Monday, February 13, 2012

Conference: AHA Panel on Yugoslav regionalism, AHA, New Orleans, 3-6 January 2013‏

The theme of the conference is "Lives, Places, Stories". The panel will
examine the ways in which various individuals approached the Yugoslav
project through a regionalist perspective (please see below for a
draft of the panel abstract). We are looking for a third presenter and
a chair. For reasons of gender balance, both must be female. If anyone
is interested please contact me at
Our application must be submitted by 15 February.
James Robertson

Grappling with Yugoslavia: From the national to the regional (and back again?)
The end of World War I and the establishment of the first Yugoslav
state in 1918 starkly posed a problem with which the Twentieth Century
continued to grapple: how to bring together and manage an ethnically
diverse population within the framework of the nation state?
Attempting to resolve the tensions that grew out of the Yugoslav
project in the interwar period, intellectuals, politicians and writers
from the whole political spectrum and various ethnic backgrounds,
articulated conceptions of the community that prioritized the regional
over the national and that complemented or, at times, even remodeled
the official state policy in that matter. Using a wide variety of
sources such as political writings, magazine articles, novels and
personal papers of several interwar Yugoslav public figures, this
panel will examine how their personal life stories and their various
attempts to approach the 'national question' from a regional
perspective intersected.

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