate to contact us on the address
Best regards,

Sara Mels

Project coordinator

Prinsstraat 14
B-2000 Antwerp
Tel. +32 (0)3 265 45 99
Fax +32 (0)3 707 09 31

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